Darkness closed in around me; the lack of sight was playing tricks on my mind. Sounds of shuffling feet on the damp walkway behind me frightened me. Then the sound shifted and emerged in front of me. I stood there terrified, and I tried to move but my legs refused.
The trials have been going on for some time now. I am nervous. Scared even. Horrified, that’s the word. If I am exposed… I don’t want to think of that now, I just need to escape.
I hid my head into my hands. I didn’t know what else to do. Suddenly a hand found its way onto my shoulder and I jumped right out of my skin. I ran; I couldn’t stop. Whatever it was behind me called out to me but I ran. Sight left me, the one thing that I had left was sound and I heard nothing else but the sounds of feet. The darkness wrapped around me, surrounding me on all sides when suddenly WHAP! I ran into a pole. The lamp lighter (whom I barely noticed) made a speech, but I did not understand him.
Laughter roared all around me, and I cried out in pain. Suddenly a thunderous crack echoed through the night sky, it was like a reaction to my silent command and my body reacted to the sounds. I forgot about my throbbing bulge, that knot on my head.
Lightning began crashing all around me, just as a thunderbolt crashed down… Beep… Beep… Beep!
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