The Eagle's Nest
From the mountain-path came a joyous sound of some person whistling, and it betokened good humor and undaunted courage. It was Rudy, going to meet his friend Vesinaud. "You must come and help," said he. "I want to carry off the young eaglet from the top of the rock. We will take young Ragli with us."
"Had you not better first try to take down the moon? That would be quite as easy a task," said Vesinaud. "You seem to be in good spirits."
"Yes, indeed I am. I am thinking of my wedding. But to be serious, I will tell you all about it, and how I am situated."
Then he explained to Vesinaud and Ragli what he wished to do, and why.
"You are a daring fellow," said they; "but it is no use; you will break your neck."
"No one falls, unless he is afraid," said Rudy.
So at midnig……
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