Chapter Six – The Sickener
Kyla arrived at the base, it was made from some old farm out buildings, built in grey stone the green and browns from moss climbed up the walls in an intricate patter from foundations of the building did little to improve the unwelcome feeling it provided. The production crew began to show them around the cold stark buildings and a feeling of dread mixed with excitement pulsed in Kyla’s veins, as she could not quite believe that she was here, the place she had watched so many times. There was a room dedicated for the doctor and medics fully equipped for most injuries, the smell of disinfectant wafted into her nose, and for all it looked dingy it was far from dirty. Next door was the mess room, with four rows of collapsible tables with plastic chairs down the length of each one, running the width of the building, at the back two large hot water urns sat, one with a constant drip of water wetting ground below, three transparent plastic cold water containers sat beside them, filled to the brim. Along the side of the far wall were the counters where food would be served with empty metal dishes waiting to be filled with food.
Outside exposed to the turbulent Scottish elements were the toilets, men and women shared, and the door was akin to a western saloon only made of metal, there were four individual toilets in a row, and you could easily see over the top of the dividers, the doors would cover your body, leaving your legs and head exposed, moving over to the showers it was the same set up, the door only covering the essential parts of your body, and if you wished and a taller person, you could easily look over and see whoever was showering without much of a stretch. Along the centre two metal troughs stood that looked like they had been used to feed animals one upon a time. Trough one was for cleaning your mess kit and had washing up liquid bottles periodically along the top. The second trough was for doing laundry with boxes of soap powder standing underneath on a wooden shelf. In the centre sat individual sandstones outlining a large square, and a wooden structure which was a little like a stage sat in front of it this makeshift parade square. Across the way were more outbuildings that were for staff along with an interview room, where the instructors would take you if they wanted to know more information about why you were there or tell you how badly you were doing. It had been in those room’s that the story of Number 5 had been broadcast, the one that had changed her life, and Kyla did not fear it as some of the others around her seemed to. The contestants walked round a small corner and another large green barn door was open, with the number 4 painted in black across the expanse of the rustic stone wall. As she entered Kyla the smell of damp wafted into her nostrils, making the place cold and uncomfortable, two rows of cot beds, typical green army issue, and beside them a small canvas bedside cabinet, if you would call it that, to keep your kit. At the far end of the building was a log burner the orange and yellow flames dancing a tango, it was warm and inviting after being so cold earlier in the day. Kyla longed to go and stand in front of it, to bask in its heat to warm her chilled bones. Clothes horses stood either side, to dry clothes that had been soaked or washed.
As the contestants became accustomed to their surroundings, one of the instructors arrived, stood legs apart and hands behind his back.
“Right guys, listen in” Woof’s voice rang out
The contestants gathered around him he flexed his biceps that bulged under the black tight jumper all the instructors wore. His shoulder length sandy blond hair looked alien in this place, where most of the instructors wore their hair short back and sides, like they had never left the military services. He studied the faces before him, trying to read their emotions and spot the weakest link to target.
“When I am finished you will each find yourself a bunk, keep it clean and tidy. Each of you have dry and wet kit, it is your responsibility to make sure you listen to instructions and wear the correct kit as required. If you did not already realise, you are not here for a f*****g holiday, so you must also keep your kit clean and make sure it is dried afterwards. On each bunk you will see a mess tin, mess cup knife fork and spoon, you will also keep them clean. One of the instructors will do spot checks on your kit to make sure everything is kept as required, if any of you fail you will all face the consequences. Choose your bunks, unpack, mess will be in 45 minutes, any questions?” Woof looked around the barn and saw in the eyes of a couple of contestants they were less than happy with the accommodation, and he knew he possibly could claim the armbands of one of them at least, he could not have Kermit beating him with two armbands and him none.
“Unless some of you would prefer to go home, to your nice warm bed, you can do that, no problem at all, head off to a hotel with all your creature comforts, room service, laundry service, all I need is your armband” Woof c****d his head to one side, his sandy blond hair wafted slightly as his movement.
Suddenly number 18 walked forward and handed in her arm band to him, just as he thought, she did not like the sleeping arrangements, and he smiled to himself pleased he had read her correctly.
“Anyone else want a nice hot bath?” he tempted the contestants once more sure number 13 would walk due to the fact she was looking around the place with utter disgust in her eyes
But this time everyone remained quiet, and so Woof gave the order to find a bunk and left the building chuckling to himself, after the rat packs they would be served for tea, which was the most disgusting alleged stewing steak which looked like dog meat was served, he will come back and give the offer again sure that number 13 would bolt and leave.
