My older sister called me frantic. Said she needs me. Now. I have no idea what the hell is going on, but I know it can't be good.
My journey back home was long. I had been in London for a while, hunting down some info Pops wanted me to get. It was a secret mission. Lydia thought I was just living my best life hanging out with friends.
I pulled into the driveway that lead to the school. The Anderson school sits deep in the woods. I stared at the giant mansion of a school as I pulled up.
The Anderson School.
This is the place I grew up. Memories came flooding back of my childhood as I pulled onto another drive that lead to my sisters house. I don't hate this place, but I'm not particularly happy to be back either.
The years have taken a tole on me. I look like I'm in my early twenty's, but I'm actually 30. I've spent more than 16 years fighting battles, and going on missions. My body is in great shape, but my soul is exhausted. It doesn't help that I still haven't met my mate.
As I parked the car, and got out, I grabbed my bag from the back. I'm begaining to wonder what the point to life even is anymore. Right as the thought registered in my head my nieces Aureaila and Atiana came running out of the house yelling for me.
"Aunt Lenny! Aunt Lenny!" Aureaila yelled as she jumped in my arms making me drop my duffle bag.
Atiana hugged my legs, and I can see their little brother Ambrose waddle out.
I hugged Aureaila with one arm and squeezed Atiana's head with my other.
"Hi Sweet and Sour. I certainly hope the two of you have been giving your parents hell."
Aureaila giggled as I set her on her feet.
"Course we have Auntie." She said.
Putting her small hand around her mouth she whispered, "Ambrose is the worst though. He pooped on Daddy's lap yesterday."
Then she erupted in a fit of giggles.
Atiana hasn't said a word though.
"What about you kid?" I asked.
Atiana just shrugged her little shoulders, and looked at me with her black eyes. A lot of us can tell that she's different from most kids. Her eyes hold little emotion. Luckily, I happen to know just how to make her laugh. I grabbed both her wrists, and lifted her arms in the air.
"Ahh! What are you doing Aunt Lenny?" Tia asked.
Looking at Aureaila I said, "Get her Relly!"
Relly attacked, tickling her little sister relentlessly. Atiana laughed uncontrollably while yelling at us to stop. That's when their mother decided to interrupt.
"Okay guys, that's enough. Lennon." Lydia looked me straight in my eyes.
I ushered the girls inside, and they lead me to the kitchen. My other sister Lavinna is cooking over the stove, and our brother Liam is sitting at the table talking with Kasyn. I gave Lydia a curious look.
All of us are here? I asked them all through our mind link.
Liam looked up at me, and Lavinna had paused her back still to me. Lydia was the one that answered me.
I need all of you.
I raised my eyebrow at her. For what Lydia?
Lydia stared me down. Her eyes have so much sadness it spiked my anxiety. What the hell is going on?
Lydia didn't answer me. Instead, going to help Lavinna finish dinner. I opened a mindlink with Liam.
Do you have any idea what's going on?
Nope. Lydia hasn't told any of us, but whatever it is, it's bad. I've been here for two days Len, and neither of them have slept much.
That doesn't sound good Lenny. My wolf Reika said.
No it doesn't.
The fact that Lydia called us all here is worrisome in itself. This has to be something really big, or she would of just called me. I'm the most powerful out of the four of us.
Usually, it'ss the first born that is the most powerful on our Witch side. But our mother was born an anomaly. She was a Tribrid. Making the rest of us Tribrids. The truth is, none of us know the rules for all of this. Never have.
We found out I had the most power when I was in highschool. I am the youngest out of all of my siblings, and Lydia is the oldest. Years ago, we had a huge monster problem. I stopped all of them with the darkness inside of me. No one looked at me the same after that. Not even Mom. Liam was the only one that not once ever feared me.
My thoughts were interrupted when the worlds cutest one year old grabbed onto my jeans. I looked down to see a smiling Ambrose. He reached his arms up, and I picked him up setting him on my lap.
Just then we all heard the loud whails of the twins Lydia just had. Werewolf pregnancies only last around 5 months. Apparently, my sister plans to have many since she just keeps having them back to back.
Lydia and Kasyn got up shuffling to the twins bedroom. Little Acaisia and Akari. I chuckled lowly to myself. It must be fun having so many little ones around. Never a dull moment here.
"Girls, come sit dinner is done." Lavinna called to them.
