Bright was just as shocked as Professor Nhlanhla was. Not only did Ayanda have a companion beast, but he even had three cultivation bases! In her mind that was absurd, since she had already mastered two of her own family's sacred arts to almost be at the mythical level, but for Ayanda to have three cultivation bases, all clearly different elements, it was simply astonishing. From what she could tell, there was fire for the Immortal Phoenix Sacred Art, lightning with the God Blood Lightning Sacred Art, and possibly the rare space element, but she confused dark appearance for the Taboo Slayer Divine Art.
"Ayanda! You have three sacred arts?!?" Bright felt betrayed. As if the only friend she's ever really had has been lying to her all these years.
"This... I picked up a few sacred art scrolls near the place I was training at. After I got Levy, I noticed that it was pretty easy for me to pick up on the way to cultivate the sacred arts." Ayanda answered nervously, as he had to make up some story, and since he has never been tested for his cultivation before, nobody could really say whether he would be a fast learner or not, considering he started very late.
Professor Nhlanhla was ecstatic, but also puzzled. Usually a person with three cultivation bases would have at least have one be predominant, allowing the others to be their secondary skillset to the primary sacred art. But according to Ayanda's reading, his sacred art cultivation bases were equal, and more than that, they were in harmony. Ayanda's vitality was being equally circulated through each cultivation, meaning all of their levels were the same. This was simply madness!
"Is he a prodigy or a defect?" Professor Nhlanhla mulled over the possibilities Ayanda's results displayed. If he were able to continue promoting his cultivation bases consistently, then it's possible he may become an all round master of different sacred arts. The professor hypothesized that one of the cultivation bases must be a spiritual sacred art, otherwise how could he unlock his spiritual vitality, even as faintly as he has.
Ayanda was worried about his made up excuse may seem ridiculous, but what he didn't realize was that nobody really paid attention to his tale. Bright was willing to trust Ayanda since she's been friends with him, but she wonder's why Ayanda had such hidden talent locked away. It seem farfetched to imagine that any companion beast wouldn't want to be under his contract. Bright wanted to ask Ayanda about what sacred arts they were, but she remembered that usually other students keep their cultivation a secret unless they've been seen fighting before. Even for herself, she hasn't revealed her second sacred art besides the Burning Phoenix Sacred Art, so she knows that Ayanda is unlikely to answer.
Levy was becoming annoyed at everyone's amazement at Ayanda's cultivation bases, "Hmph! If only these punks knew that it was mostly my hard work that made it possible... But I have to admit, you were right about this part being the only thing you can't hide." a telepathic message from Levy to Ayanda confirmed what Levy was told before, that their sacred art cultivations would be questioned the most, but thankfully their still in their early stages. Levy is returned to Ayanda's Soul Scape so he can wrap up his test.
"Is there anything else I need to confirm?" Ayanda felt as if he had gone through everything necessary for his final exam registration, he even made up Levy's species as an aquatic beast so that people wouldn't be able to accurately figure out what he is. Companion beasts from the ocean are far too varied, so it seemed like the best option Ayanda could go with that would be approved by the Registration Office. Once he had all the documents ready, he felt that it would help his case when he gets back home.
Professor Nhlanhla is still in quite a daze after going through the printed results of Ayanda's sacred art cultivation, trying to understand the other factors behind Ayanda's physique, compared to his memory from his own research.
"I may have found the perfect lab rat..." the professor muttered under his breath, completely ignoring Ayanda's question. Professor Nhlanhla rushes to one of the cabinets in the lab which has a safe inside. he inputs his code casually and opens it to pull out a folder which is in a sealed plastic envelope. There is a watermark stating it's a copy, but there are almost no indications of what is inside. The professor hands over the folder to Ayanda with both of his hands.
"Take this. Next time you're training, try and see if you can understand this sacred art." Professor Nhlanhla adds as he passes over the envelope to Ayanda, "You're done. Hand over your results to the clerk and he'll give you your exam slot."
"Wait, don't I have to do the supplementary courses and exams to catch up before I take the final exam?" Ayanda was a bit taken back that he can directly get a slot.
"I did note that before, but you have three sacred art cultivation bases, as well as a mature companion beast. You may be lacking in terms of your overall performance, but since you have a high aptitude for sacred art cultivation, your probability of needing supplementary courses seems redundant." Professor Nhlanhla answered honestly. Most people who take the supplementary courses struggle with cultivation of their sacred arts, but since Ayanda already had three cultivation bases, he's clearly an high level expert when it comes to understanding sacred arts.
Ayanda happily grabbed his printed results sheet, plastic envelope, and left Bright behind who was still observing the screen display, but quickly followed after Ayanda was pretty far away. Ayanda headed straight for the plain clerk who let him pick a late slot on the exam date. He would find out about his companion battle seeding after he's gone through the comprehensive skills test first. Ayanda takes his confirmation slip, and makes his way out of the Registration Office with Bright following curiously.
