We're going to train again today. We promised to avoid missing a single day. Every minute counts because the fated day is just months away. But more importantly, I only have two months to master the power that Bythos passed onto me. I've made a lot of progress since the day I came back after traveling through time. I have learned a lot because Aiyana observes me and points out my mistakes.
"You are getting used to the ability, Flare. Keep up what you are doing," she said enthusiastically.
I smiled. "Do you mean it?"
She giggled. "Yes!"
Karis ruffled my hair, so I glared at him. "You've been doing good, Flare. I'll go do some physical training," he said. He immediately stripped and walked towards the opposite side.
I c****d my head to the side. "You said you're strong enough? Why the sudden need to train?" I mocked.
He scoffed. "You never know. Drake might surpass me. That's unacceptable."
I chuckled and started my training. I was almost able to control the explosions last night. I continued to do that until I finally did it accurately. However, I might miss the shot if I immediately move to a different training routine. That's why I kept doing that for at least two hours.
"Aiyana, I mastered it! Should I combine a different attack? Or is it better to do it one by one?" I asked.
"Please do it one by one. You can try the combinations after mastering each attack," Aiyana replied.
"Okay, thank you."
What was it again? Ah, the absorption of attacks. But I will need a sparring partner for that. I looked at Aiyana. She can help me with this, I'm sure.
"Can you attack me?" I asked with a pleading face.
She shook her head. "It would be dangerous for you."
I pouted and looked for Karis. He was in his hybrid form when I found him. Whoa. I thought I would never see it again. Karis was holding a rock, and he suddenly threw it towards a very far distance. I cleared my throat to get his attention. He looked at me with a smug grin on his face.
He wiped some sweat off his chin. "Hm? Do you need something?" he asked, still panting.
"Can you be my sparring partner?" I asked hesitantly.
He barked a burst of laughter. "You think you can keep up?"
I rolled my eyes. "Are you going to do it or not?"
"I will," he answered while chuckling.
He created magic circles around him. Meanwhile, I went down on my knees and made a ball of light on the ground. I closed my eyes and felt my mana flowing within my body.
"Here I go..." he trailed off.
"Close your eyes," I said.
This one might turn out to be too blinding, so I warned him. It's going to be a loss for us if he suffers from this. He was confused, but he obliged.
I waited for him to launch his attacks. "Absorb..."
I made the condensed light on the ball scatter. It swallowed his attacks, but it almost got me! I heaved a sigh of relief when I survived after taking a few steps back.
"Flare!" Karis called and attended to me. "I'm sorry..."
"No, it's okay. It was my fault for not controlling it properly. I'm the one who should be sorry."
Aiyana also looked worried, so she approached us. "Are you okay?"
"This one is dangerous. Can't you skip this?" Karis asked worriedly.
I shook my head. "How will I defeat Hildus if I can't even do this properly. Let's continue."
"Okay. But be careful." He was hesitant, but he couldn't do anything. He knows that I'm right, so he allowed me to continue.
Last night, I practiced keeping my concentration in my sleep. I can feel that I'm slowly learning how to do it again. Maybe I still need some polishing, but I'll be able to do it. I took a few deep breaths and made sure that only the image of the scale and my ability were in my mind. I did not think of anything else.
Karis did the same as earlier. I think I subconsciously made it too strong to make sure that none of his attacks will hit me. So, I lowered the intensity. I groaned when one of his attacks grazed me. Because I turned it down a little, it didn't absorb everything. It's too difficult to control because if it's one point stronger, it'll be dangerous for the people around me. It should only absorb attacks, not people.
I bit my lower lip. "One more..."
He sighed. "Are you sure?"
"We're not stopping until I get it right."
I thought he was mad, but I was wrong. He's just worried. He's always that way when it comes to me. I smiled to myself, knowing that I have someone like him beside me. That's why I need to do better. How will I face him if I'm not strong enough to stand by his side? I promise that I will save this world. That way, I will be able to repay their kindness towards me.
Little by little, I upped the intensity until I got it right. It was already lunch when we finished sparring. The both of us dropped to the ground after that. We laughed when our eyes met. I never thought training could be this fun. Karis was on his hybrid form, so his mana dropped a lot. He couldn't stand so I helped him up.
