Ember (POV)
"Babe!" Xavier said as he kissed down my jaw.
"Good morning sleepy head." He said, still kissing me.
"We have to get to the training center." I didn't want to go to the training center. I wanted to roll back over and go back to bed. "You're not training today baby, you just have to go down, so we can try out the bracelets Sasha enchanted." He slid the bracelet on my wrist. It was rubies. It was actually gorgeous. Xavier slid one that looked just like mine onto his wrist and I giggled. It was very girly. Xavier looked at his new jewelry with a frown. It looked tight on his wrist.
"Ugh, I guess it will grow on me." He said, shaking his head. I giggled again.
"We need to get going. Your uncle has some hammocks set up down there, so you can go back to sleep. You want to get dres……
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