A Little Date

Cursed Queen: Battle Against Gods 3504 words 2021-09-16 09:00:00

Karis slowly removed the vines that covered the entrance, revealing a big pine tree that's filled with strange fireflies. I thought they were unusual because there were different colors aside from the usual light that fireflies emit. However, it is indeed beautiful.

"How did you even find this place?" I asked with a smile on my face.

He heaved a sigh of relief when he saw that I'm happy. "I noticed the light even when it was covered with vines. So I went here with some of the boys to prepare a little something."

I looked at the bottom of the tree and found a small table. There was food and a vase with a pretty flower on it that made me smile even more. Those barbaric men prepared something like this, which I didn't expect. I looked at Karis, who was just staring at me as if he couldn't see anything else but me.

"What?" I asked.

He only smiled and led me towards the table. I sat down while he prepared the food. Does he know that these are called dates? It seems like it was just a suggestion, so he decided to go with it without even understanding what it means. But he appears to be happy about all this. Might as well go with it.

Ah, he's so simple, yet I still love him...

"How is it?" he asked when we started eating.

I smiled and gave him a thumbs up. He probably put a lot of effort into this. I appreciate the fact that he went through all the trouble to prepare all of this. But to be honest, the food is delicious. I wonder if he knows how to cook now. Maybe they taught him? Hmm, did he practice when I wasn't watching? This is too good to be his first time cooking!

A smile crept onto his lips. "That's good. I thought it wouldn't taste good."

I raised a brow. "Did you practice cooking for this day?" I asked.

He nodded. "I didn't expect that I would get to do it for something like this. My plan was just to cook for you once I've learned how. But I'm glad that I didn't do it before finding this place."

"Uh-huh. How did it go when you practiced?" I asked.

He chuckled. "Either overcooked or the opposite. The food is usually not edible, but we still ate it since we didn't want to waste them."

"And? Did your stomach hurt?" I chuckled.

That's probably the reason why they always rush to the bathroom at times. I felt bad for them since they had to eat it because of Karis, but I'm proud of them at the same time. It's probably Matteo who goes along with what Karis does since he's the only one who doesn't care about Karis's position. Pfft. He really ate whatever the f**k Karis made? That's impressive.

Karis pouted. "Yes. It was worth it, though. It doesn't happen anymore since I'm good at cooking now. Maybe average," he said with a sly smile.

I chuckled. "You seem to have enjoyed it, though."

"Totally!" He laughed at what he said.

We just kept on having mundane conversations while eating. Despite everything that's happening, we became totally relaxed. Especially after a tune started playing. When we finished eating, I looked up at a tree. It looks so old. Perhaps it's been alive for decades? It's fascinating to see it still standing despite not being taken care of.

"Does this tree have a name?" I asked.

He shook his head. "This is the first time I've seen it. Should we name it?" he joked.

I chuckled. "No. Can we stay here until I get tired of looking at it?"

"I doubt you'll get sick of it."

He kept staring at me, so I turned to him. "Stop staring."

"No. Come and sit here," he replied as he tapped his lap.

I don't think he'll stop if I don't do it. So I stood up and gave him what he wanted. He smiled brightly and wrapped his arms around my waist as he rested his chin on my shoulder. He seems comfortable that way, so I let him be and continued to watch the fireflies. I wonder why they have different colors. It's pretty, though.

"It's getting late," I said after some time passed.

"Okay. Let's go back to the camp," he replied.

I stood up and helped him clean everything up. Yes, we're going to take these back to the camp. We took our sweet time since the others are probably back in their tents. Matteo told them about us eating dinner by the dungeon, so they didn't have to wait for me. At least that's what Karis said.

"The sky is especially pretty today, don't you think?" he asked while we were on our way back.

"Yes, but stop looking up. What if you trip?"

He pouted and finally looked at where he's going. "I wanted to enjoy the moment a little more. We could have stayed there a little more since they wouldn't look for us anyway."