Bright sizes up Ayanda while walking shoulder to shoulder before pulling him to stop for a moment to talk, "Fight me." she says seriously.
"What?" Ayanda is startled. Not once has Bright ever asked to fight him, mostly because of how everyone knows that Ayanda has no companion beast. But now, Bright suddenly challenges Ayanda almost as if she sees him as an equal.
"What do you mean "What"? I'm serious, I want you to fight me. You're cultivated three sacred arts right?" Bright asked rhetorically, after seeing Ayanda's results, she think she's only seen a glimpse of the truth.
"I'll be honest Bright, I can only really use the one sacred art. My other two cultivations require me to promote them further in order to be any good." Ayanda wasn't lying, but he knew that he honestly wasn't weak. With his Immortal Phoenix Sacred Art alone, he's sure he can handle himself, not forgetting Taboo Slayer Divine Art, which allows him to go beyond his limits. Ayanda is really worried about having to use his sacred arts against someone like Bright, who he probably wouldn't be able to fight, but he also knows that it's naïve to think that way when anybody could be a high-level master.
"That's fine. I'll also only use one sacred art. It will be a sparring match, but you have to take it seriously." Bright warned Ayanda firmly.
"Bright, why do you want to fight me?" Ayanda still wanted to at least know why she was so adamant to fight with him even though he's most likely weaker than her.
"As far as I've known, my teacher has told me that people who can master multiple sacred arts with different elemental traits are one of a kind geniuses that can guide others to enlightenment." Bright said with her eyes glued to Ayanda still, taking in his gaze to look deeper into Ayanda's eyes.
"I don't think I can guide anyone." Ayanda admitted bashfully, while trying to avoid eye contact with Bright, "What the hell is this girl thinking!" Ayanda worriedly thought to himself as he was stuck. He failed to reject her, but now he basically couldn't say no considering he was willing to use Immortal Phoenix any ways.
Ayanda and Bright headed over to the empty training area next to the apartments where Ayanda stays. Usually Ayanda trains alone, using the training staff's and shields. But that was when he could only use standard military maneuvers, to best take on enemies stronger than himself. Now with the sacred arts he's cultivated, Ayanda feels that he would be more comfortable with blades or knives, but for now he'll hold back on using any in order to continue to train his hand to hand techniques, Ayanda is aware that Bright is formidable, so he needs to be prepared.
Bright instantly took up her Burning Phoenix Sacred Art stance, and her focus was for powerful spear strikes, harnessing the attacking power her sacred art cultivation has. Ayanda readied himself in a defensive stance, which slightly annoyed Bright who was hoping for Ayanda to take the initiative. Bright took off first, aiming to use a swift palm strike known has Burning Talon, which is a mythical level strike formed from the Burning Phoenix Sacred Art. Bright thought she would shock Ayanda, but to her surprise, Ayanda easily dodged her almost instant strike.
Ayanda was using his enhanced physique now to study how well Bright could use her Burning Phoenix Sacred Art. Ayanda had first hoped he could get a chance to observe her before the final exams took place, but now he's getting an even more in depth look than he had hoped for. Neglecting to attack, Ayanda's goal was to take in how naturally adept Bright would be at Burning Phoenix Sacred Art, then practice more himself. But after Bright's first move, Ayanda felt that her speed was far slower than he had imagined. "Is it because my cultivation base is called Immortal Phoenix Sacred Art? That doesn't feel right." Ayanda thought to himself.
Bright was unable to land any basic strike onto Ayanda, which made her start to second guess herself. "How is he able to dodge so easily? It's like he can see through all my moves." her mind was at a lost as she continued to attack, but was unable to connect.
Ayanda noticed that as much as Bright's attacks were powerful, as long was she wasn't fully utilizing the full capabilities of the Burning Phoenix Sacred Art, one will never be able to be promoted to the true mythical level that can be mastered. Ayanda was unaware of the true reason why Bright was lacking, but he could tell that she hasn't focused on the movement techniques that are the foundation of the Burning Phoenix Sacred Art. Once you are able to move at the same speed as a phoenix, your attacks will naturally be of the same degree, but Bright wanted to have the all mighty power by sacrificing that speed, which made her foundation weaker than it should be.
Ayanda realized that as long as Bright couldn't move as fast as him, then he won't really get a feeling for the Burning Phoenix Sacred Art skills, so instead of retreating, he decides to go on the offensive now, using the same palm strikes as Bright.
Bright was surprised by how Ayanda shifted his rhythm and started to attack, and this quickly made her relish the opportunity now to face his strikes, but as Ayanda attacked Bright, she realizes that Ayanda is purposefully holding back any lethal strike, and simply using his basic strength like she was. This infuriated her since it felt like she was now being taught by her teacher, but Bright hasn't needed any guidance since she mastered a second sacred art on her own. With that achievement alone, she was allowed to go on her own journey, but her teacher had always warned her about the existence of other prodigies in the world. Now she actually might be facing one in Ayanda, who might be the legendary master that her teacher had told her about before.