Relly and Tia came barreling in grabbing their seats on either side of me. Liam came over to me, and took Ambrose to put him in his high chair.
We ate for a few minutes before Lydia and Kasyn returned each had a baby in hand. The twins are about two months old now so they are still quite little.
My sister and her husband sat down at the table and Lavinna sat a plate in front of each of them. Kasyn opened his mouth to say something, but Lavinna held up her hand to stop him.
"The two of you need to eat." She said sternly.
Lavinna grabbed the twins from their parents, and took them to the living room. The two older girls made conversation during the whole dinner while the adults ate silently.
After dinner, I played with all my nieces and my nephew for a little while. Liam, Lavinna, and I all took an older kid to their beds as their parents took the twins. We tucked all the kids in, and then met back up in the kitchen.
Lavinna is making a pot of coffee for all of us. She's always the mother of our group. Only two years older than me, but acts like she's 50. All of my siblings have met their mates as well. I'm surprised Lavinna didn't bring her mate, or their three kids.
When I had asked her about it she said Asher had Alpha business, and with how Lydia sounded, she thought it was best to come alone. Liam said his Alpha had sent his mate on an important mission before Lydia had even called him. I was disappointed by that. Nick is seriously the funniest person ever. It wasn't surprising that he ended up being Liam's mate.
The rest of our little group showed up just as Lavinna was pouring coffee into five cups. We all sat around the table in silence for a few minutes.
"Okay, I can't take it anymore. What the f**k is going on Lydia? You're freaking us all out." I said.
All eyes settled on the couple. Lydia took a deep shaky breath, and blew it out hard.
"You guys know how strong, and powerful my kids are going to be. We are already something this world has never seen. Now they're going to be something not only this world, but the Underworld has ever known. A few months ago, someone came to see Pops demanding a meeting with Kasyn and me." She said.
I frowned.
"We set up a meeting with the man. His name is Malik. He's a very powerful demon. Rivaling Pops' power. There had been word floating around in Hell that he had intentions to challenge Pops for his position." Lydia said.
"Pops is the Devil. No one can just take him down." I said.
Unbelievable. Pops is a million times stronger than me. Who would be stupid enough to take him on?
Lydia looked me in the eyes.
"You have no idea the power he's managed to gather. He has the ability to absorb others power. He's killed a lot of other powerful demons, and took on their power. Pops has been trying to reason with him for years. Malik won't listen though. Just keeps saying the Morningstar's have too much power." She paused to take a shaky breath, and wipe her tears.
Guy sounds like he has a power problem.
Kasyn grabbed Lydia's hand, and gave it a light squeeze.
"When Malik wanted to meet with us we immediately thought it was a trap. We took precautions, but what he had to say wasn't what we were expecting." Kasyn said looking at his mate.
"Well, what did he say?" Lavinna asked.
I have a bad feeling about this.
Kasyn took a deep breath. "He said he wanted to make peace. He wouldn't attack our family."
"Isn't that good?" Liam asked.
Lydia tucked her face in her mates chest trying to hide the stream of tears running down her face. Kasyn wrapped his arms around her, and placed her on his lap before answering.
"He had one condition." He visibly winced. "His condition is that we sign a contract marrying off our oldest daughter to his oldest son."
The room went still, all you can hear are Lydia's soft cries.
"You told him to f**k off right? That's why we're all here? To fight I'm guessing." I asked.
Kasyn and Lydia refused to meet my eyes.
"You didn't actually agree to this did you?" I asked incredulously.
Again, they refused to answer, or even look at me.
I'm livid. How dare they marry off their daughter!
"How could you two do this to her?! You both know how precious the mate bond is! Are you really going to strip your own daughter of that? No. I'll fight this asshole myself." I shouted.
I am not going to let my niece give up on her mate.
Kasyn slammed his fist on he table with a loud bang.
"You don't understand! A war with Malik would be a war of Gods practically. Many innocent lives would be lost." He said.
"All at risk of your daughter." I spat at him.
Kasyn's eyes darkened, and so did mine. They can't ask me to help them with this. All I ever wanted was to find my mate. I will not be a part of taking Aureaila's from her.
"That's enough Lennon!" Lydia yelled. "We aren't finished."
I looked at my sister, and waited for her to continue.
"We agreed with one catch. If Aureaila meets her mate first, the marriage is off, and they have to keep to their truce. Malik agreed with the stipulation that none of us are allowed to search her mate out." She said.
