Sei left her and headed south. He needed to put some space between them. He was hoping that her dragon would be able to reconnect with her and inform her about who he was for her. In the meantime, all he could do was get away for a while and cool off.
In the Coven, things were not really like when he left. When he left, he was to be the next Master Monk. He was nobody now. He was just some man who left the Coven and he was a monk no more. He was now the Shield of the king of the shadows. Well, not just a nobody. He was the Shield of the most powerful kingdom in the world.
In the Coven, he was taken to the Master Monk to give the report.
-Well? What do you have to report, brother?
-Nothing extraordinary, Master monk. But there is a situation. As you know by now, the king of th……
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