"Flare, are you okay? Why are you crying?" Karis asked worriedly.
I looked at myself, only to see that I'm really back. There was no white dress, nor was there a greenfield with flowers and butterflies. And lastly, Bythos was no longer around.
I just woke up from the dream that I had where I met Bythos in my safe space. Karis seems to have been trying to wake me up since he woke up and saw me crying. I'm glad that I didn't wake up earlier, though. That moment felt so real, and I almost wished that it didn't end so soon.
"No, I'm okay..." I mumbled as I wiped the tears.
He sighed and held my hand. "If you're not comfortable, it's okay to not talk about it. But if you're fine with it, feel free to speak to me, okay?" he softly said as he caressed my hand.
It was not something I'm embarrassed about, but it was a precious memory to me. Karis held my cheek to make me look at him. He seemed genuinely concerned about me to the point that I almost melted at his gaze. I smiled and held his hand that was on my cheek.
"I'll tell you..." I trailed off.
He suddenly became alert. "Alright, I'll listen."
"You see, I met Bythos in my dream. According to him, I have created a safe space that I want to be in inside my mind. He visited me there, and we talked about a lot of things. I guess I'm just sad that I had to say goodbye to him so soon."
He licked his lips and rested his forehead on mine. "Ah, I was afraid that you might have had another nightmare."
"I'm sorry for worrying you," I said apologetically.
He shook his head. "I'm just glad that you're okay. But did you have fun talking to Bythos?"
"Yes. I felt so relaxed, but I wish I could have spent those moments with you."
"Once this is over, we can relax on a real greenfield."
"I'll look forward to that, then."
We giggled at the thought of getting to spend some time just relaxing after the war. Of course, it's still far from reality, but it's free to dream, right? There's nothing wrong with hoping we can do something like that since we're still living beings here in Plaisiria. And it's not like we're going to just forget about our responsibilities. It's just like a break that we all need.
"Then, we should go now. Everyone's probably waiting for us already."
He pouted and wrapped his arms around my waist. "It's still early. The cooks are probably still in their beds. Let's cuddle for the meantime," he insisted while looking at me with his bambi eyes.
I sighed and hugged him back. I may act like I don't like it, but I really love being embraced by him. His body feels so warm and comforting. Sometimes, I wish that we could stay that way forever.
"You really fit in my arms..." he said while looking at me with so much admiration in his eyes. "I have often thought of keeping you in my arms forever just like this."
I chuckled. "We can't do that."
"Mm. I know that, so I'll stay by your side no matter what. As long as you're within reach, I'll be satisfied."
I closed my eyes and allowed myself to feel his comfort. However, we had to get up when we noticed that it was starting to become noisy outside. It seems like they're already up and starting to cook for everyone. As soon as we went out of the tent, all eyes were already on us.
"Hmm? What's wrong?" I asked Matteo, who just passed by.
He stopped in his tracks and faced me with a grin on his face. "Nothing's wrong, Your Majesty. I won't tease Karis anymore, don't worry."
I c****d my head to the side, confused. There are still things I wanted to ask him. However, Karis draped his arm over my shoulder and dragged me towards our table. I almost tripped because of what he did, but he only laughed at me. This jerk!
I glared at him. "What's with you and everybody else?" I asked.
"Don't mind them. There's nothing wrong. It's better to just ignore it."
He pulled my hand and started playing with my fingers like a child. I'm still confused because they were certainly giving us weird looks. Maybe they're still suspecting that Karis and I are together. Well, that's quite troublesome. It's not entirely wrong, but I wish they'd stop looking at us like that.
Aiyana and Alwina suddenly sat with us. They talked about making a training routine for the squads to make sure they can execute the plan properly. It seems to be quite complicated, and they want to discuss it with us.
"To make it short, we want to shrink them and watch them practice executing the plan on a three-dimensional model. Flare can create one with ease, and Aurora can manipulate the size of anything that has mass. Wouldn't that be a good way to train the members of the faction? We should at least try," Aiyana said enthusiastically.