"So, lemme get this straight. This Malik guy wants Aureaila to marry his son. If she meets her mate, the marriage is off. None of us are allowed to interfere with fate." Liam summed up.
"Yes." Lydia replied softly.
"How do you know he won't go back on his word?" Lavinna asked.
"We all signed a blood oath. Not even the Moon Goddess can break it. Not with the power we all have." Lydia said.
"How much time do we have?" I asked getting to the point.
Lydia looked at me. The sadness in her eyes is breaking my heart.
"Until Aureaila's 21st birthday."
"That's plenty of time to come up with something right?" Liam asked.
"There's more." Lydia said.
She looked each of us in the eye before she continued.
"Obviously we haven't told Aureaila about any of this. She did something neither of us even thought was possible."
A small smile formed on my sisters lips. We are all waiting on bated breath for her to continue.
"Aureaila found her mate."
All of our eyes went wide.
"I know Relly has shifted, but how could she have possibly found her mate?" I asked.
"She created a spell. That little girl is so much more powerful than even you Lenny. She's been teleporting to see him almost every night after she thinks we're asleep. I caught her about a month ago. She doesn't know I know." Lydia said.
"How is this a bad thing? She found her mate." Lavinna said.
I know though.
"Aureaila broke the rules of the contract." I said.
Lydia nodded once. "I tried every spell I could to make her forget about him so she'd stop going to see him. None of them worked. She has too much power already. If we can make her forget though, then we can hide it. They will meet later. Before her 21st birthday."
"Alright. What's the plan?" Liam asked.
We sat around the table for a couple more hours coming up with a plan. Tomorrow we will follow through. It's very clear that in order for this to work Aureaila will have to preform the spell with us. She's too powerful, even with all of us combined.
The next day when we brought Relly into her dads office, we told her what we were going to do. Really is usually a well behaved, and happy child. Today, right now, she threw a tantrum that I certainly wasn't expecting.
Its a good thing none of us can really die. Relly threw the room in shambles. Pops and I were stabbed, and hit with several different items in the room. Lydia and Kasyn shielded their daughter as glass windows shattered. I was the only one able to calm Relly down. She doesn't understand why we are doing this, but I told her to have faith in the mate bond.
They will find each other again.
After the spell was performed I took Aureaila up to bed. Lydia and Kasyn had to go talk with the boys parents. He has to forget as well. Shouldn't be as hard getting him to forget. He might be the son of the Lycan King, but they have nothing on us Anderson's.
I tucked Relly in, and laid on her bed with her cuddled up. She hasn't stopped crying this whole time. They are silent tears. I couldn't begin to imagine what she's feeling at this point.
"Why don't you tell me about him as you fall asleep?"
Just as I'd hoped a smile spread across Relly's little face. She started telling me about her mate, Ryce. It took a total of one minute, and 32 seconds before she fell asleep. I lay with her for a few minutes before tears started to leave my eyes.
It was bad enough growing up the way we did. Nothing is ever easy for an Anderson. All we are doing, is passing that down to them now. I looked at Really sleeping peacefully next to me. A moment later the bathroom door that connected the girls rooms opened up. Tia popped her head around the door, and our eyes connected.
"Sorry Aunt Lenny." Tia whispered as she turned around to leave back to her room
"Wait. Do you wanna come sleep with us?"
Tia nodded, her little waves bouncing messily around her. She ran over to me, and I placed her on the other side of Aureaila. Its a good thing these kids have big beds.
Atiana cuddled up with her sister, and was out in less than five minutes. My little Sweet and Sour. Aureaila is the sweetest little kid I've ever met. She hadi a kindness that radiates from within her. You can never not be happy around her.
Atiana has little emotions. Her parents fear she can't feel anything, but I know better. I can see it in her eyes. She has emotions, they're just hard to come by. Tia is the most blunt kid I've ever known. They balance each other well.
Slowly enough, sleep had claimed me too.
~ 16 years later... ~
I walked through The Anderson school to the head office. It's quiet right now with all the kids just waking up for school. Atiana mind linked me, and asked me to come see her. That kid never sleeps I swear. She's lucky I never do either.
As I walked to Tia's office I passed two large male wolves. Their eyes connected with mine. One gave a curt nod, and the other smiled warmly. I smiled back as we passed each other. Walking up to the door, I debated on knocking.
Nah, f**k that, she's my niece.
