I was confused about how Karis acted, and I wanted to ask him a lot of questions. However, he already went to sleep. Or maybe he's just pretending to be asleep.
"Karis..." I called.
"Hmm? Do you need something?" he asked, still not facing me.
He refused to face me, so I figured he's embarrassed for asking me that kind of question. He may not look like it, but he's the type to get easily flustered. The way he tried to cover it up by turning his back on me made me want to laugh. He even made his deer ears disappear because he knows that they will keep on twitching due to embarrassment.
"You weren't mad at me, right?"
"No, why would I be? You only told them the truth. Besides, both of us agreed on that."
I heaved a sigh of relief. "I thought you were mad because you weren't saying anything."
He chuckled and faced me. "Matteo has been teasing me, saying he'll try to make you his if we're not together. That's why I was slightly annoyed."
"Hey, you two."
We jumped when we suddenly heard a familiar voice. I looked at the edge of the bed and found Cyrus. Drake seems to have overheard our entire conversation, which is why he sounded so stern. Ah, I just know that he'll scold us again.
"Uhm, yes?" I replied nervously.
I heard him sigh. "I get that you two are in love."
My mouth went agape when I heard his tone. His voice was a little raspy, so it emphasized his emotions more. He sounded sad, disappointed, and hurt. But I would like to think that it was only my imagination. I looked at Karis, and he suddenly became serious. It seems like he immediately understood what Drake meant. Now I feel left out!
"Uh-huh. What about it?" Karis replied, and his tone was arrogant.
"Nothing. Just be careful in handling your emotions. Anyway, I just want to hear the entire plan."
It didn't seem like they were fighting, but I could feel the tension between the two of them despite Drake not being physically here. They always talk to each other with that kind of tone as if they're mocking one another without directly doing it. They look like siblings who love each other but won't admit it. Pfft, cute. This is amusing, but I want to hurry up and sleep.
"Now, now. Let me explain the plan to you," I said even though I still wanted to watch Karis and Drake bicker.
"Alright, let's hear it."
I explained it to him, and he listened intently despite Karis's sudden remarks. He kept butting in while I was explaining! And Drake would talk back whenever he does. I felt like I was babysitting two kids while explaining because I had to stop them every time. If I wasn't tired, I would let them fight and watch silently while eating chicken.
"I'm leading the faction, so don't you cry in the corner, Mr. Subsitute?"
"Well, this substitute is better than you now!"
"If the two of you don't shut up and listen to me, I would cut your tails off with my katanas," I warned.
Of course, I don't mean it. However, Karis and Drake took it seriously and suddenly turned pale. Since they went silent, I was able to explain without any disturbances. I'm glad that they're still scared of me even after seeing my different sides. But I had to hold my laugh after seeing Karis's expression. He even made his tail disappear to make sure that I won't be able to cut it off.
"Did you catch all that?" I asked Drake.
"Yes, Milady. I'll keep that in mind and make preparations once the fated day is near. As you can see, I can't afford to raise suspicion now."
"I understand. Thank you for your efforts, Drake."
Dead silence followed after that, so I became worried that something might have happened to Drake. Even Karis started to worry because he wasn't saying anything! But we couldn't talk because Drake would get busted if there was someone else there. Ah, f**k.
Drake cleared his throat. "Sorry for that. Anyway, just keep on training, and I'll do whatever I can here. Make sure to inform me if something happens or if you're going to change the plan. Also, feel free to discuss things you want to talk about with me, Milady. As for Karis, I don't want to talk to you, so please don't contact me."
"Oh, is that so, Mr. Perfect?"
"You heard that right, Mr. Jealous."
I rolled my eyes when they started again. "Shut up, both of you. I want to rest now."
They immediately stopped after I told them to. Drake cut the communication off, so we laid down on the bed once again. I turned my back on Karis, but he made me face him.
"What's wrong with you? It's hot, so I don't want to cuddle!" I complained.
His eyes widened, and his mouth went agape. "You...don't want to cuddle? Don't you love me anymore?"