I thought about her suggestion for a while, and I thought it'll be a perfect training regimen. Alwina seems to agree with it, but she still wants my approval. Karis also thought it was a great idea.
"Why not? Are we going to place enemies as well? Like, maybe dolls that they can fight off while infiltrating? I can also do that," I said.
Aiyana nodded. "We can place dolls that look like civilians as well. That way, the Evacuation team can memorize what they need to do. Hmm, I want the two of you to fight on a daily basis in my domain, though. There are people here who mastered each weaponry, but it's better if Karis trains the four squads himself."
"I can do it," Karis said, determined. "Anything for the success of our plans."
Alwina raised her hand. "I took a sample of the hot spring you used to come to, and I plan to recreate it somewhere behind the forest. However, that would require your cooperation, Your Majesty. I want you to destroy a portion of the land."
I blinked a few times when I heard what she said. Me? Did she say that she wants me to destroy a landscape? I swallowed hard and looked in the direction that she mentioned. That's quite a dangerous request. There won't be animals living there, right?
"If you're worried that you would destroy a home, don't worry. That place has been deserted for decades already. No one would want to live in such a place," Alwina assured me.
"Okay, I'll do it."
"Thank you, Your Majesty. Everyone won't have to suffer from fatigue or muscle pain anymore. This will be able to help all of our warriors."
Karis cleared his throat. "Regarding the training you mentioned, can we do it a month later? For now, we should focus on polishing their skills. We can't just jump to practicing the execution of our plan. Don't worry, I can promise that they will be strong enough to pull it off within a month."
"I agree," I said. "But of course, we won't stop there. There are still a lot of things we can do to nurture our warriors."
The food suddenly arrived, so we stopped talking. We ate quietly, just like usual. I kept on thinking of what to do to make sure that the members of the faction would improve steadily. Since there are people here who mastered weaponry, I wanted to see how good they are. The trainees were distracted because of us, so I made a barrier around the ring to make sure that they wouldn't see us. That's what I did for the whole morning before they finished cooking lunch.
"Ah, that was impressive! I'll leave their training regimen to you, then."
They bowed their heads to me. I get flustered when they do it before, but I've gotten used to it. I smiled at them and did the same as a sign of respect. They might not have won against me, but that's because my strength is quite abnormal compared to everyone else. We went back to the camp when we finished since they've finished cooking lunch.
On my way there, I bumped into Karis. He had a towel on his hand, and he was just about to wipe his sweat with it, but he saw me. He smiled and wiped mine with it instead. I was taken aback by what he did, and it looks like the people around me had the same reaction. But Karis didn't look like he was ashamed of what he did! He even looked smug, like he just had another achievement in life. I shook my head at him and proceeded to sit on the table that was reserved for us.
"How did it go? Were they competent?" Karis asked as soon as we sat down.
I nodded. "I would've had my ass handed to me if it wasn't for my super strength."
He chuckled at my remark. "You're Flare, of course, you'll win."
"What's my name got to do with that?" I asked, confused.
"Hmm? Nothing. I just meant that you're you, Flare, so there's no reason for you to lose," he said with a cute smile.
I raised a brow, pretending that I didn't get flustered because of what he just said. Although, I really felt butterflies because of it. He really knows how to make me happy. It's not just with his words but with his actions that keep making me happy as well. Ah, he's really my lifeline...
His face flushed red when I didn't say anything. "What's with that reaction?!" he complained.
I chuckled. "The food is here, so let's eat," I said, ignoring what Karis just said.
Aiyana and Alwina arrived as soon as the food was served, so we ate together again. We would normally eat quietly, but Aiyana suddenly became talkative. Wow, that's a little strange since she's the one who insisted that we should eat in peace.
"Listen, we should have Flare launch a surprise attack on Hildus!" she kept going on about that like we haven't heard it for the first time.
I chuckled because it seems like she drank something she's not supposed to drink again. Aiyana often acts this way when she drinks liquor, and Alwina has been dealing with her whenever it happens. As I see it, Alwina seems to be fed up with what Aiyana does when she drinks. I was surprised when she suddenly went to the platform while holding Aiyana's hand.
