The young Navi, the Royal Blood, and the boy behind the Royal Blood left the throne room together and head to the garden on the top of the cliff.
-Where have you been?? I've been looking all over for you two!!!
-Why? the Royal Blood interrupted him with a cold voice and searching within his soul with the deadliest coldest eyes he had ever met.
-Why??? because you were lost to the world, that's why!!!
-And you wanted to find us for the world?? the Royal Blood again asked.
-No!!! Navi turned to Tianu. Is me! Your parents are... he stopped in the middle of the sentence realizing that they were not alone but in the presence of the Warchild Royal Blood and he had to take good care of what could he say in front of her.
-Speak free... I don't hide from Iris, he heard Tian……
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