Nala was very smart and skillful, he thought he should spend more time with her, understand how these women think. Although he was not a monk at all, because he knew life as a man, and he had met a few women, Iris seemed to go beyond the patterns he knew and did not understand why.
He went back to the fortress to get her armor, just like a servant. Of course, he was mad about it, of course, he was, but what else could he have done after just yelling at her that she is the reason Tianu died?? Of course, she had the right to hit him, even if he did not agree with her at that moment, but she reacted to his words just like any child would react, hitting the person who would hurt them. Did he hurt her? Wait... he hurt her!!! Now that was unbelievable, how the heck can he win her trust ……
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