"Who gave this woman alcohol?" she asked sternly.
Most of us are still eating, so the ones who have finished started murmuring because Aiyana clung to Alwina, who doesn't seem to care that people are watching them. Ah, I admire her patience. It may look like she's forced to watch over the Goddess of Time, but she's really trying her best to take care of her without having anyone tell her that she needs to do it.
"Uhm, she seems to have taken it from the storage, thinking it was grape juice," Aurora said bravely.
Alwina looked really scary like she would punish whoever gave Aiyana the alcohol. I turned to Karis, who was holding his laugh while trying to eat peacefully. His shoulders were shaking, and he almost choked on his food, so I almost laughed! I looked down, trying to calm myself while Alwina tried to make Aiyana stay still.
I kicked Karis's foot, so he looked at me while controlling himself. "What?" he asked with his voice trembling.
"Stop laughing," I whispered.
"I'm not," he defended himself.
"I can see your shoulders shaking, but sure."
We stopped talking and quickly finished eating since we're supposed to spar today. Alwina also finished her food and went to the tent with Aiyana to sober her up. The ones we were training already know what to do, so Karis and I were ready to spar. And then we remembered that we can't do it here or we'll end up destroying the whole forest. Aiyana is drunk, so we can't enter her domain!
"What should we do?" I asked as we sat once again.
We would have to move to an open space where we won't harm anyone. Karis and I are messy fighters, so we would likely be destroying a whole landscape while fighting. That's what happened when we were still training near Aiyana's old home.
"Let's use my domain instead," he suggested.
"Wouldn't that drain your own mana? If we fight each other, it might take a while. What if you don't last until the end?" I asked worriedly.
He smirked. "No matter how much mana I lose, I'll be able to regenerate it as long as I'm inside the domain. I will have an advantage if we use it. Are you good with that?" he asked, obviously challenging me using his tone.
I stood up while smirking. "Even if you gain an advantage, I'll win."
"Oh? I'll take that as a yes."
He also stood up and went to where the small pond was. He closed his eyes and touched it. Suddenly, a shrine gate appeared. I looked closely and noticed water figures of fishes floating around it. Karis held my waist and slowly guided me as we stepped inside.
"Make sure to watch your step and imagine that you can walk on water or you'll fall and be nothing more than prey to sea monsters," he warned with a very stern tone.
I nodded and did what he said. "Is your domain that dangerous?" I asked.
He nodded. "It only changes when my heat cycle comes. Now focus, Flare," he replied.
I kept my guard up when we were finally inside his domain. It was filled with mana, and all I could see was an ocean. Since the water is kind of clear, I saw different sea monsters living down there. My eyes might be deceiving me, but it seems like there was a Kraken down there!
Karis held my chin and made me look into his eyes. "Don't be scared. Those beasts won't harm you unless I say so."
"I thought they'd kill me if I fall into the ocean?" I asked, confused.
He nodded. "That was the order I gave them before. I'm sure that they'd obey it until now. However, I told them to f**k off just now."
He told them to f**k off...
"Are you serious?" I asked with furrowed brows.
He nodded, and I could see that he was really serious. I heaved a sigh and pushed him away as I stood on my own two feet. Suddenly, I want to grow wings just so I could make sure that I won't fall into the ocean. I removed my armor and allowed it to head straight to the monsters' mouth. But I was surprised when no one came to tear it into pieces! I turned to Karis, but he only smirked at me.
Are they his pets? Did he train them?!
I cleared my throat and closed my eyes as I envisioned the wings of a fairy growing on my back. It's just in the meantime! I'll make sure to make them disappear as soon as this is over. Karis almost choked on his saliva when he saw what I did, so I grinned at him.
"Let's begin," I said.
He immediately transformed into his hybrid form and summoned a trident out of nowhere. Is he Poseidon now?! He also covered himself with his water armor. Ah, this is making me nervous. It's obvious that Karis has the advantage here! However, I'm not backing down. We agreed to go at it here, so I'll make sure that I would win.