I only gave him a stern look, but it seems like he's really hurt that I don't want to cuddle with him. Seriously, what's wrong with this guy?! One moment, he's acting arrogant, and then the next, he's being shy and cute. I shook my head in dismay as I turned my back on him.
"The weather is too hot today, so don't give me that. Cuddle with a pillow if you really want to."
He whined, but he couldn't deny that I'm right, so he finally gave up. I thought he would throw a fit, so I'm glad that he obeyed what I said because I would have punched him if he didn't. He even left a space between the two of us so that I wouldn't feel hot anymore. A small smile crept on my lips because of what he did, but I suppressed it and decided to sleep.
"Flare..." he suddenly called.
I sighed heavily. "What is it?"
"Goodnight. Sleep well..." he murmured.
I was caught off guard because of what he said, so I couldn't help but face him. His face was buried on the pillow, and he looked like he was really embarrassed after saying that. I mean, he rarely does that, so I was wondering why he's suddenly telling me that. I wanted to ask him, but he pretended to be asleep. Hmm, maybe I'll do it tomorrow. But he wouldn't be able to escape my teasing when I do that. Pfft, just thinking about his reaction puts a smile on my face.
But I can't deny the fact that the way he said that gave me butterflies. This may sound strange, but I'm going to sleep with a genuine smile on my face. Ah, the things Karis makes me feel.
I opened my eyes only to find myself lying on the greenfield. The sun shone brightly as its rays hit my face. For some reason, it felt comforting. Perhaps it's the serenity of the scenario that I'm seeing? Butterflies were fluttering all over the fields that were filled with all sorts of flowers. There was also a lake that looks so clear. Ah, how beautiful. I looked at what was behind me and found a small cottage where two people can live peacefully. This place looks fantastic to the point that I wish I could stay here forever.
Wait, I wouldn't fit in this kind of place since I look like a warrior or a soldier. Ha, I could only dream of living here. I looked at myself, and I was surprised to find myself in a pure white dress. Huh...
I rushed over to the lake to see my reflection and was surprised when my hair almost covered my face. I removed it and found myself looking like an ordinary maiden. My face that always looked stressed was now relaxed, and my hair was no longer tied up. I usually leave it in a ponytail because it gets in the way, so seeing it this way was quite surprising.
"Is this really me...?" I asked myself.
A smile slowly formed on my lips after realizing that I can be an ordinary person even in a dream. Yes, I'm aware that this is a dream. I mean, this is far from reality, so I was able to distinguish it immediately. But I want to enjoy this moment while I can...at least before I wake up. I smiled and stood up as I ran across the fields, dancing with the flowers and butterflies.
I wish Karis was here with me. This would have been a lot more fun if he was by my side, smiling at me. He would have been happy to see this...
Ah, I should stop thinking about anything else. Of course, I still focused on maintaining the scale. This may be a dream, but I shouldn't let my guard down!
"Wow, that's so pretty..." I mumbled when I saw a white rose amidst the sunflowers. "I wonder what this little one is doing here."
It was strange to find it in the middle of the pretty sunflowers, which is why it stood out. I approached it so that I can get a good look. Hmm, this is probably obvious, but I like things that are pure white. I, myself, may not be pure, but I like these kinds of things. Hmm, I'm not really sure why, but I just feel that way towards white things.
"That flower is exactly like you..."
I was surprised and took my stance when I heard someone else's voice. What the hell? I thought I was the only one here since it's my dream! What is a man doing here?! I was about to kick his ass when I realized who it was. My jaw fell, and I almost teared up when I saw his face.
"Why are you only showing yourself now...?" I asked as I ran towards him.
He laughed and welcomed me with open arms. I hugged him tightly, and he did the same. His presence feels so warm, like home. I suddenly felt like I'm meeting a family member that disappeared for a long time.
"What took you so long, Bythos?" I murmured as I buried my face on his chest.
