"You don't understand what its like. Nobody actually cares about me. They just want to be my friend because of our last name." I said to my big sister Lily.
Lily sighed, and looked up at the stars. We are in our backyard laying on a blanket in the grass. It's almost midnight. No one is up besides patrol, but they are far away on the outskirts of the border.
I got in another fight at school, and Mom and Dad are pissed. Lily is the only one to actually ask me what happened. Everyone else just lectured me about how the next in line Lycan King needs to act proper, and control his anger. If the guy would of just left me alone when I ignored him nothing would of happened.
"I know I don't get it. I went to a private school, and all. But you've gotta take a chance on someone Ryce. Not everyone is out for just power." She said.
Lily is my older sister. She's ten years older than me. Lily is actually supposed to take over the pack, but then she met her mate. Who happens to be an Alpha. She left everything to be Luna for his pack.
Lily's told me often that it just felt right, like that's what she's supposed to do with her life. I am extremely happy for her, and so are our parents. Oddly enough, because of our age difference it was the perfect age for me to start learning Alpha duties. It was a little over two years ago, I was eight. Lily was 18 at the time.
"I do have a friend. Dax is my best friend." I said.
"Dax is going to be your beta. Of course he's your best friend. You need more friends at school though." Lily said.
I go to school here on pack grounds. Our pack is the largest in the country. When my grandfather ruled we were feared greatly. My grandfather was said to kill Alpha's, and take their packs. Apparently, it was a dark time full of blood, and death.
It wasn't until Dad met Mom that things got better. Mom is the Hybrid. She turned Dad like her when they finished the mating process. My father eventually killed his dad, and took over. Now packs seem to get along. They fight together against the humans that hunt us supernaturals. Right now, its a common enemy, but I intend to keep the peace.
"Look, just think about what I said okay? I'm gonna go to bed. Don't stay out here too long, you have training in the morning." Lily ruffled my hair, and went inside.
I'm laying on the blanket in the grass staring at the stars. Lily's words are stuck in my head. Will I really meet someone else who genuinely likes me as a person? Someone who doesn't care about my last name, or the power I was going to grow into?
As I daydream about what that life would be like, I heard some russling in the bushes. The house is surrounded by woods, even if the pack lines are far beyond it. Nothing crazy would of gotten past the guards. Right?
I was about to turn to run into the house when a cute little white wolf popped out of the bushes. It stared at me for a moment. Then walked a little closer. It's the cutest wolf I'd ever seen.
Pure white that seemed to glow in the moonlight. With one black patch on the chest. It's so small though. Like a puppy. No way that this a Werewolf. There is no way someone shifted this young.
"Hi there. You're so adorable." I bent down to pet the wolf. "Are you out here all alone?" I asked it.
The wolf just purred, and rubbed itself into my hands. I chuckled. I lay back down on the blanket, and the wolf lay next to me. Resting my hand on its head, I looked up at the stars again.
After a few moments, I started talking to the little mystery wolf.
"I wish I could shift. Then I'd have my wolf to be my friend. I wouldn't feel so alone all the time."
The mystery pup whined.
"Do you wanna be my friend mystery wolf?"
The pup nodded.
Wait what?
"Did you just nod?"
It nodded again.
I stared with my jaw slack, shocked.
No way. It is a Werewolf. Just as the thought crossed my mind I heard the sickening snapping of bones breaking. In just a few moments the pup in front of me was no longer a pup.
A little girl sat before me. She has long curly light blonde hair that sits a tangled mess around her. Her light green eyes danced under the moon as she stared at me. I stared into her eyes for a moment. I can't look away, she captivates me.
Something about her seems.. comforting?
The little girl grinned widely making her entire face light up. I'm at a complete loss for words. She's so angelic. Those eyes are consuming me. Annnnd she's completely naked.
I felt my whole face flame with embarresment.
"Oh my Godddess, you don't have any clothes on!" I said.
I did the first thing that came to mind. That was, ripping my red T-shirt off, and handing it to her. I averted my eyes as she slipped my shirt on. It's huge on her. She looked down as it reached passed her knees. I laughed.
"How old are you?" I asked.
She can't be more than five.
"Four." Her voice is so soft, and sweet.
I swear I can feel it wrap around me. A goofy grin spread across my face.
"Why are you out here alone? How'd you get here?" I asked her.
"You ask a lot of questions." She said with a giggle.
My eyes went wide.
"You seem pretty smart for a four year old." I smirked.
