Mrs. James whined Bryan, “You must have be very happy that Mr. Lincoln is respecting you, a grass man”.
Tracy frowned, “mom!!!, Don't say that to him… and I was still wondering, who is closer to me that did all this”.
“Who do you think, of course the president secretary, he is living closer to us… and maybe we should meet him sometime, and have a dinner”, Mrs. James said.
“That would be very impossible, us?, Having dinner with someone like him”, she belittled herself.
“It will be possible, I will make it possible”, Bryan stated, softly and with full determination.
Mrs. James and Tracy burst into laughter, as Tracy held his hand, “I am sorry honey, but that is highly impossible!”.
“Because Mr. Lincoln, a very well respectful man bowed for you, you think you can have a chance with the president's ……
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