Right. The man who suddenly appeared in my dream is Bythos. This is the first time I'm talking to him in person after traveling back in time just to meet him. He spoke to me a few times through my mind, but I never got to see him in person. I have plenty of things that I want to tell him, so I don't know where to start!
"Forgive me, my child. You wanted to speak to me, do you not? I am here, and now I shall listen to all your worries," he said softly.
So this is what having a father feels like. This is the present Bythos, so he seems to be more mature than his young version. The way he talks is also different. I want to keep hugging him because it was comforting, but the time we have is probably short, so I'll try to make the most out of it. I have a lot of questions in mind, but I sorted all of them out.
"I spoke to Chaos, and it wants to take over my body. Please enlighten me regarding that."
I decided to begin with the most important questions that I have for him. He will answer them without hesitation, right?
He took my hand as we slowly walked towards the lake. "Ah, that wrench. Yes, Chaos will try to take over your body from time to time, so I suggest that you keep your guard all the time. As long as you refrain from thinking of giving up or submitting to it, you will be alright. Do not fear it because it will take advantage of your emotions and use it as a chance to wreak havoc."
My mouth went agape. "What does it want? Will I be able to get rid of it?"
He slowly shook his head. "Chaos only wants one thing. It is to eradicate the entire world, which is the exact reason why it was brought to life as a curse. It will not stop until it fulfills its purpose. Thus, you will never get rid of it. It may try to talk to you from time to time, so please keep it under control whenever it happens. You have been doing great these past few days, Flare. I believe that you will be able to subdue it."
"Do you really think I'm already at my strongest? Or am I still lacking?" I asked hesitantly.
"Hmm, if there's anyone who can answer your question, wouldn't that be you? Do you think you're still lacking? If so, then what do you lack?"
I pouted. "I asked you this for a reason. As you can see, I don't know the answer to that question."
He chuckled at what I said. "Alright, then. If you desire someone else's opinion, I would like to tell you that you're already doing great. Of course, you can still improve over time, but that is completely up to you."
"Then, tell me if I can be a fine queen. I always get anxious whenever I think about it. You know what the future holds, right? So please tell me..." I almost begged.
He smiled and cupped my cheeks as he rested his forehead on mine. "Flare, you will be the finest queen to ever exist. You may have uncertainties at this point, but believe me when I say that you will lead the world into prosperity."
"Not oblivion?" I joked.
He chuckled. "No."
"Hmm, I have another question."
"What is it?"
I was hesitant to talk about it, but he encouraged me. He wouldn't judge me or anything, right? Bythos isn't that kind of person, so I guess I should be comfortable asking him about it.
"Do you know what my past is?" He nodded at my question as we sat by the edge of the lake. "Then, do you still think I'm worthy? Did it not affect your decision? As you know, I was used as a puppet, and I was nothing more than that."
"Despite that, I still chose you. Flare, you are not a puppet but a brave soldier. You may have seen yourself as a puppet, but you are more than that. Besides, you have started a new life. Haven't you decided to forget about the past?"
I smiled at what he said. "You've been watching over me all this time, weren't you?"
"I will always be by your side, guiding you. If you find yourself at a loss, call my name. You may speak to me through your dreams as long as you believe that I am here," he said softly.
What he said made me happy until I remembered his other curse. Bythos lost his immortality due to it, and now he's about to lose his life.
"How many years do you have left?" I asked
He chuckled at my straightforwardness. "At least a decade. But I will likely die earlier than expected."
"Is that why you decided to talk to me now? Because you're going to disappear sooner or later?" I asked while giving him a pained look.
He caressed my cheek while smiling painfully. "Listen, Flare. The moment I die, I am unsure if I would be able to ascend to Celestia as I am no longer a god. But you can always reach out to me. We are connected, after all."
My jaw fell after hearing what he said. It felt like a bomb just dropped in front of me and has exploded while I stood there, shocked. All gods are supposed to ascend to Celestia if they die. But Bythos passed everything onto me, and now he's no longer a god. That means he can't enter paradise...because of me.