"How old are you?" She asked.
"I'm ten." I said.
I paused.
"Are you hungry? Wait right here." I said.
I ran into the house, grabbing every snack I can see. Gathering it all up in my arms, I grabbed two sodas out of the fridge, and went back outside. Thank the Goddess she's still there.
"Here I got us snacks." I said.
"Oh cheese puffs! My favorite!" She giggled, and it's the cutest sound I've ever heard.
We spent a few more hours talking. I fell asleep at some point. When I woke up it was early dawn. Dad picked me up, and is carrying me into the house. I tried to move, but Dad just shushed me. I fell back asleep before he even put me back in my bed.
Almost every night the same mystery pup comes to see me. I waited for her every night. Each night that she showed up my heart soared.
Lily was right. I could have a friend. Mystery Wolf doesn't seem to know who I am, or if she does, she doesn't seem to care. She knows my name, but I'm not sure if she understands who I really am. I had to call her Mystery Wolf because she refuses to tell me her name no matter how many times I ask.
The last night I seen her is forever burned in my brain.
I started hearing my wolf two days before that. His name is Cree. We haven't shifted yet, but we couldn't be getting along better. I decided I didn't want anyone to know yet though.
Mystery Wolf is the first person I want to tell. She hasn't come to see me in two days. I've told Cree all about her, and how much I'm missing her. She's my special secret. I only told Dax about her before Cree. I had tried to tell Lily, Mom, and Dad after the first night I met her, but none of them believe me. I've kept her a secret ever since, only telling Dax.
Dax seemed cautious about the whole situation. He believes me, but didn't believe she was innocent. Afterall, no one ever in history has shifted younger than my dad. I know she isn't bad though. I can't explain how I know, but I do. She would never hurt me.
Maybe she is our mate. Cree replied to my thoughts
Really? How can we tell? I asked.
We haven't shifted yet, but maybe we can feel something now that I'm with you. He said.
I thought about that for a moment. She hasn't come to see me in two nights. I'm worried I won't see her again. How can I get her to come here? I don't even know her name.
If she is mate she should hear our call. Cree said.
Our call? I asked.
Yes. If we concentrate hard she might hear us. He told me.
I thought about what Cree said. Just as I was about to reply, Dad walked in my room.
Knocking on the open door he said "hey kiddo can I talk to ya for a sec?"
"Yeah Dad. What's up?" I replied.
I'm sitting on my bed with my back against my headboard. I put the book I was reading down. Not like I was actually paying attention anyways.
Dad walked in stopping at my picture board above my dresser. He took a moment looking at all the pictures of our family growing up. After another couple seconds he came, and sat on my bed.
"I just wanted to let you know that a lot of the pack members, and your mother and I are going to be gone for the night. Lana will be here with you all night though." He said.
Lana is my nanny. She's a warrior in the pack. Actually, she's the best warrior in the pack next to the Alpha, Beta, and Gamma.
"Where are you all going? Is everything okay?" I asked.
Dad smiled at me, but it didn't meet his eyes.
"Yeah buddy, everything is fine. Just some pack business we need to take care of." He said vaguely.
"Don't you think I should be there then?" I asked irritated.
They want me to become the next Alpha, but kept me in the dark.
"Not for this Ryce." Dad replied.
I'd had it.
"How am I supposed to take over, and become a great Alpha if you don't let me in on pack secrets?!" I yelled.
"Watch your tone Ryce." Dad said sternly.
I just stared at him fuming. Cree is growling wildly in my head, and I am trying desperately to calm down.
Dad sighed. "Listen Ryce. You are going to become the best Alpha the world has ever seen. I know you are. But you are also very young, and without your wolf right now. Once you have your first shift, I will bring you to the darker side being an Alpha brings. But for now, just be as much of a kid as you can."
All I could manage was a single nod.
Dad sighed again, and stood up. He kissed the top of my head, and turned to leave. When Dad got to the doorway he turned around to look at me.
"I know its frustrating right now kid, but you'll look back and miss these days. I love you."
With those last words he left.
Dad doesn't trust us. We are powerful. He will see. Cree huffed.
A few hours later, I decided that I'm starving. Mom and Dad had left already. I headed downstairs to find Lana. She's in the living room sitting on the couch watching TV when I came down. Lana's wearing camo pants, and a black tank top. Her short brown hair is hanging straight down to the bottoms or her ears.
