Chapter Nineteen - The Dangerous Game
Kyla formed up onto the parade square, she smiled to herself as Tank, Kermit, Woof and Cigs walked onto the platform, the four of them oozed testosterone by the bucket full, and she had to work hard not to clench her legs together as she took in the appearance of Kermit. After the eventful shower this morning, Kyla’s body had resided on the edge of carnal lust, her nerve endings had been ignited and the heat of passion was driving her to the edge of her sanity. Fighting the need to watch Kermit, to take in his manly stance that does things to her body that she had only ever read about in the sexiest of sexy books, Kyla kept her eyes front and centre desperate to concentrate her mind on the task at hand.
“LISTEN IN” Tank shouted whilst ……
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