Everyone was right. I've been yelled at, and scolded by my Beta, Colt and Lance together, Ridley, and Cree is nonstop. I know they're all right.
Ridley left about an hour ago, and I've already felt her become our female Beta. When the Alpha, Beta, and Gamma mark their mates after they take over the position, the entire pack can feel it. It's just a sensation that prickles at our brains that tells us there is a new pack member. Usually, they know to leave it alone considering the mating process includes s*x. I'm absolutely thrilled for the two of them.
What am I going to do about Aureaila? I know what I want, and that was her here forever. I've been thinking a lot about what everyone's had to say about what they heard, what I said. I've been beating myself up for the last half an hour about t……
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