"Chaos...?" I asked.
"Indeed. This is the curse of chaos, placed upon the king. This holds both evil and good in a balanced way. It is you and I, the bearers of the curse, who shall be able to withstand it."
He told me not to fret but at the mention of chaos, I felt my stomach churning. It was as if there was a bomb that exploded within me. Fear gushed through my body as I fell on the floor. My hand flew towards my mouth, and I could not utter a single word. The feeling I felt was unfathomable. How can he pass such a thing onto me? I was a mere outsider, why did he choose me?
I checked my body for the symbol. If he has one, I will probably have a mark on mine. I was frantically checking my body when he spoke.
"You have only recently inherited the curse. That is why you don't have the mark yet. It will take two months for it to manifest in your body after you get back in your time."
I looked at him as tears started to pool in the sides of my eyes. "What...what if I can't withstand it? Will I die...? Right when I finally accepted everything?"
He smiled. "I believed in you, Flare. Of course, you will not die."
Bythos slowly reached his hand out to me. I was not able to accept his hand, so he caressed my cheek and planted a kiss on my forehead. I closed my eyes as I felt warmth. Ah, how comforting. For a second, I forgot about my worries. I slowly calmed down and regained my composure.
I took a few deep breaths and looked at his gentle face. He is also suffering from the same curse. I'm sure that he could understand the way I reacted. And it's not like he can lie about such a thing. This is not a trifling matter. I don't have time to be scared. I gritted my teeth and clenched my fists to strengthen my resolve.
This whole situation is still a lot more complicated than I thought. I am no longer confused because I finally got to hear the reason as to why I had to inherit such a curse.
He said that both evil and good dwell within the curse. Which means that it should be balanced. If it is not, I'm guessing that it spells doom for this whole world. There must be some technique or way to do that. I looked at Bythos who seems fine. He doesn't look like he's bearing two curses at all.
"But how will I be able to keep it from going out of control?" I asked hesitantly.
"You will need a high level of concentration. Can you do that?" he asked softly. "If you think you would not be able to do it, I will teach you a different way to do so."
I shook my head. "I mastered all four elements within a day. I was able to do it without running out of stamina. Is that enough? Or should I do better?"
"Unfortunately, that is not enough. You should be able to keep it even when you are in the middle of an intense battle. Do not forget that chaos is within you even for a split second. Using your magic and keeping your concentration is difficult. You may think that it is easy but the truth is...it will be extremely exhausting. I have trained my body since childhood, that is why I can do it effortlessly."
His training was probably different from mine. I have also been trained since childhood but that doesn't mean that I can do what he does effortlessly. This world is different from the one I used to live in.
I smiled to myself as I finally realized how much my life has changed. From myself to the way I live. They are completely different. I wonder how the old Flare would react when she sees me. Knowing my old self, she would probably give me a cold look. That's why I can still smile even after misfortunes fell upon me one after another. I don't regret abandoning that life of mine.
"Okay. I promise that I will train myself to the fullest the moment I go back in the present time."
He chuckled and patted my head. "I know that you will. You are such a strong girl. I knew that you would be able to do it."
Well, I think it won't be impossible for me to be able to master the power that I have. As long as I believe, I should be able to do something I once thought would be impossible. This world is indeed a strange one.
"Do you know what is going to happen in the future?" I asked with my brows furrowed. "How did you even know my name?"
"I am a god amongst gods. Of course, I do. I have seen you many times from visions. Aiyana also told me about you. That is why I was able to guide you on your journey. Do not worry, Flare. I will be with you throughout your journey even if you cannot see me."
I nodded and smiled. He did the same and rested his forehead on mine. I may be way too trusting, but I trusted everything he said. If he is with me, then I have nothing to worry about. I only need to keep on doing whatever I need to do.
For now, I will try to strengthen my mind. This is not my physical body so I cannot train it here. I will have to do that when I get back. While we were that way, someone knocked on the door.
"Your Majesty!"
Bythos quickly put his clothes on before opening the door. It was Karis who looked extremely worried. I chuckled as I watched him stand on his guard, holding his sword up. He was so ready to fight.
