Chapter 7
"It is not nice of you to laugh at us," said Fiachna Finn.
"Who could help laughing at a king hunkering on a branch and his army roosting around him like hens?" said the stranger.
"Nevertheless," the king replied, "it would be courteous of you not to laugh at misfortune."
"We laugh when we can," commented the stranger, "and are thankful for the chance."
"You may come up into the tree," said Fiachna, "for I perceive that you are a mannerly person, and I see that some of the venomous sheep are charging in this direction. I would rather protect you," he continued, "than see you killed; for," said he lamentably, "I am getting down now to fight the sheep."
"They will not hurt me," said the stranger. "Who are you?" the king asked.
"I am Mananna'n, the son of Lir."
Fiachna knew then ……
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