He sighed when he saw my expression. "Please don't blame yourself. I've known this for a long time already, but you're always so hard on yourself. This is a decision that I have always chosen. No matter what happened, I promised to pass everything to you before I die. If there's anyone who should feel remorseful, that's me. You never wanted any of this, and I ruined your dream of living a normal life."
He's right. Bythos could have passed the curse to someone else, like Aiyana or any member of The Zodiac. But he didn't because he chose to suffer alone, and so did I. Both of us have accepted our fates, and we're not hurting anyone else in the process.
"Then, should we stop being sad and just live while we can?"
He nodded. "We still have plenty of time before you wake up from this dream, so shall we make the most of it?"
"Hmm, what are we going to do?"
"Talk while taking a stroll? Forgive me for being boring," he joked after saying what he wants to do.
I chuckled. "Perhaps we're both boring? I was thinking of the same thing!"
It's already way past noon here, and I bet the sun will go down soon. We only have a few more hours to talk, I guess? I turned to Bythos, who was looking at another white rose.
"Why are these white roses scattered? And where are we?" I asked.
"We are in your safe space, a place in your mind that you made based on your dream life. Perhaps these white roses symbolize who you really are. You're a pure person, Flare, even if you don't see it. I'm certain that Karis thinks the same way, which is why he fell in love with you."
I pursed my lips as I crossed my arms over my chest. "You know that as well? Did you secretly listen to our conversations?" I teased.
He shook his head hastily. "No, I promise that I never listened! It's just that the two of you are always sweet around each other, so I figured something was going on between you two."
"Uh-huh. What if that's just how we act around friends?"
"Impossible. Karis never acts that way towards friends. And I don't think you would cling to someone who is merely a friend."
I chuckled. "You got me. But I have another important question."
"Ask away," he replied as he stood up to face me.
"Do you know what Hildus could be planning against me? To be honest, I would like this war to end quickly. I'll take Hildus down and take the throne. After that, try to lead the kingdom. So I would appreciate it if you tell me what his plans are."
He stiffened at my question, and I knew something was up. He's hiding something from me, and if I could, I would read his mind. However, he already blocked my telepathy. His skills never went rusty, I guess. Even I can't do something about it. But now that I think about it, that's strange. He's already lost his powers as a god, so why can he still do that? Huh...
"You can't tell me? Why?" I asked with a stern tone.
He licked his lips and looked away, knowing it would be hard to lie to me. "Forgive me..."
I swallowed the lump on my throat, unsure of what to say after hearing him apologize. The way he said it really bothered me, and now I'm sure that something big will happen. Why would he hide something to me, of all people? He wouldn't do it without a good reason, so I'll still try to believe him even if I don't like being lied to.
"Believe me, I'm really sorry for not telling you," he said like he was about to cry.
I pursed my lips and nodded. "I understand. It must be really important, right?"
He nodded. "You will understand in due time."
These sorts of scenarios never fail to make me feel annoyed. Bythos looked like he was scared of me because of my expression. Sure, I can understand that he's not supposed to tell me everything. But the question that I just asked was something I really needed to be answered to help the faction.
"Okay..." I murmured.
I sighed heavily and looked at the sun slowly setting. This might be a dream, but it felt like another day just ended with me finally getting to talk to Bythos. Perhaps I'm just too attached to him, but I wanted to stay here in my safe space with him.
But more than that, I want to hurry up and see Karis. He'll be beside me when I wake up, right? Like he always has. Ah, what a good memory to keep. We're supposed to forget dreams, but I sure hope that I don't forget about this.
"Karis must be in luck to have met someone like you," Bythos said as we watched the sun slowly go down.
I chuckled. "I think the both of us are lucky if you say it like that. I met all of you and gave me the family I have always wanted. I'm very fortunate to have stepped into this world. After all, I had plenty of my dreams come true. So I would like to thank you for leading me here..." I said with a smile on my face.
He also smiled and pulled me in for a hug. "Thank you for coming into this world. I'm proud to have you as my successor. Now, it's time to wake up, my dear child..."
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