"Karis! W-what is happening?" he asked, panicking.
He looked back at him. "Are you okay? I heard you talking to someone, so I rushed over to see what was going on. Was there someone in here?"
"Ah, you see..."
Karis stared at him as he waited for his answer. I pursed my lips and watched him think of an excuse. We didn't expect anyone to come here so he probably failed to think of an excuse earlier. Now he is panicking! Ah, how amusing.
"I...I was talking to myself. You know, the war is brewing, and I was trying to cheer myself up."
"Oh. You were troubled? You should have asked us for help if you wanted to. You know that we will always be by your side, right?"
I smiled as I watched them. Karis is a very affectionate person. He might be annoying, but he cares for the people who are important to him. That is something that I admire and... something I lacked.
Bythos laughed awkwardly. "Yes, I am sorry..."
"Oh, please do not apologize. I am the one who should be sorry for barging-"
Before he could finish the sentence, someone barged in. It was Drake. He was panting as he held onto the door. He probably ran after noticing all the noise that Karis made. I chuckled as I watched him glare at Karis. Ah, another fight. How does Bythos deal with all of them? If it was me, I would have been pissed.
"Karis! What are you doing in His Majesty's chamber?!" he shouted.
"Now, now. Let's avoid fighting..." Bythos said as he tried to get in between the two.
"What?! I only came here to see what was going on with his Majesty! I heard him talking to someone, so I came here to check on him."
Drake turned to Bythos who doesn't know what to do. "Your Majesty, is that true?"
He scratched his nape. "I was only talking to myself. I am sorry for causing a panic. Let's just go back to our rooms and rest."
The two finally gave in. But as they were about to leave, the rest of the twelve came. I laughed as I watched them form a crowd around him. Bythos looks like he is exhausted, but he can't seem to shake them off. They genuinely looked concerned, so he gave up and just sat on the bed to tell them some stories.
I shook my head while laughing as I made my way to the veranda of his room. Luckily, it was already open. I leaned on the railings and looked at the starry sky. It was so pretty. The kingdom also looked majestic. However, it could not hide the gloomy atmosphere. It was painfully obvious that a war is currently brewing. In two days, this whole place would turn upside down. I bet this majestic place would no longer look the same.
Ha, what a shame. But I can't blame the gods. They would have miserably lived in this world for the rest of their life had they not started the war. It might be unfair to the other tribed but they wouldn't know the feeling. As gods, they should ascend to Celestia. It probably sucks that the only way to experience such a thing is by having a blade pierce that god's body.
Aiyana may be immortal, but she would have ascended if she died. Why did she choose to remain here and suffer? Is it because of me and Bythos? I sighed when I realized that I am right.
"Yes, the demon prince married the princess. They had an offspring that could change the entire world," Bythos said softly.
He was telling them a story that is for kids. But then again, the Zodiacs are his kids. How cute. Three of them were sitting on the bed with him while the others are on the floor, looking up at him. They look like one big family. I chuckled and looked away, wishing I had something like that as I grew up.
"You are their family as well, Flare..." he said.
"Stop reading my mind!" I complained. He smiled and I knew that it was for me. Why does he keep doing that? I should put a wall or something on my mind. I don't want him to know everything that I'm thinking!
But then again, telepathy seems so convenient. Maybe I should ask him to teach me how to use it. It will come in handy for the day we invade the castle. I can give commands and relay some messages to my comrades. But Bythos is still occupied with the twelve so I will just wait until they are done.
When he finally finished and the twelve seems to feel sleepy, they left and went to their respective rooms. Bythos heaved a heavy sigh and lied down on his bed, looking exhausted.
I laughed. "Being a parent sure is tough."
He chuckled and stared at me. He knew that I've been wanting to tell him something. I sighed and rested my head on the headrest of his bed.
"You have seen the future, right?" He nodded. "Then...have you seen what Hildus did? What are you going to do about it?"
"Nothing. I shall pretend that I know nothing and carry on with my life. Altering the future would only complicate things."