Although most rushed to find bunks closer to the fire, Kyla chose her bunk, the second nearest the door, her thought process was it would be quicker to get out and on the parade square from that position, along with if she needed the toilets during the night hours, it would be easier than navigating the beds and disturbing the peace of those around her. To her right was number 2 and to her left number 16. Kyla looked down and concentrated hard on unpacking her kit, keeping her head bowed out of the vision of those around her. The fluorescent lights above would highlight her weird eyes, and she wanted to avoid those questions as much as possible.
“Hey, Number 11, my name is Stan” number 16 introduced himself with a grin, he was tall around 6 ft 2 a similar height of Kermit, damn, she really needed to stop comparisons, and get her hormones in check else it would be a very long two weeks.
“Hi, Kyla” she introduced herself, keeping her head down, her hair not tied back wafted over her face, and she hoped it was enough to hide her eyes.
“Five star luxury accommodation here” Stan laughed,
Kyla nodded, and something resembling hope that she had made a friend started to grow in her mind, but she soon stomped that out, she had never made friends, people would, and had, turned on her, so she kept that longing for friendship locked away in the corner of her mind.
“I am Steve, here, did you bring some talc with you?” number 2 asked.
Kyla looked and shook her head, had she not read that it could cause cancer?
“Here, I have a spare, you can have it, use it on your feet” number 2 offered.
Instantly Kyla felt that it was a trick, and probably contained something like itching powder, but it would be rude not to take the offer.
Cigs noticed the hesitation in Kyla and wondered to himself if she had a problem with trust, if she did this would be an issue for her further on in the course as you have to rely on those in your team and made a mental note to inform the staff when they pulled him in for a debrief.
“It’s just Talc, trust me, I work in the farming industry, and your feet will need it” he offered in the kindest tone he could muster. Keeping to his cover story, which would make him just like any other contestant and not a mole.
Kyla reached out and took the talc and gave a small tentative smile, but still did not look him in the eyes, Cigs understood why the moment he had set eyes on her, she was hiding them from people, because of the unusual colour, and he wondered if this had caused her issues in her past hence her lack of trust.
“So… you know I am a farmer, and that 16 lives in a pig sty to think this is five star luxury, tell me what do you do for a living?” Cigs continued determined to get some conversation out of the girl.
Kyla took a deep breath, she hated small talk, especially with strangers, but this man had seemed warm and pleasant from getting into the SUV.
“I am a teacher” she all but whispered.
“You could teach me a thing or two” number 16 laughed then gave her a wink.
Number 2 groaned, but the comment had made Kyla feel uncomfortable, so she bowed her head and concentrated on her task at hand, not liking the feeling of so much attention.
“Ignore him, so what do you teach?” number 2 continued, undaunted by Kyla’s obvious lack of confidence and communication skills.
“English” Kyla whispered, shame rushing through her, as she remembered her father’s taunts of her not being a real teacher.
Cigs studied Kyla’s body language, that suddenly hunched over and defensive, she looked almost ashamed of what she taught and he wondered why, there was definitely something sad and dark hanging around this girl, and he hoped the team could instil some sort of confidence with her and get to the root of her problem.
“Great subject, you have my respect, getting kids to concentrate on a key subject like English I bet requires a lot of patience, I know I could not do it” Cigs told her, hoping she would feel a sense of worth from his comments.
Kyla offered him a small half smile for his efforts, and Cigs decided to take that as a little victory.
The forty five minutes were over and all the contestants filed out into the mess hall, each lining up to receive a ration of disgusting smelling stewed steak, some potatoes and vegetables, it seemed vegetarian options were frowned upon here, as when number 6 stated she did not eat meat, there was no other alternative offered. Kyla stood in line, with her mess tin, then once the food which did not look at all appetising was served, ate it with as much enthusiasm as she could muster. It only tasted marginally better than it looked. Finished Kyla then went to get hot strong coffee allowing the bitter liquid to warm her insides from the cold night air. She proceeded to fill her water bottle, and finished, made her way back to her bunk. One by one the rest of the contestants followed her, and just as they all began to settle, Kermit barged through the doorway looking like a man on a mission.
“Parade square now, in dry kit with jumpers, MOVE” his voice echoed around the old barn.
Instantly the place became a hive of activity, everyone desperately trying to ensure they had the correct kit on, not wanting a punishment. Kyla was ready and running out onto the Parade square. As her arm brushed passed Kermit’s, who still loomed in the doorway, she felt a tingle from her arm rushing through her body, and once again Kyla cursed her overactive hormonal response to this man.
