Sam (POV)
Xavier and I made Fajita's for everyone. Luna Sara and the boys came to have dinner with us as well. As soon as she walked in, Ember threw her arms around her neck and thanked her for everything. She had been going through bags for the last 20 minutes and still had not put a dent in the bags everywhere. The boys went to their room and played on the game system. Ember and Sara had started carrying bags and boxes into Ember's room. Ember was so excited.
Once the fajitas were done, everyone went to the table to eat. Sasha used an enchanting charm to make the table bigger and added chairs. No one said much while we ate. I was thankful for that I was not in a mood to talk.
I didn't like the idea of having to mark Xavier. It was still bothering me. I know I was probably making a bigger……
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