He spoke to me through my mind now. I chuckled when I realized why. He doesn't want them to barge in here again. We have a lot of things to talk about, so I guess it is necessary. But it just seemed so funny and cute to me.
"But...won't you feel sad? You know, since the people you trusted the most would betray you..."
He shook his head. "They will not do it because they want to. I have no ill feelings towards them. They are my family, after all."
Despite what he said, I know that he doesn’t want him to happen. He placed his head on my lap and used it as a pillow. I caressed his hair so that he would fall asleep faster. He needs to rest after an exhausting day. I don't need one because I am merely a soul. I'll just stand guard so that I can wake him up if something happens. I'll ask him about telepathy tomorrow.
Poor Bythos, trying to take everything on his own. We can only rely on each other when it comes to this matter. He's trying not to show it but it's obvious that he's sad about this. I continued to caress his hair. I am not a gentle person and all I can do is this. He probably found comfort even for a moment.
"Your Majesty, it's time for breakfast..." Alice said as she tried to wake Bythos up.
Her back was bare, so I noticed that she has scales and a big tail. But her voice was so soft. I don't think Bythos would wake up. But I can't interfere, so I just let her wake him up like that. It took more than ten minutes for him to finally wake up.
"Ah, I apologize! I overslept again..." he said and chuckled awkwardly.
Alice only smiled and turned her back on him. Bythos pouted and stood up to follow her. He glanced at me, and Alice almost caught him so I couldn't help but laugh. I shook my head and followed them towards the dining hall. My mouth went agape when I saw the mouth-watering food that they prepared. Too bad, I can't eat with them. It really looked delicious.
"Bren and Shan cooked for us this morning!" Kath said enthusiastically.
Shan? I looked around and saw the guy with wings wearing mittens and an apron. Oh. That must be his name. As I looked at them, I noticed that only Drake and Karis don't have anything that represents their animal.
"Bythos..." I called.
"Where is Drake's horn? Karis's antlers?"
"They hid it to look normal like me. The others liked theirs, so they decided to show it off."
Oh. That explains it. Would Karis and Drake from the present time show it if I tell them to? I really want to see it. But I won't force them if they don't want to show it. It would just be nice to see it.
"Okay, everyone! To the garden!" Kath shouted.
I blinked twice when they started running towards the 'garden'. I looked at Bythos who was grinning on his way to the garden.
"Hey, what's going on?" I asked.
He didn't answer and just walked towards the garden. Instead of asking, I just went with them and watched them line up. Karis was the first one, followed by Drake. Huh. They are quiet so it was a bit strange. Bythos sat on the bench and created a circular platform. Karis and Drake stepped up and stood inside the platform. Maybe they are going to train?
Karis slowly removed his top and smirked. I pursed my lips as I watched him. Oh, my god. What am I thinking? How...nasty of me.
"You wanted to see him with his antlers, right?"
"What?" I asked.
"Just watch."
Karis removed his ponytail and his jet-black hair fell. Antlers started to grow from his head and his eyes started to glow. When he smirked, I saw his fangs. What the f**k? He's not even a water deer nor a musk deer! But he looks hot.
Meanwhile, Drake started to grow horns and a tail. He also had fangs and his eyes were glowing. The two of them looked strong so I wasn't sure who would win. I watched them intently as they brawled. They covered their fists with the elements that they manipulate and block each other's attacks using it. Karis's antlers almost reached Drake. I heaved a sigh of relief. Drake would have been wounded if it had reached him. I was holding my chest while watching them exchange blows.
It seems like Karis found an opening. I noticed from the way he smirked. He landed a punch there. Drake tried to dodge it, but his movements started to become slow. That's why Karis was able to land that punch. I honestly expected Drake to win. But it seems like Karis is their leader for a reason.
"You fought well, i***t," he told Drake who was glaring at him.
"Karis trained a lot more than the others because he's lived his life as prey before. That's what made him a lot stronger than most."
I smiled. "I can see that."