I walked in, and shut the door behind me. Atiana is sitting behind the desk her head in her hands. s**t, I should of brought us coffee. Tia's long light blonde hair fell in long waves around her. She's wearing black leggings with a plain white T-shirt.
I cleared my throat. "Good morning sunshine."
Tia looked up when I greeted her. Her black eyes look tired. Poor kid. She's doing a great job taking over her mother's position. Running the school, and the BOC is what Tia was made to do.
Having little emotions made her perfect for fixing, or handling situations. I know her better though. It's draining on her just like it was on my mother, and hers. The only way it got better for them, was when they had found their mates.
Tia doesn't believe she has one though. I highly f*****g doubt that. She's too good a person to not be blessed. Even if they do call her the Soulless.
"Morning Aunt Lenny." Tia sighed heavily, and looked down at the papers on her desk.
She looks like she needs a nap.
"Have you slept at all Sour?" I asked.
Atiana snapped her head up, and glared at me.
"I am not sour." She stated.
"Course not." I smiled bright, and Tia glared harder.
"Aunt Lenny, I need to tell you something." She said.
I crossed my arms. "Sounds serious."
Tia stood, and walked to the huge window behind her desk. She looked out at the school grounds for a few minutes before she spoke.
"The Blood Moon pack sent two members to come, and ask us a favor. Well, they came with money, so its more of an offer." She said.
The Blood Moon pack is the pack Aureaila's mate belongs to.
"Seems the packs across the country are having a very strange rouge problem. They want me to send a team of our best warriors out." She finished, and turned to face me.
"Okay, so, are you asking me who you should send?" I asked confused.
What is Atiana really getting at?
"Aunt Lenny, I need to confide in you." She paused to take a deep breath. Locking her eyes onto mine she said, "I know that the current Lycan King is Aureaila's mate."
My eyes went wide.
"Atiana what are you talking about?" Was my lame attempt to play dumb.
Tia rolled her eyes. "I know Aunt Lenny. I might not know how, or why she forgot, but I know about him. She told me about him the night before she forgot."
I sighed. "Why didn't you tell any of us?"
"No one ever asked." She replied flatly.
I frowned. This f*****g kid.
"You can't tell anyone you know Atiana, you have no idea-"
"I know Aunt Lenny. Like I said, I don't know what happened, but I knew enough to keep my mouth shut. I won't say anything." She said.
I blew air out of my mouth dramaticly.
"Okay, so you know. What exactly are you asking my advice on Tia?"
"Do you think I should send Aureaila? I have no idea what's going on with them. No idea what parts all of you played in it, or why." She said.
I thought for a moment. "Do you think Aureaila would be best for the mission?"
Tia stared at me with as blank expression.
"Aureaila is fit for all missions. There are others that could easily handle this. Can I really pass up this opportunity with what I know though?" She asked.
Atiana looks lost in thought, a worried expression on her face. This is exactly what I meant when I said she does have emotions. Its hard as hell to work your way into that little black heart of hers, but when you do...
I put my hand on Tia's shoulder. She's just as tall as me now at 5'6.
"Listen. Your knowledge, and my advice have to stay a secret." I said.
Atiana nodded.
"We are going to send Aureaila. You're going to say they requested your best team, and paid the right price for it. Buy the school something large, and showy to prove it. We won't tell Aureaila anything. We will send Ambrose too. Who else were you thinking?"
A small smile formed on Atiana's lips.
"If we send the right people, I was thinking a five man team would suffice. Aureaila, Ambrose, Ridley, -"
I snorted. "You're going to send Ridley with Relly?"
Tia smirked at me. "They tend to get into trouble together I know. I think it'll be fun for them." Her smile grew.
"Okay, who are you, and what have you done with the Souless?" I teased.
"I just have a gut feeling it'll work out. I'm also sending Avery and Simon. Avery is a powerful fae who has a thing for spotting teleportation rips. They can't figure out how the rouges are getting onto their territory. She should be able to help immensely with that. And Simon is a demon of sorts. Dabbles more in the darker side of things. Honestly, I'm not too sure the extent of his power, but he's lively, and trustworthy. Having him will bring balance to the team."
"Sounds like you have it all figured out Tia. What'd you even need me for?" I laughed.
Atiana checked the time on her phone. Her eyes glazed over as she mind linked someone.
"I just asked Acaisia and Akari to wake Aureaila up to come here. I'm sure she'll take her sweet ass time. I linked the others too, and asked them to meet me in my office in an hour."