"We should rest now since we're still going to continue training tomorrow. Besides, we have a lot of things to tell Drake. We can't leave him out of this."

"Fine. Drake should have found out if he's competent, though," he murmured.

I raised a brow. "Wasn't it Aiyana and Alwina who found out about those two?"

He gasped because of what I said. He looked at me like I just betrayed him, which made me roll my eyes. I just wish he'd stop doing that because it makes me want to smack him in the head. He couldn't say anything as a retort, so he just pouted and looked away. This guy! He didn't even admit that he's in the wrong!

When we arrived at the camp, it was so quiet. And then I could hear snores, so I figured they just slept. Karis refused to clean up, but I glared at him. He got scared and helped me since it was his fault that we have to do this anyway.

"Someone could have cleaned up if we didn't," he murmured.

I sighed. "What's with you? You're not usually this lazy," I pointed out.

"I'm just tired, I guess? You know, we had some rigorous training a while ago. You made me fight the most difficult one, didn't you? I felt it! It was as if I was fighting you! And then, I had to cook without getting to take a bath at all."

"Oh? I didn't notice since you still smell good. Anyway, I'll come with you if you want to go back and take a bath."

He smirked. "What? Will you give me a massage and a scrub as well?" he teased.

"If you want to, then okay," I said as I wiped my hands with a towel. Karis was waiting for me, so I handed it to him so he can do the same. He looked at me like I said something strange. "What?" I asked.

"Are you serious? You'll do that if I want you to?" I nodded. "Okay, then. Give me a massage while I relax."

"Okay, let's go."

I was taught about giving massages because of my former job, so I'm sure I can help Karis relax better. Although he'll have to endure some pain, he'll probably feel a lot better after. Hmm, I honestly don't want to recall why I had to learn it, but I don't think I'll be able to resist Karis. It's my fault that he has to deal with the muscle fatigue, after all.

Karis closed his eyes as he leaned back. "Wow, that feels good. How did you learn all this?" he asked.

"Who knows?" I mumbled.

It seems like he understood why I didn't want to respond, so he didn't press me further for an answer. I just kept on massaging wherever he needs it while he enjoyed it. Maybe I shouldn't overwork him until it's time for our duel? I'll keep the difficulty for him at average. Although, it was also his fault for prioritizing his surprise for me. I mean, we enjoyed it! But that doesn't mean that he has to overdo things without resting.

"Okay, I think that's enough," I said after I noticed that he was fine.

He agreed, so we went back to the camp to communicate with Drake. It seems like Cyrus has been waiting for us since he should be asleep by now, but we found him on the bed. I placed my katanas on the shelf where I usually put them as I sat on the bed.

"How does not having a lover feel?" Karis teased as soon as we got to communicate with Drake. I elbowed him to make him stop. He chuckled and raised his hand as his way of surrendering.

I could hear Drake's sighs, so I wanted to laugh even if it feels illegal to do so. It was Karis's fault for provoking him! I feel like Drake has been too stressed lately because of us. Or I might be imagining it.

"I have news for you two. They seem to have found out about the day we plan to launch an attack. Don't worry, there's no traitor. The problem is, Hildus have started to prepare."

I massaged the bridge of my nose. "How did he even find out?" I asked while trying to figure out what to do about it.

"Hildus consulted an oracle after having a nightmare. It seems like he knows that you would come to take the throne from him. But please don't change your plans. The soldiers are still going to obey me. Although most of them took Hildus's side, I was able to reduce their numbers down to at least half of their actual numbers."

"Ah, right. Kath is on our side! She sent two of her men here to play a prank on us and to tell us that she's an ally," I told him to help reduce his stress.

He sighed. "Don't think that Kath is on your side just because of that. That woman will never bow down before someone she barely knows. Who knows? She might be plotting something. But you don't have to worry about it, Milady. She'll listen to me."