Karis was about to sit beside Bythos so I stood up. He wiped his sweat and tied his hair in a ponytail. I bit my lower lip and looked away. His antlers didn't disappear, so I looked at him again to savor the view. It really looks good on him.
"Your antlers look good on you. I don't think you should hide them," Bythos told him.
Karis frowned. "If I don't hide them, I would look different from you. I don't want to keep them."
I rolled my eyes. Then, don't. This dumbass. It's not like he was being forced to keep it. But I guess that's his personality. He's sensitive at times, I kind of got used to it.
"Hey, Bythos," I called when Karis left to brawl with Bren.
"Hm? What is it, Flare?"
I intently stared at him. "I want to learn how to use telepathy."
"What for?"
"It'll be pretty convenient if I relay some messages to my comrades. You know about it too, right?"
"Yes. I understand. I shall teach you when we get back in my room. They would be suspicious if I teach you here."
I sighed and gave in. The others are still fighting. I noticed that their eyes glow when they fight. The others fight messily but Shan was sophisticated. My mouth formed an 'o' when Kath got blown away. Shan bowed and made his way out after. Kath bared her teeth at him, but he only smiled at her. The Zodiacs got tired and went back to their rooms to rest. Bythos hurriedly went to his room, so I followed him.
"We only have two hours. They will finish resting after that and prepare lunch. You must learn telepathy within that period. Do you understand?"
He sounded so stern and strict, so I was a little surprised. He's normally so gentle and soft-spoken. I didn't think he would have this side.
"Relax your mind and pay attention to me. You need to be able to read my mind. Stare into my eyes, do not look away. If you look away, it will break your concentration. If you fail for the first time, you will never learn telepathy..."
My jaw fell and I asked for a few moments. He said that in such a serious manner, so I felt pressured. Telepathy is a necessity for me. I got used to giving commands using radios and earpieces. I don't think I will be able to fight properly if I'm not in sync with my comrades. I would worry that we might bump into each other and break the formation.
I took a deep breath. "Okay, I'm ready..."
He sat in front of me and held my chin. I got used to keeping my eyes moment at crucial situations. I'm sure that I can still do it. I made sure to empty my thoughts as I stared into his eyes. I felt myself diving into his mind as I kept on staring. I didn't break eye contact despite that.
"Wow. Flare's eyes are pretty..."
"I hope I don't look flustered right now."
"Has she dived into my mind? Oh, no..."
"I'm worried but I can't break eye contact. What do I do...?"
Whoa. So, these are his thoughts...
I saw a child version of him, and I was about to touch him. Before I could touch his back, I was brought back to reality. An impact was made, and I was almost thrown towards the wall. Luckily, he was able to hold my hand.
"Okay, but how can I do it again?"
"Whew, that was a close one."
Huh? He didn't say that in a formal tone...
"Try to speak to an image of me in your mind."
That one was formal. Oh? I can read his mind now. I see, it's easy when I acquire the ability. Now, I must send messages through my mind. I did what he said and created an image of him in my mind.
"Your eyes are pretty."
His cheeks slightly turned red, but he quickly composed himself. We talked to each other through our minds for a while until I got used to it. After two hours passed, Kath barged in to get him. I wanted to try reading other people's thoughts, so I tried. I'll do it once. After this, I will never read minds without consent.
"Whoa. His Majesty looks as cool as always."
I stopped after that one. Hm. It does work. I'll try this when I get back. We can practice using it for that fated day. I smiled to myself. I can make it a bit easier for them.
"Your Majesty..." Drake called when Bythos sat on his seat.
"What is it?"
"You always rush to your room. Is something wrong?" he asked worriedly.
Oh, no. He hasn't caught on, I'm sure of that. The others looked worried as well when Drake pointed it out. I guess they are just concerned.
The latter smiled at him. "Nothing. Please don't mind me. I'm just a little tired."
"Let His Majesty rest as much as he wants. There is an upcoming war. We all know that, right?" Alice said sternly.
They went silent and started to eat without saying anything. They must be on edge because of it. Especially Bythos...
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