"You overdid it," she told Karis. I helped him sit down and get his food. "That should replenish the mana you lost."
"Thank you. But it was Flare's fault for overworking me," he teased.
I rolled my eyes and ate the food that Aiyana prepared. "Why don't you shut up and eat, old man?"
"Old man?!"
"No fighting," Aiyana warned.
We rested for a bit after eating because we felt like we were about to die from exhaustion. Aiyana said she's going to support Karis during our afternoon training. I'm going to practice hitting a moving target with my light bullets and defending. It might be a little dangerous for Karis, so Aiyana decided to help us out.
"You think you can hit me?" he mocked.
I smirked. "We'll see."
"What if I win?"
My brows furrowed. "What do you want?"
He laughed evilly. "You'll grant me a wish. Just one."
"Fine," I breathed.
"If you win, you'll get a wish from me."
"Yeah, sure."
He wouldn't cooperate with me unless I say yes. Geez. He's so childish. Aiyana laughed and stood behind Karis. She's going to constantly restore his mana so that he can keep up with me. I still have a lot on my pedestal, so I'm sure that I won't run out of it while we're fighting.
That's what we did for the rest of the day. I was never able to hit Karis because he can defend well. Not only that, but he’s also very agile! I was able to pick the speed up, but he went even faster. Tsk. If only I can move as quickly as Bythos. But I can't do that yet. Tomorrow, we'll continue this training routine before I learn to summon arrows and spears.
Karis smirked as he helped me get up. "I won. You'll grant my wish."
Ah, what a pain. He was hell-bent on that wish. He had this mocking grin on his face. Geez!
I rolled my eyes. "Fine. Now, what is it?"
He held his chin and pouted. "I won't tell you for now. I'll save it for some other time. You know, it might come in handy sometime later." He winked at me and walked away, laughing.
I snickered and followed him. "Dummy..."
It became our habit to come to the hot springs after we train. After soaking until we get dizzy, we'll go home to eat dinner. We created a training routine so that we can improve faster. During the morning, we'll train separately and spar in the afternoon. Aiyana would make food to replenish our energy and mana for lunch and provide support for our afternoon training.
"She's improved drastically, right?" Karis asked Aiyana with his arms crossed. His eyes narrowed at me as if he was examining me.
Aiyana nodded. "Flare seems to know what she is doing. It only takes her at least two days to master the techniques. That is quite a remarkable feat indeed."
I smiled to myself. My level of concentration has also improved. I can keep the scale in check while attacking and defending all at once. However, it seems to take a toll on my body more as I make progress.
"Flare!" they shouted when I fell to the ground.
I was so dizzy, and my body felt hot and cold at the same time. Did I get sick? f**k, I don't have much time to lose. It has been more than two weeks, and I'm still nowhere as strong as Bythos. Karis carried me, but I wriggled and tried to stand up. What the hell is wrong with my body? I'm almost there! I thought the hot springs were enough to rid my body of the fatigue, but maybe it was not.
He sighed heavily and carried me again. "Flare, don't be stubborn. You're sick, and you know that better than anyone. But if you think you can go on without passing out, I'll let you go."
I pursed my lips and buried my face on his chest. "Sorry..."
We promised to train every day, but we can't do it unless I get better. f**k. Why did I have to get sick now? Right when I'm finally starting to improve.
"That's a good girl." Karis used his hybrid form to get to the house faster. Aiyana didn't follow because she went to look for plants to make herbal medicine. I felt guilty that she needs to go out of her way for me, but she insisted.
"Do not worry about me, Flare," she said with a smile before heading off.
When we got home, Karis gently placed me on the bed and went out to put his clothes on. After that, he came back with a pair of clothes and a small piece of cloth. He gave them to me and left so that I can put them on.
"You can come in now," I said weakly.
He came in and made me lie down on the bed. He placed the piece of cloth on my forehead with a stern look on his face. If this happened on any other day, I would have laughed. But right now, I don't even have the energy to do so.
"Do you want to eat anything? Ha, I wish I know what to do when someone is sick..." he trailed off and caressed my cheek.