Lana is only 25, but she is extremely strong. She's short for a Werewolf at only 5'5, but that only gave her speed. Lana would often give me extra training lessons behind Dads back. She knows what it's like to want to be stronger.
I'd say Lana and I are friends even if she is much older than me. My favorite thing about her is she doesn't hover over me. Lana let's me do what I want for the most part. Staying just a few steps behind me. Lana tells me she isn't my boss, she's my protector until I can protect her.
"Hey Ry. You hungry?" She asked.
I nodded.
"Well good cause I ordered pizza. Should be here any minute. Wanna pick a movie?"
Lana is the best. She knows pizza is my favorite.
"Something scary?" I asked.
Lana and I also have the same taste in movies. It makes having to spend so much time together fun.
"Only if its gorey." She said with a wink.
I plopped myself down on the sofa. While I was searching for a movie the doorbell rang. Another warrior had picked up our pizza, and delivered it to us. Lana grabbed some plates, and napkins, and set everything out on the long coffee table for us. I started the movie, and we dug in.
"Well, the movies over." Lana stretched, and yawned. "What you wanna do now?"
"Think I'm just gonna head to bed." I said.
It's about 11p.m.
"Okay." Another yawn. "Night Ry."
"Good night Lana."
She's already laying down wrapping a blanket around herself.
I waited about a half an hour before going back downstairs to check on Lana. As I figured, she's passed out, and snoring softly on the couch. I walked up to her, and pulled the blanket over her more. She didn't move at all.
Man Lana's a heavy sleeper.
I turned to walk out the french doors that lead to our back deck, and yard. Closing the doors as quietly as possible, I stood there for a moment waiting to see if Lana was gonna catch me. After about one minute, I decided the coast is clear.
I turned, and ran to my favorite spot on pack grounds. It's just a few minutes away from my house in the woods. When I finally reached the spot I set my T-shirt, water bottle, and cheese puffs on the giant stump.
I'm not sure what kind of tree this used to be or when it was cut down but it must have been huge. I can easily lay across the stump with plenty of room. Although, I have noticed that I've been growing rapidly over the last couple days. I hear that's what happens when you get your wolf though.
I hopped up on the stump, and crossed my legs.
What do I do now Cree? I asked.
Concentrate. Think of her. Will her to come to you. He told me.
I did what Cree said. I thought of Mystery Wolf as hard as I could. Begging for her to come see me. Telling her how much I miss her. After a few minutes, I smelled her.
Her scent is stronger now that I have my wolf. Vanilla, and sunshine. It's mouthwatering. My eyes snapped open, and there she is. My little pure white mystery wolf.
"I knew you would come." I said staring at her.
Can you feel anything Cree? I asked.
I don't know. She smells very good though. He said.
Yeah she does. I didn't even know sunshine had a smell. I said practically drooling.
Touch her. Crew urged.
I closed the distance between us, and bent down to pet her. Mystery Wolf let out a soft pur, and leaned into me.
"Your fur is so soft. I hope my fur is soft like yours." I said.
Anything? I asked Cree.
Let's spend more time with her. He replied.
Cree is right. Mate, or not, she is still my friend. I reached for my T-shirt I brought.
"Almost forgot". I said.
I can feel my cheeks getting pink, and tried to fight it back. I held the shirt out for her for a second before realizing she can't take it.
Goddess, I'm an i***t.
My cheeks reddened more as I set the shirt on the stump, and turned to give her some privacy. I heard her shift, but wanted to give her as much time as she needed.
"Hi Ryce."
Goddess, that sweet soft voice.
Cree made a purring noise in the back of my head. I turned to look at her, a silly grin spread across my face.
"Hello little Mystery Wolf."
She giggled, and I swear my smile looks stupid sitting lopsided on my face. I'd tell her jokes all day to hear her giggle.
"What are you doing in the woods all alone?" She asked.
I rolled my eyes. "I can protect myself. I'm almost 11 ya know." I smirked at her.
We will show her one day how strong we are. Cree said.
Mystery Wolf giggled again, and said, "I never doubted you".
Cree puffed out his chest at the compliment.
I sighed. "Well, most of the adults are gone right now. They had something huge to do."
I rolled my eyes.
"Something they are keeping me in the dark about."
My thoughts wandered to the conversation I had with Dad earlier. What are they out doing? They don't trust me. But my mystery wolf does.
"At least I got to see you tonight though. My one, and only friend." I smiled brightly at her.
