Ember (POV)
I finished my pre-test. I was currently standing in my uncle's office while he and Max looked it over. I didn't realize I had been holding my breath until Stephan whispered in my ear for me to breathe.
Finally, after what felt like hours but was actually only minutes, uncle James looked up at me and smiled.
"Well, congratulations you passed." Max said, looking up and smiling.
"What? Really?" I asked excitedly.
"You passed. You got every answer right." Uncle James said.
"I just hope I can do it for the real test." I said, feeling worried.
"Ember, this was the real test." Max said, smiling and showing all his teeth.
"Wait, what? I thought this was the pretest?" I asked, confused.
"We noticed how nervous and scared you were about taking the test and wanted to take some of the pressure o……
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