"Soup..." I mumbled.
He panicked and looked around. Aiyana is still out, picking herbs. No one in here can cook. I can, but I can't move my body.
"I don't know how to make porridge..." he murmured, and he looked like he was about to cry. "Sorry, wait a little more. Or maybe I'll try. Aiyana might take too long."
He was about to go, but I held his hand. He'll burn the kitchen down if he tried. But more than that, I don't want him to leave me here. I'm very vulnerable right now, and I won't feel sake unless he's beside me.
"Hm? What is it?" he asked softly.
"Don't leave me..."
He smiled and sat beside me again. "Okay, I won't. You can sleep. I'll stay here."
I fell asleep just fine when I held his hand. His presence was enough to calm my nerves down. Even though I was scared to fall asleep in this state, he made me feel secured. A small smile crept onto my lips as I drifted to sleep. When I woke up, Karis was sitting on the floor with his head resting on the bed. I was still holding his hand. His face lit up when he saw that I was awake. He sat on the bed and helped me get up. I held onto my head because I felt dizzy.
He gently cupped my cheek. "Don't force yourself. If you don't feel well, you can continue to rest."
I pursed my lips and decided to lay down. Aiyana came in with a tray. Karis took it from her hands because she was struggling to hold it. There was porridge and a glass of herbal medicine in the tray.
"Drink that after you eat the porridge. You will surely get better within two days," Aiyana said and touched my forehead. "My, your fever is high."
"Why did she get sick?" Karis asked while looking at me with that worried expression again.
I sighed. "This is the first time I got sick."
"You were once an ordinary human. Your body must have had a hard time trying to adapt to the new environment. That body of yours will not be able to hold out for so long."
My mouth went agape as I stared at her. I know that she wasn't kidding when she said that. Due to shock, I wasn't able to utter a response. Karis was just as shocked as I am.
Aiyana gave me an apologetic look. "I apologize. I should have foreseen such a thing. I did not dare to peek at the future due to personal reasons. That is why this is happening."
I took a deep breath and calmed myself down. "Is there a way for me to continue to live?"
She nodded. "Yes. I know of two ways. One is to ascend to Celestia and come back down."
"Wouldn't that require me to die?" I asked hesitantly.
"Yes." She sighed. "Once you do that, they will not let you go back down. Hachiman and Flambe are there, but the two of them are powerless against the Supreme King. Flambe ascended for some reason after the war, so I am certain that he resides there now."
"How about the other one?"
"To find a fitting vessel."
Karis gasped. "A vessel? A human body or..." he trailed off.
"A human body will not suffice. It will suffer the same fate. We shall ask the archmage to create a fitting vessel for Her Majesty."
Karis stood up. "I can ask Drake to relay the message right this moment. Where is Cyrus?"
"He is currently eating," Aiyana replied and sat beside me.
Karis looked at me. "Don't worry. We will solve this," he assured me and went out to look for Cyrus.
I smiled genuinely. "Thank you..." I said and drank the medicine that Aiyana brewed for me.
Aiyana turned to me with a smile. "We will do everything to make sure that you can continue to live. I am sure that the archmage can help us."
I felt tears pooling from the sides of my eyes. "Oh, how can I repay you for the kindness you showed me?"
She shook her head and cupped my cheeks. "As long as you are alive, that is enough for me. I promised to support you for the rest of my life, and I will fulfill it no matter what."
I could only utter a sincere word of thanks. It wasn't enough for me. They have done so much for me, and I think it is only fair to thank them differently. Oh, right. Aiyana was lonely here because she was all alone. Maybe if I can find some way to bring her to the city without breaking the balance, it might make her happy. As for Karis, I shall grant whatever wish he wants. However, I need to get better first.
Karis came in after some time. "I talked to Drake, and he said that he is going to relay the message to Alwina immediately. Perhaps Alwina will arrive tonight or tomorrow."
Aiyana stood up and smiled at me. "Well then, let us allow Flare to rest. She needs it."
"I'll sleep here so that I can immediately attend to her if she needs something," Karis said.
"Hm. I'll leave the two of you, then. Rest well, Flare," she said and took the tray as she closed the door.
