-What are you doing here? the king asked in cold voice.
-Looking around, the Royal Blood said.
-At what?
-At things I need to know.
The king looked at the heir before him and then at the guard behind her and his eye narrowed.
-And did you find what you need to know?
The Royal Blood looked around still at the iron bars keeping the prisoners inside the cells.
-Not yet sure, Lord. I wonder... have you ever been behind this kind of bars?
-Why would I be behind bars?
-To see if it can be escaped.
-What nonsense is this? the king looked like he was losing his temper but he suddenly relaxed. Is this what are you trying to find?
The Royal Blood looked at him and thought about it for only a little while, only to play along with his idea, in order to hide the deeds she had done.
-If one day, t……
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