Ignoring the king of the Moutai people, Baka already made his position known to the world, addressing only to Iris.
-I came to meet you when I heard ...
-There was no need. You were told what you needed to do, Iris cut him off, not wanting to give her husband too much information.
-I learned, Baka said. I learned a lot about these lands and the history. About our house ... his gaze on Iris made Sei boil with rage inside. King Dai Hu was equally uneasy, for he felt in the air the danger emanating from the stranger, and his gaze fixed on his queen aroused in him not very comfortable emotions.
-And what do you want? Iris asked rudely as he introduced himself.
-I came to see with my own eyes what the whispers of the War Council say.
-And what do these whispers say?
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