Karis sat on the floor with his sword beside him. He closed his eyes, so I was surprised. I stared at him with my hooded eyes. I badly want to sleep, but I can't just let him sleep like that. He opened his eyes when he noticed me staring at him.
"Hm? Do you need something?"
"You can sleep beside me." I offered and tried to move a bit. I think we can fit here as long as no one kicks the other. "Oh, wait. You might catch my cold."
He sighed and helped me move over. He laid down and looked into my eyes. "Don't worry. Idiots don't catch colds. If you're uncomfortable with this, you can tell me," he said and kissed my forehead.
"I'm fine..." I murmured before drifting off to sleep as he caressed my hair.
Ah, how comfortable. Karis's voice and caresses kept me calm even though my body might give up anytime soon. It's a little strange that I found solace in him, but it doesn't matter anymore.
"Shh, she might wake up."
I woke up when I heard people talking beside me. My eyes widened when Karis's chest greeted me. My head was resting on his arms. He looked at me when I backed away. He smiled and checked if I still have a fever.
"Her fever seems to have gone down a bit."
Alwina shoved Karis away and held my hands. "How do you feel, Your Majesty. Do you feel any pain in your body?" she asked hysterically and examined my body.
I shook my head and held her hands to make her stop. "I'm fine. Don't worry. It's just a fever."
It seems like she realized what she did. She quickly composed herself and cleared her throat. "Please forgive me for acting disgracefully."
"It's fine."
She smiled at me and turned to Aiyana, looking stern. "As it stands, I might not make it in time before Her Majesty's body gives up. Creating a vessel requires a lot of time and resources. I can do something about the materials I need, but I can't finish it..."
I looked down. Then, our last resort would be ascending to Celestia. But that would be a risk. It might trigger the curse of chaos. If it does, this whole world will get wiped out. Bythos would have had the chance to ascend to Celestia if the curse didn't manifest within him. That works just the same for me.
Karis groaned. "Isn't there any other way?"
"If only we can stop time..." Alwina mumbled.
Aiyana grinned. "Stop time, you say?"
"Yes, what about it?"
She smirked. "You are talking to the Goddess of Time, my dear. I can create a dimension wherein time does not pass. I can send the two of you there with all the equipment you need. Flare's body will not crumble as long as time does not flow in her, right?"
My mouth went agape as I stared at Aiyana. Her gentle expression was nowhere to find. Instead, her pretty face is now full of arrogance. She used to have a soft smile on her face, but now, all I can see was pompousness. I'm guessing it is her true nature. Even Karis was surprised to see her that way.
Alwina stood up and crossed her arms over her chest. Karis and I only watched as the tension started to build up between the two of them. They were of the same height, so no one had to look down or up to be face to face with each other. That's what made it more intense than it already is!
Karis sneakily sat beside me. "What's with them?" he whispered.
I only shook my head. I don't know why, but Aiyana seems to be pissed to see Alwina. They just met each other, and they're already like this. Aiyana is usually soft-spoken and kind, so what could have set her off?
"Send Her Majesty there. I shall remain here and complete the vessel."
Aiyana raised a brow. "She would be alone there."
"You can come with her."
The latter smiled sinisterly. "The domain is inside me. I cannot enter it."
"I'll come with you..." Karis whispered to me.
I wanted to laugh because he was scared to say it out loud. The two seem like they won't tolerate anyone who would butt into their conversation. However, I was also afraid to laugh.
"In that case, Sir Karis can come with Her Majesty. I shall remain here and deliver it to them."
"Why do you have to stay here?"
"I might run out of materials. It would be inconvenient to come in and out of your domain, Goddess of Time."
Karis turned to me with a worried look on his face. "You think they'll stop soon?"
I scratched my nape. "Probably."
Even though Aiyana and Alwina weren't shouting at each other, I can see that they're bickering. Or more like they were mocking each other. Ha, what are they doing?
Karis sighed and played with my fingers. He was pouting, and I can see that he's getting impatient. I pursed my lips as I felt butterflies in my stomach. Huh, that was weird. But he looked cute as he was doing that, so it's not wrong for me to feel this way.
Or maybe it is...
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