All eyes turned to the entrance, where a group of thugs barged in, strutting with a cocky, arrogant swagger.
They looked out of place amid the finely dressed crowd, but that didn’t seem to bother them in the slightest. They were all with cigarettes, smoking very hard.
In front was a towering figure with a gleaming gold tooth that caught the light, casting a glint across the room. He grinned, showing off that gold tooth with pride, and raised his arms in mock celebration, his voice booming as he surveyed the startled crowd.
He was Gold tooth!!.
“Ah, what’s all this, then? A party without inviting us? Shameful!” he sneered, shaking his head.
“We are here to eat, drink, and enjoy ourselves. Now, everyone clear out”.
A nervous hush fell over the room as the thugs began throwing chairs, sending glass……
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