"I can't be your only friend." She jumped up to sit on the giant stump.
Her little legs dangling. I stared at her for a moment when all the sudden something flashed across my eyes. It was so quick, I wasn't sure what I had seen.
My Mystery Wolf was sitting on the stump, but she was older. A teenager maybe? Her long bright blonde hair was tied back in a ponytail high on her head. Curls falling loosely from it. Her light green eyes sparkling in the sunlight. The thing I seen the clearest was her smile. It took my breath away it was so beautiful.
It was over in a flash. Mystery Wolf didn't seem to have seen anything though. Was that just me?
I seen too. Cree replied to my thoughts.
You did? Do you know what that was? I asked.
No idea. Sorry. He said.
I walked to the stump, and sat next to my Mystery Wolf. My feet firmly on the ground. I didn't miss the frown on Mystery Wolf's face as she noticed. Trying not to chuckle at her, I moved so we are shoulder to shoulder. She rested her head on me, and everything in the world felt right.
"It's true though. You have no idea how hard it is to be the Lycan King's son. People only like me because of the power my family has." I said.
I'm lost in thought, staring into the dark forest, when she put her hand on my cheek, and turned my head to face her. That's when I felt it. IIt's not strong but it's there. Sparks danced on my skin under her hand.
"You'll make more friends in time. Not everyone cares just about power." She said.
Just like what Lily said.
"You're pretty smart for someone so young ya know." I told her.
She giggled, and removed her hand from my cheek. I missed the contact immediately.
We talked for about ten more minutes before she suddenly jumped down from the stump, and told me she has to go. She turned around to leave, but I grabbed her hand.
"What? Why? You just got here." I said.
She opened her mouth to say something when we heard someone call my name. Dammit Lana woke up. I still have ahold of her hand.
"At least tell me your name this time. Please." I said desperately.
I need to know.
Mystery Wolf seemed to hesitate for a moment. I was about to give up when she finally answered me.
I looked into her light green eyes stunned.
She answered me. Aureaila. What a beautiful name. A twig snapped near by, and Aureaila yanked her hand away. She shifted, and took off running.
"Goodnight Aureaila." I whispered into the forest hoping that she heard me.
Lana came running through the trees looking frantic.
"What the f**k Ryce! What are you doing out here?" She yelled at me.
"Sorry I just wanted some fresh air."
Lana shook her head, and pointed in the direction of the house. I was silent the whole way back as Lana went on and on about never scaring her like that again.
When we got back to the house I walked up to my room. Lana insisted on sleeping on my floor. I changed into pajamas, and crawled in my bed. Sleep claimed me fast. Dreaming of my little mystery wolf. Aureaila.
The next day Mom woke me and Lana up early. Lana promised she wouldn't tell on me for last night, and she better keep it. I had breakfast, and changed into some workout clothes. Basketball shorts, and a white T-shirt.
I headed for the training grounds. Neither Dad or Mom are here like they usually are. Devin, my dads Beta, announced to everyone that the Alpha and Luna had some business to take care of so he would be overseeing training today. Wonder what thats about.
After three hours of training with Beta Devin, I came to the conclusion that I am definitely getting stronger by the day. Not one time was Beta Devin able to pin me down.
I gathered up my things, and headed back to the house. As soon as I got in, I went straight to my private bathroom connected to my bedroom. It has white floors, and a white counter top. The walls are a deep blue. I have a huge walk in shower that could easily fit five people. A large bathtub sat in the corner of the room. It had jets, and again can easily fit five people. I turned the shower up, stripped down, then jumped in.
Aureaila took up all the space in my mind. How is she able to shift so young? Is she really my mate? I bet she's strong. She'd have to be to be able to shift that young.
Cree, what do you think about her? I asked.
Cree has been pretty silent since meeting her last night.
She is strong. Powerful. And ours. He said.
She's our mate? I knew it. I said.
Can't tell just yet. But I believe she is. Her wolf is beautiful. Cree said.
Yeah, she is. She has to be our mate. I'm positive of it. I said.
Cree puffed out his chest in agreement. The next time I see her I'm telling her. Maybe she'll tell us more about who she is if she knows we're mates.
I finished my shower, and dressed in some dark jeans, and a plain black T-shirt. Throwing a beanie over my head, I headed downstairs.
I made myself a sandwich, and went back to my room. Cree, and I are plotting how to get Aureaila to come back, and stay this time. A few hours had gone by when I heard a knock on my bedroom door.
