Chapter Thirty Eight – Time to say goodbye
Kyla sighed as she awoke, the last few days had passed in a whirl wind, long days with longer nights, as Kermit ravished her body over and over. He had only had one more night tremor since the incident when the police had been called, and she was thankful he seemed more at peace. Today though she would have to say goodbye to him for 6 days. Kermit was heading down to Tank’s which was on the outskirts of London, to pick up his own car, then see the publishers, also he had a couple of chat shows to do with Tank and Woof, to promote the show, before heading over to somerset and packing up his clothes, and some things he was wanting to bring with him, including a Playstation. Kyla had smiled, when he had asked sheepishly if it was ……
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