Chapter Eighteen – Laid Bare.
Kyla sat watching the door, and after what seemed like hours but only half an hour Izzy returned. Kyla felt her stomach sink as she looked at her friend, her eyes red, her head hung low. Although she did not wish to crowd Izzy, she also had a need to know if she would stay. Watching from her bunk she observed how Izzy walked to her bunk, shoulders slumped, avoiding all eye contact with anyone who looked towards her. Unable to stay put, Kyla approached Izzy’s bed, then gently sat on the end without saying a word, she put her arm out, and placed it around her shoulders. Izzy crumbled; big sobs wracked her body as Kyla unspeaking consoled her. After a few minutes has passed Izzy sat upright, straight as a die, then turned to Kyla.
“I am staying……
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