"Come in."
Mom came in and smiled at me. My mother is a very beautiful women. She was born a Hybrid. One of the first. She has light brown hair, and dark chocolate colored eyes. Mom was a tall slender women.
Dad said she looks like a super model, but she just looks like Mom to me. Lily looks just like her, and I look like a spitting image of Dad. Raven black hair, and dark emerald eyes.
"Hi Sweetheart. Can you come down to your dads office please? There is something we need to discuss." She said.
I got up, and followed Mom to Dads office downstairs. I wonder if they know that I finally started hearing my wolf. Maybe Lana taddled after all?
Dads office looks like any normal home office. Dark wood walls with a dark polished desk. There are deep reds that popped out. Books lined the walls behind the desk. Two black chairs sat in front of the desk, and a black leather couch sat against the wall to the side.
Dad is sitting at the desk, and Mom joined him. What threw me off, is the three strangers that are standing in the room. Two males, and one female. They don't smell like wolves, but they smell familiar.
Where have I smelled that scent before?
One man looked me dead in my eyes, and a chill ran down my spine. He's tall, like really tall, maybe 6'6. With black hair, and bright blue eyes that pierce through you.
The other man looks just like him, but a couple inches shorter. His eyes are a very dark blue though. I looked at the women last. She's such shorter than the men at about 5'7. Her long blonde hair is hanging in loose curls around her head. When I noticed her light green eyes all the air left my lungs.
I know those eyes.
The women smiled warmly at me.
"Hello Ryce. My name is Lydia. This is my husband Kasyn, and his father Lucifer." She said.
They all stared at me.
"Hi... Nice to meet you."
Lydia kept smiling at me, her eyes holding a twinkle. Kasyn and Lucifer also kept staring at me. I'm not sure what is going on, but one thing I do know.... These three radiate power. More power than Dad even.
"Ryce, we are going to be straight with you." Dad said gathering everyones attention. "These are the parents, and grandparent of the little white wolf you told us about."
My eyes went wide. "You said you didn't believe me!"
I turned my eyes back to Lydia.
"Where is she? Is she here with you?" I asked.
Lydia's smile faded, and sadness crossed her face.
"She isn't here."
I'm so confused.
"Then why are you here?" I asked.
The man Kasyn was the one to answer me.
"We came to see you."
"Me? Why?" I asked.
Dad got up, and walked to me. He walked me to the couch, and sat with me.
"Ryce. They came to wipe your memories of her."
Panic surged through me.
"I know you don't want to forget her. We don't want you to either. But it has to be done son." Dad said.
I looked into my dads eyes, and see nothing but sadness.
"Why are you doing this to us?" I asked.
I looked at each of their faces. Mom and Lydia have tears in their eyes.
Dad was the one to reply. "We can't tell you Ryce."
"That's bullshit!" I screamed as I jumped up from the couch.
Dad visibly winced.
I'm fuming. How the hell could they do this to us, and not even explain? I'm losing control fast.
A pair of hands landed on my shoulders, and spun me around. I'm met with the same light green eyes that I dream of every night.
"I know you're pissed off Ryce. None of us want to do this. Aureaila fought us too. But please." She said.
There is so much sadness in her eyes.
"You are the only one who can save my daughter. But you have to wait. Find her in the future. Save her." Lydia begged.
I didn't understand what she means, but her eyes are pleading with me. The sadness is hard to swallow.
I only nodded.
Lydia handed me a small jar.
"Swallow this. You'll fall asleep, and when you wake up you won't remember." She said.
"What's in it?"
I sniffed it. I can only make out the metallic scent of blood.
"You don't want to know Honey." Lydia said.
We can't let them make us forget. I said to Cree.
Drink it. Then we will shift. He said.
Will that work? I asked.
Its our only chance. Cree replied.
I downed the small jar, gagging as it went down. Immediately, a wave of exhaustion hit me. Tears are streaming down my face.
I can't believe they are doing this to us. Anger rolled through me like a tidal wave. My bones started breaking, and rearranging. I can hear Dad calling for me in the background.
A few minutes later, and I'm standing on four paws. I looked at all five shocked faces in front of me. Lucifer is the quickest to recover.
"My, my. Looks like our little Relly really does belong with you." He said.
I lifted my snout in the air, and howled loudly pouring my heart out. Then I broke through the window, and took off running ignoring the shouts from my parents. I will find Aureaila again when we are older. But they will never make us forget.
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