Chapter 16: The Shot?
“Cameron, wake up honey!”
I rolled over and stuck my head under the covers.
“Come on baby, time to wake, we have places to go and people to kill.” He said, and I tried to rouse myself. He held a cup of coffee in his hands and handed it over to me the moment I sat up. I looked down at my exposed stomach and smiled.
“How do you know that I’m pregnant?” I said before the yawn, “Are you sure?”
“Yes I am, and my Mother knows these things.”
“Speaking of which, where is your Mom?”
“She’s downstairs in the kitchen, she’s made breakfast. Ready?”
I sure was, I was hungry. So he and I raced downstairs and I beat him to the kitchen. Ariel was there smiling and no longer in rags. She was in a bathrobe and holding a plate of bacon and eggs.
“Morning Mom!” I said cheerfully.
“Morning d……
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