“Don't you think this is too much?” I had asked my aunty who was busy gushing over how much I look beautiful.
“It's not too much Rebecca, this is your first time going out in years, so I think it's only fair you make a statement,” she said excitedly, before walking out to go check on my son who was already asleep.
I smiled as I took a good look at myself in the mirror, I looked stunning in the diamond-studded sea-green evening dress I was in, my makeup was lightly done, and my hair was styled into big body wave curls and made to flow down each side of my shoulders.
I looked super glamorous, just the way I loved it.
It's been over three years since Sebastian first called to ask me to go out on a date with him, but I have been turning down his request, the reason being that I felt I was ……
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