Tristan's POV
I was not ready to have the conversation about the accident with Cris. I know that Elona only means well, but I'm just not ready yet. I sucked in a breath as I heard them laughing down the hallway. I was standing at the dining room table, packing my files into my laptop bag that I had spread out on the table earlier. I am supposed to give them a ride to school, but David called me earlier and said that he wanted to drop Elona at school himself because he wanted to take her for breakfast before he goes away for a two-day meeting. When I heard that, I was excited because I could go to her house and have my way with her.
"Good morning, Dad," Cris smiled as she walked to the kitchen counter and grabbed an apple from the fruit bowl. Elona smiled at me, and she looked so f^cking good in that check skirt, just above her knees. Her pink top was tucked into the skirt. I want to f^ck her in that. "Are you going to give us a ride to school?" I looked away from Elona, clearing my throat.
"No, I need you to stay behind. There is something that I need to talk to you about." I moved my gaze to Elona, "Elona, your dad wants to take you for breakfast this morning, so he will get you here," she furrowed her brows, remaining silent.
"This sounds serious," Cris said as she approached the dining table.
"It is serious," I replied as I took my laptop bag and placed it on the ground. I stood up straight, Elona was holding the strap of her backpack that hung over her shoulder.
"What have I done now, Dad?" Cris sighed.
"Nothing. I just need to talk to you," there was a car that honked its horn.
"That must be my dad, see you at school. Goodbye, Mr Crane," Elona said. I didn't want her to leave. Her perfume lingered where she was standing. It filled my nostrils. I need to know what scent she is wearing because I love it.
I snapped out of my thoughts and pulled a chair out from the table, I took a seat and Cris did the same, sitting across from me. She clasped her hands in front of her on the table. "So, what is it?" she asked, her brows furrowed.
I shifted in the chair and cleared my throat. "This may not be easy, but there is something else that you should know about the accident that involved your mother," I said, looking at her. "Your mother was pregnant at the time of the accident. She was early in her pregnancy, and we didn't tell anyone about it yet. We wanted to wait until it was the right time. That night it was storming, she was bleeding so much in the accident and...just thinking about your sibling that we were losing. It was like such a huge punch to my gut, as if something was ripping my heart out as your mother died and that precious little baby." tears welled up in my eyes, that hurt was back in full force. My tears spilled over and ran down my cheeks. "I kept this a secret because I didn't want you to know. No one else knew about it besides your mom and I," I wiped my tears away with the back of my hand. I was not going to tell her that Elona also knows. "I am sorry that I didn't tell you. It's just so painful with all that had happened that day. I didn't know how you would take this information," I looked at her to see her reaction, but she just stared at nothing.
She swallowed, "I found the ultrasound in your study room, and I left it on the desk by accident. I usually go to that section of the house when I miss mom. I wanted to work on my SNT over there in hopes that mom would be closer to me. I rummaged through your drawer and found it. I was not sure whose ultrasound it was, but I saw the date on it. It still didn't make any sense to me until now. Is that... Is that the-"
"Yes, that is your deceased sibling," I replied. She looked down at the table. "I'm sorry that I haven't told you sooner."
"I get it now. That time when mom died, you were sobbing uncontrollably when you thought I was asleep at night. You were so broken, and I understand now, it was because we lost them both. I have wanted a sibling so badly since I was young. I was begging you both, and just when you both were going to have another child, that accident happened, and I am so sorry for pestering you all the time for a sibling," she looked at me with sadness in her eyes.
"As long as you know about it now. I don't want you to feel bad about it. It is a sensitive topic for me. I know that you need to soak all of this in, and it will take some time. But I do not want another kid and I hope that you understand that," I said.
She nodded, "I understand," she replied. She reached out to me and placed her hand on mine. "We will be fine," she gave a small smile as her eyes glazed over. "Thank you for having this chat with me, Dad. Now, I need to get to school. I will be going with Elona somewhere after school today." she said as she pulled her hand away.
"Just let me know when you both are home. I have to sort out the hacking thing that is going on at work," I said as I got up and she did the same.
"Is that still not solved yet?" she asked as she slung her backpack strap over her shoulder.
"No. We hit a dead end, and now it's back to investigating it," I said as I took my laptop bag and car keys, and then we left.
Once in the car, I wished that Elona had been with us, but David had his own plan this morning. "Would you ever go with us to a photoshoot for Elona in the week?" she asked.
"Where will it be?" I asked. Immediately, my heart beat wildly in my chest. I was not happy about this.
"It will be at Dakota Agency. Spooky will be joining us too."
"That son of a b^tch," I muttered under my breath as I held my gaze on the road ahead.
Cris chuckled beside me in the passenger seat, "Why is Spooky such a problem? The poor dude has done nothing but be respectful. But I love to see how his presence just makes you go crazy, Dad."
"Just watch your mouth,., I don't want to hear anything about him," I said through clenched teeth, but that only made her laugh harder. I don't find it funny at all.
"Fine, Dad. But you cannot avoid him for long though. I know you will be at the photoshoot because you love Elona as you know, so you will definitely be there to protect her. I know you, Dad, you are always one to protect the ones that you love and when you genuinely care about someone. That says a lot about your character. But please, stop checking my best friend out, I see the way you check her out, and it is just weird."
I couldn't believe what I heard, but at least she doesn't know about Elona and me. I have to be more discreet about it when it comes to Elona and sneaking around. I admit that what I did last night, f^cking Elona in her bedroom, was too risky, I cannot do such a thing again. But Elona just drives me crazy. She makes me do crazy things.
"Trust me, I don't have that sort of eyes for her. I am protecting her, that is all," I replied. I don't know if that was a good enough reply. I need her to be distracted from that.
"Fine," she said as she scrolled through her phone.
Finally, we pulled up at the school. I was relieved when she got out of the car because I needed to breathe again. I loosened my tie because that moment was so close to her being suspicious enough to know the truth. She is noticing, she can be one hell of an investigator just like her mother, but I have to keep my sh^t together until Elona graduates. I don't know how she will actually react, but now it will be too soon for this to get out. I can't have her telling David either. There is still half a year to go and it feels so d^mn long. I want to have my way with Elona and to have our freedom. But I have to control myself much more than I am now. It will work out for us better if there is control from myself.
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