Kyla stood waiting for the rest of the contestants to arrive in her position on the parade square, thankful that she had the foresight to choose a bunk near the door. What confused her was the fact that Steve number 2 had not yet arrived. It appeared as though the man went into a blind panic at the order, not at all what she would have expected from him. Finally, number 2 arrived, after a lot of screaming and shouting from the instructors, yet he had not put his jumper on, and Kyla’s heart sank, a small amount of fear washed over her, because she watched this show, and she knew there would be consequences, and it would end in a world of pain.
Kermit stood on the platform, his ice cold stare of grey eyes that felt like they had zero emotion glancing over everyone. His face was stoic, but he smiled inwardly.
“NUMBER 2, WHERE THE f**k IS YOUR JUMPER?” his voice bellowed through around the compound.
“Inside staff, sorry” number 2 answered, his voice low.
“SORRY, YOUR f*****g SORRY, YOU WERE TOLD TO BE ON THE PARADE SQUARE WITH A JUMPER, YOU f****d ABOUT AND ARRIVED HALF DRESSED. COME OUT HERE” Kermit shouted; malice interwoven with every syllable he spat out at Cigs in mock disgust.
Cigs walked out to the front and had to suppress a small smile from his face, he had of course forgot the jumper deliberately, giving the staff team an excuse to deliver the first sickener, seeing who would give up, and who had what it took to continue on the course for another day.
“FACE YOUR TEAM” Kermit shouted as Cigs turned around to face the contestants.
There was an audible groan around the parade square before the contestants all shouted their begrudged thanks to Cigs.
Kyla picked up her back pack, which was loaded with her kit as per instructions, and held it above her head. The weight of it bore down, and very soon the lactic acid made her arms feel heavy and her elbows began to bend. The grunts and groans of the other contestants indicted their own struggles in keeping their back packs up right, taking a deep breath and using all her might, she pushed up the loaded bergen, but soon her arms started to fail her once more. Kyla’s back ached, between her shoulders burnt, and her arms felt like jelly pain running up and down, as she held on desperate not to drop the bag. Again, her arms began to slump as she desperately kept pushing to keep it above her head.
“KEEP IT UP NUMBER 11!” Kermit shouted, as he looked at her from his vantage point,
Kyla was done, beyond her physical capabilities, the pack ready to drop, she would fail, be kicked out on the first day and fail just like her mother had screamed at her. Just as her mind called her week and a pathetic failure Kermit walked around her.
“HIGHER” he shouted inches from her ear and so she pushed.
“f*****g MIND OVER MATTER, KEEP GOING, OR GIVE ME YOUR ARM BAND” again he bellowed. Kyla’s mind wandered back to the time she could barely run up the small hill not far from her home, when she had imagined this very voice spurring her on and focused on that feeling she had when she had jogged to the top, giving her all. A fresh wave of energy seemed to take over, as her brain remembered how good it felt to achieve and not fail.
As Kermit looked into the stunning eyes of number 11 his heart skipped a beat, f**k she was putting her all into this, and it made him even more attracted to her. He wanted her to stay, get to know her story, and to be close to this woman who was something special. Those beautiful eyes held such sadness, insecurities washed over her face, but held some sort of resolve to continue. Kermit knew she was reaching the end of her physical capabilities, and before he knew what he was doing as he passed her, instead of demanding her armband and berating her further, he lent in and whispered softly into her ear.
“don’t give in, it will end soon”
Suddenly she looked at him, their eyes locked, and again he lost all sense of time, forgetting how to breath, and he was sure he could see a look of gratitude mixed with sadness at his encouragement, almost like she had never had anyone cheer her on in her life. A wave of sadness washed over him, Still stood stunned as he gazed at her, his body began to heat up, and he knew a physical reaction would happen if he stayed much longer. Kermit was in danger, he knew it, and he had to get a hold of himself and not show any weakness or preference for number 11 silently cursing himself for this physical attraction.
Begrudgingly Kermit walked over to the next contestant who was struggling wondering what he was doing, why she had this hold over him, but there was just something about her that excited him, intrigued him, and he wanted, no, needed to know more about her.
Suddenly there was a loud crash on the floor and turning to see the direction it had come from, Kermit saw, two back packs on the floor, with two exhausted owners pulling off their arm bands. Goodbye number 5 and number 7. He approached quickly, and took them dismissing them from the course, satisfied that his total was now four contestants gone in just 8 hours.
Dismissing the contestants and letting them fall out after a long lecture on the importance of kit and to be prepared, Kermit returned to the staff room, and grinning presented Woof and Tank with two more armbands inwardly thanking Cigs for the opportunity to get rid of the weak and uncommitted from the course.
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