Chapter 19
THEY sat in a place where they could watch the castle and compose themselves after their journey.
"How are we going to get into the castle?" asked mac an Da'v.
For there were hatchetmen on guard in the big gateway, and there were spearmen at short intervals around the walls, and men to throw hot porridge off the roof were standing in the right places.
"If we cannot get in by hook, we will get in by crook," said Mongan.
"They are both good ways," said Mac an Da'v, "and whichever of them you decide on I'll stick by."
Just then they saw the Hag of the Mill coming out of the mill which was down the road a little.
Now the Hag of the Mill was a bony, thin pole of a hag with odd feet. That is, she had one foot that was too big for her, so that when she lifted it up it pulled her o……
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