"Here I go!" Karis said as he charged towards me.
I summoned my katanas and defended against him. We continued to fight like how we did back then, but I get pushed back often. I had to push myself to my limit just to beat him!
"Sword of thy creator, I summon thee..."
I can see that Karis is strong enough to take this. Besides, he's strong enough to defeat me in his domain. I'm constantly losing mana, but he's still fighting at a steady pace. If I really want to win against him, this is my last straw. He seems like he's ready to take it as well, so I don't have to hesitate anymore.
"Oh heavenly light from above, lend me your strength..."
He put his shield up as he got ready to launch his attack with me. My sword shone at its brightest, allowing me to give my all with one swing. I set the intensity to the maximum, so I'll only be able to make one swing. After that, I'll probably drop on the ocean.
I screamed as I swung the sword, creating an impact that can cut through steel. Karis also launched his strongest attack with the trident. I tried to remain standing as I watched our spells clashing. Karis also put his all into that swing, and now he's struggling to stand on his own. This might be my limit, but that was the point of this. I smirked as I placed more power into it. Karis's spell broke because of that, and now he's about to die. However, I was able to stop it before it could hit him.
It disappeared after that, and Karis's domain disappeared. He also reverted back into his human form as we dropped on the ground, exhausted to the point that we can't even move a limb. I saw my armor and Karis's armor drop along with us, but I'm too tired to even pay attention to it.
"Are we going to stay here until someone comes to get us?" I asked.
He nodded. "Probably. Ah, I hope they find us."
We laid down as the sun started to set, waiting for our comrades to finally find us. We were covered in sweat, and I feel so sticky. What are they gonna say when they see us at this state? f**k. Maybe we should minimize our fights to at least once a month. I don't think I can do this every day. It's way too tiring, and it might not be good for our bodies.
"How about we never do this again?" I asked.
He chuckled. "Once every two weeks."
I sighed, thinking I'll do this again. Karis is way too strong! Or maybe I'm just too weak. How am I going to face off with Hildus at this rate? I have beaten him a lot of times before, but that's because I have an advantage. And now that he had the upper hand, I almost lost.
"If you're thinking that you might be too weak to face off with Hildus, stop it. I'm strong because I crawled my way to the top and was made to be the king's equal. That's the only reason. You can defeat Hildus and free the whole kingdom."
I smiled. "Yeah, I promise."
We went silent after that and when I looked at him, he was already sleeping! I guess it took a toll on his body since he had to keep the domain up for a long time. At this rate, we're going to be sleeping here until we recover. I wanted to shout for help, but I don't have the energy to do so. Maybe I should just sleep like Karis. They'll probably find us sooner or later. And if they don't, then we're screwed.
"Your Majesty!"
I opened my eyes when I heard a scream. Alwina was looking at the two of us worriedly. Because of her shout, Karis also woke up. It seems like the both of us had slept for some time, so we recovered a bit. But it's just enough to let us walk on our own.
"We just trained," I said while Alwina helped me stand up.
She sighed. "You should have postponed it."
"I'm sorry," I said.
"No, it's not your fault. Everyone was worried because we couldn't find the two of you when it was time for dinner."
It seems like they've prepared a warm bath for the both of us, so we went to the bathhouse first. There was a special bath for me and Karis that was only separated by a curtain. They had it prepared as soon as they found out that we were training on a domain.
"Karis," I called.
"Another win for me," I teased.
He scoffed. "Watch out because next time, I'll win against you."
I chuckled. "I'd like to see you try."
We went silent and just enjoyed the bath that was prepared for us. Thanks to a medicine that was made to immediately cure fatigue, we were able to recover quickly. Its rejuvenating properties aren't as good as the hot spring, but it'll do. After taking my time in the bath, I went out to eat dinner. I was surprised when I saw that they're still chattering and haven't started yet.
"Your Majesty! Let's eat dinner now!" they exclaimed when they saw me.
I smiled genuinely. "Alright, let's eat now..."
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