"Sounds like we have time for coffee." I wrapped my arm around my nieces shoulders, and lead her out of her office.
The school is bustling with kids now. Guess we talked longer than I thought. Many of the students greeted Atiana as we walked through the school to the kitchen. Tia greeted all of them back by name with no expression on her face. This kid can't be serious.
How can she be so caring, yet so unfazed?
She's going to meet her mate soon I think. Reika said.
You think so? I asked.
Just a feeling.
Well we are usually right about those. I said.
We entered the kitchen, and went straight to the expresso machine. The Andersn School has many fancy things. It started out much smaller than it is now. After my mom opened it to all supernatural creatures, it grew rapidly. Now, it's home to many kids.
The kitchen is huge with a large island in the middle. The walls were made of dark wood, and white paint. Lights hung from the ceiling, and there are three fans above them. There are eight black glossy stoves all side by side, five glossy black ovens built into the two walls, and a huge walk in fridge, and freezer.
Have to put the blood bags somewhere.
Atiana handed me a cup, and I made my cappuccino. I took my first drink, and nearly choked on it when the double doors swung open.
"There you are!!" Belle stormed up to Tia, and grabbed her shoulders. "Spill it girl. I heard the Lycan King sent two people to talk to you."
I chuckled.
Belle is Atiana's best friend. She's the complete opposite of Tia. Belle radiates energy. A little too much if you ask me. She has honey blonde hair that she keeps very long, and usually in some kind of braid.
Today it's braided in one single French braid down her back lined with flowers. Real flowers. Belle turned, and noticed me for the first time. Her golden eyes went wide.
"Oh my Goddess, I'm so sorry Lennon I didn't see you there."
A light blush swept across Belle's cheeks. She's such a sweetheart. I hear most Wood Nymphs are though.
"Its okay Belle. Please just call me Lenny." I said.
Belle smiled brightly, and I couldn't help the smile that spread across my face.
"I can't tell you what they were here for exactly. I'll just say that I'm sending a team there to help out." Tia said.
Belle gave Atiana an irritated look.
"That's fascinating, and all, but I was actually wondering if they were hot, and single." She said making me snort.
"How should I know?" Atiana said with a blank face.
Belle scoffed. "You didn't ask?"
"Nope. Don't care." Tia said flatly.
"You'll care soon." Belle mumbled under her breath.
"What was that?" Tia asked.
"Oh nothing Tia. Just ya know, remember to be nice." Belle said.
Atiana and I gave Belle a look. She just laughed us off, and said she had to get going.
"Well, that was weird." I said as we stared at the door both wondering what the f**k that was about.
"Yeah, she's been acting really weird lately." Atiana shrugged, and started back for her office.
She knows Atiana's mate is coming soon. Reika said.
Hmm, that's interesting. I hope I'm around to see it.
When we got back to Tia's office she sat down at her desk, and I leaned on the window behind her. This school has changed so much since I was a kid. I'm lost in though when there was a knock on the door.
"Come in." Atiana called out.
Ambrose opened the door, and smiled at us. "Hey sis. Aunt Lenny I didn't know you were here."
Ambrose came to hug me, and kissed his sister on the top of her head.
"So what's up?" He asked.
"I'm sending you on a mission with a five man team. The others should be here soon." Tia replied.
Five minutes later, Avery showed up. A few minutes after her, Simon had come. It was another half an hour before Ridley, and Aureaila came storming through the door.
They didn't even knock. Aureaila is breathing heavy, and Ridley is trying hard not to laugh. Relly looked at her sister then to me. I raised my eyebrow trying not to laugh at her flustered appearance.
"Sorry I'm late. I'm here now though." Relly stood up higher, and straightened her shirt.
Ridley had a hand over her mouth desperately trying to keep her giggling under control.
Atiana sighed loudly. "I have a mission for the five of you. Aureaila will be the team captain for this mission."
"Nice." Simon said to Aureaila winking at her.
Relly turned her attention to her sister completely ignoring Simon.
"Cool. Where we going?" She asked.
"To the mountains in California. The Blood Moon pack has requested our help." Tia said.
Aureaila scrunched her face up. "You're sending us to the Lycan King?"
Atiana nodded.
I can't keep the smile from my face. We were all starting to worry about Aureaila's future. Her 21st birthday is in less than five months, and her parents still haven't told her the truth.
This has to work. Good luck Alpha Ryce. You're gonna need it.
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