Karis decided to butt in because of what he said. "And what? Be her slave for as long as she wants? Kath will ridicule you for as much as she wants again!"

My brows furrowed, unsure if I heard it right. I just know that nobody can pin Kath down, but it seems like Drake can do it at the expense of his dignity. Maybe he's done it before, but something bad happened. Karis wouldn't react this way if it wasn't like that.

Drake chuckled. "You don't know her as much as I do. The incident from before happened because of me, not Kath. Anyway, you don't have to worry about it anymore. I'll handle it. Please focus on your training."

I sighed. "Aren't you stressing yourself too much? Please rest when you need to."

"I can't afford to do that yet, Milady. Once this is over, please allow me to go on a vacation and rest. That's all I'm asking for," he joked.

That didn't sound like a joke, though, even if his tone says so. Drake deserves it, so I'll allow him to have as much time as he wants for a vacation. He's been working hard, after all. As much as I want him to take a rest from time to time, he can't do it because he needs to make arrangements. I feel bad for always being lovey-dovey with Karis while Drake is overworking himself in the castle. I promise that I'll work even harder and make sure that I will take the throne from Hildus. That's the least I can do to make it up to all of them.

"Sure," I said while smiling.

"Thank you, Milady. By the way, you look even dumber now, Karis," Drake said.

"Flare said that she likes how I look. You're the one who looks dumb."

"Okay, kids. Our time is limited," I said before they could continue bickering. It's funny how they find a way to start an argument even if the topic is serious, but it makes me want to flick their foreheads. Why do I have to deal with both of them when all I want is a normal conversation?

"Sorry," they replied.


We exchanged information until he had to leave because Kath was throwing a tantrum. Karis sighed and dropped on the bed once we finished talking with Drake. It was as if he's been drained from that quick exchange of words with Drake. I gave him a questioning look, but instead of answering me, he pulled me, making me fall on top of him.

"What now?" I asked.

He grinned and kissed my forehead. "He got mad at me because of what I said about Kath. Ha! I knew there was something between the two of them. That dumb Drake should prepare himself because I'll tease him for as much as I want when we meet."

"Why? What happened with him and Kath?" I asked since I was also curious. "Or if it's not something you're supposed to tell me, it's okay."

He chuckled. "I appreciate that you always consider that it might not be something to be spread around, but it's totally fine."

"Okay, then. What is it?"

"I don't think we told you about this, but The Zodiacs are allowed to do 'it' with each other. That's the reason why Kath and Drake have a different kind of communication than us. Those two once fought, and Kath used it as leverage to make Drake obey whatever she says. I don't know what pushed her to do it, but it made an unbearable rift between the two."

I raised a brow. "How do you know that?" I asked because it seems like he knows everything.

"Drake told me because he needed someone to lean on. I thought Kath was at fault back then, but it seems like there's something I don't know. Besides, Kath isn't the type to do that kind of thing without a reason. Plus, if Drake says that it's his fault, then it is."

"I see. But those two seem to have resolved it now. They came together to capture me, after all."

He nodded. "It took a lot of time, but they became okay. Ah, I don't think any of the twelve of us will ever forget that incident. It felt awful whenever we eat together," he said as he shook his head in dismay.

"Do they argue all the time? Like how you do with Drake?" I asked.

He shook his head. "You see, Kath has a different aura when she's mad. It's like she's ready to kill anyone who gets in her way. Drake, on the other hand, would just sit beside her with a leash around his neck."

I gasped as I stared at him, unable to believe what he just said. That Drake agreed to wear something like that?! That's humiliating since I've gone through that before, but he really wore that in front of everyone? That guy is extremely strong. Even I wouldn't be able to do such a thing just because someone asked me to.

"He must have messed up so bad if Kath took it that far?"

He nodded. "I never thought that it's him who messed up, but I guess it only makes sense."

"You don't tease him about it, right? It sounds like a sensitive topic."

