“Sam!” a voice in the crowd shouted out, “Sam! Wake up!”
“What-“I slowly began to wake. “Hi Mom.” I said.
“Look at yourself, did you sleep in your clothes again? Damn it son, since you moved out you don’t take care of yourself.”
And here is where I tune her out. It’s the same thing every morning, Mom comes in and wakes me up then starts her ranting. Don’t get me wrong, I love my mother to death, but since I gave her a key to my apartment I get little freedom.
I sat up on the bed letting my feet touch the floor a little before rising. I rubbed my eyes and stretched and my back popped. It was nice, but it hurt a little at the same time. My Mom stopped talking and left the room to go about her normal routine. Make coffee and heat up breakfast, followed by driving me to work then coming bac……
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