"No, I don't. Drake looks like he's about to cry whenever it's mentioned. Sullivan teased him about it once, and Drake would have burned the castle down if Bythos and I didn't stop him."

My eyes widened. "Does Sullivan do it all the time? Mess with the people around him, that is?"

He nodded. "But he never teased Drake after that anymore."

"So, now it's only you who teases Drake? Poor guy," I said as I shook my head at him.

He chuckled. "That jerk does it to me too!"

"Why do you even like teasing each other so much?" I asked as I tried to break free from his arms. "Do you like each other that much? That's not surprising since you almost grew up with each other."

He immediately let me go to pretend like he was vomiting. I chuckled and laid down once again to sleep. However, he came back and made me face him. I rolled my eyes and tried to punch him in the gut, but he held my hand in place. I may be physically strong, but this guy is more than that! He's the only person in this world who was able to hold me in place!

"You look cute. It's as if you're a normal person who fits in my arms," he teased while planting feathery kisses on my face.

"Won't you stop? I'll kick your thing if you don't!" I threatened.

He smirked and used his legs to stop mine from moving. Now we look like we're just wrestling with each other! I finally gave up and just buried my face on his chest. Karis chuckled and kissed the top of my forehead as he loosened his grip. I wrapped my arms around his shoulders and stared at his face.

"Ah, how beautiful..." he said as he lovingly stared into my eyes.

It felt like he was looking right into my soul, so I became flustered! It seems like he was also surprised because of the way I reacted, but he quickly regained his composure. f**k, he's going to start teasing me about it, that's for sure. It's just that I'm not used to those kinds of compliments, so I couldn't help it! I'm a hundred percent sure that my face is flushed now!

"What? Is my queen embarrassed?" he teased while trying to catch my eyes. "Come on! Look at me, Your Majesty..."

I glared at him. "Stop teasing me!"

"I'm not!" he tried to defend himself even though I could see his smirk. "Why? Are you not used to being called beautiful?"

"Yes. Are you happy now?" I replied with a sarcastic tone.

He chuckled. "Yes, I'm happy that I can get to look at your beautiful face for as much as I want to."

I sighed and just accepted the fact that he won't shut up no matter what I do. He kept on teasing me, so I pouted and buried my face on his chest. Karis never stopped calling me beautiful in different ways, and it's making me feel some sort of feeling.

"Flare..." he called while we were still at that position.

"Hm?" I responded, refusing to move because I felt too comfortable.

"What would you do if you were normal? I mean, if Bythos didn't pass his powers to you?" he asked while caressing my head.

I felt sleepy because of what he's doing, but it seems like he really wants to hear my answer, so I tried to stay awake. I looked at Karis's face. This guy seems like he has no plan to let me sleep at all!

"What did you eat aside from our dinner? Answer my question first," I demanded.

He chuckled. "Nothing! I was just thinking since it looked like you wanted to live a normal life instead of a complicated one. I meant your life now as Plaisiria's queen."

I went silent for a while, trying to think of the answer to his question. I've always said before that I want that, but I don't think I would have been able to sit still. My body and mind would have craved for the battlefield because that's the only thing I'm good at.

"Hmm, I'll either be Hildus's soldier or a member of the faction. Since fighting is the only thing I'm good at, I'm pretty sure I would have ended up that way," I answered honestly.

He smiled and caressed my cheek. "We would have met either way if you were an ordinary person, then."

I raised a brow. "How sure are you? Who knows, I might have gotten a lover that isn't you if that was the case," I teased.

He pouted. "Why would you even try to find a lover?!"

"I don't know! Maybe so I can live like how normal people do?" I laughed because I know that it doesn't make sense, but I loved Karis's reaction.

"You don't need it to do that!"

"What? I'm sure you wouldn't have noticed me if I wasn't your master!"

"How can you say so?" he retorted back.

His voice was starting to get louder, so I stopped and hugged him. "I was just kidding. Come on, let's go to sleep now, my love..."

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