"I have to admit, you're much stronger than I thought." Bright admitted with a smile, but internally she had begun to circulate her vitality into her Burning Phoenix Sacred Art, and a large spear made of flames slowly forms in her hands as she prepares to counterattack. Now Bright has decided to fight seriously in order to force Ayanda into being serious himself.
Even with the flame spear out, Ayanda remained calm, as for some reason he had no fear of Bright's display of power. Even he had to admit it was terrifying, but after defeating Sipho who was almost at a mythical level, and Ayanda is now able to tell at a glance that Bright's vitality isn't as scary as her flame spear's. This verified Ayanda's assumptions, that Bright has neglected to practice her movement techniques, as this also allows your vitality to circulate your body more, giving a continuous boost of phoenix flames. As much of a genius Bright is by surpassing her previous generation, she has allowed a fatal weakness to form by going down this path on her own.
Ayanda decided to take on her flame spear, and this time he decides to instead use only his legs. He circulated his Immortal Phoenix Sacred Art alone, and with the feeling of the golden flames burning inside his body, Ayanda was easily able to continue with his attack, even as Bright tried tried to counterattack.
Bright was at a complete loss, with her using her flame spear seriously, she was even slower than before, suddenly unable to even follow Ayanda's gliding movements. She was frustrated first, then confused as she noticed that Ayanda was using a movement technique that was eerily similar to her Burning Phoenix Sacred Arts' movement technique. But was more more frightening as Bright was able to see it more clearly in time, was that it was far superior to it. "This... This movement is like of a God that rules over the sky..." Bright became lost in her thoughts as she had to defend more.
Ayanda was starting to see how pointless it was to continue, so he retreated quickly in order to give Bright some room to breathe. Bright wanted to attack quickly, but suddenly felt her body was heavy, and she had drained a lot of her vitality. She almost falls down as she has to stabilize herself back up.
"Dammit." Bright muttered, as she remembers feeling like this during her early years of cultivating her sacred arts with her teacher. She has forgotten about the fundamental aspect of the Phoenix Sect's sacred arts; one must become immortal like a phoenix. The Phoenix Sect has long been known for producing geniuses, but very few have actually reached immortality. But before Bright, she faced someone who might actually be worthy of challenging that immortal legend, as Ayanda isn't even from the Phoenix Sect, yet he has a cultivation that can dominate a prodigy like Bright. She realizes now that Ayanda may be the scariest student to look out for this year.
"I think that's enough, right?" Ayanda casually remarked, clearly showing no signs of fatigue or even lacking vitality. He himself was also a bit shocked that he could face Bright seriously for a few minutes. Clearly his experience at God's Prison hasn't been for nothing, and he also knows now that he doesn't need to bring out his tusk knife for the exams unless it's an emergency. Ayanda now only needed to do more research on the other students in his class, but much like Bright, most of them were in and out of campus constantly on their own secret training trips, and Ayanda has now become accustomed to them very quickly.
Bright decided to give up for today by shrugging and releasing her flame spear. "I need to make sure I don't have to face him during the exams." Bright pondered as she turned to walk away, "Don't think you won yet. I still hadn't used my companion beast." she smugly remarked as she disappeared quickly.
Ayanda was aware of how much of a prodigy Bright was, but as long as he had known her, she never once summoned her companion beast, even playfully. She even faced grueling exams in a similar manner to Ayanda, but she always passed with distinctions even by herself. Ayanda was always concerned that maybe Bright is trying to not alienate him like the others, but he suspected that there was more to it. Perhaps now Bright is willing to reveal her companion beast since she couldn't beat Ayanda at sparring.
"It seems you've gotten yourself a companion beast while you were gone." Mr. Han's voice pulled Ayanda out of his thinking gaze as he was calculating on how to research his fellow classmates. Mr. Han was smiling lazily with his cheeky grin, seeming very immature for his mature age. Even though Mr. Han was a foreigner in The Dragon Province, he was still highly revered as a mentor to many high positioned scholars. Everyone who knew him was well aware of his relationship with Ayanda, and many commended him for taking Ayanda in considering his inability to get himself a companion beast.
"It was all just a bit of luck. At least now I can take part in the exam." Ayanda took out his registration slip to hand over to Mr. Han, but he didn't intend to take it, giving Ayanda a calm stare. Ayanda began to fidget and shuffle nervously as he also took out the relic map he had stolen.
Mr. Han sighed heavily, "I was hoping you'd return with my map before you did something reckless, but the most important thing is that you returned in one piece." he said thoughtfully. He took the relic map and turned around to go into heir apartment. Ayanda followed sheepishly so that he can start on cooking dinner and trying to get back into Mr. Han's good books. As a guardian, Mr. Han has been generous all his life as far as Ayanda can remember, never overreacting whenever Ayanda interrupts his research.
While Ayanda is starting to chop vegetables and pull out some defrosted meat from the refrigerator, Mr. Han steps into the kitchen, to make himself a cup of tea.
"What kind of companion beast did you find?" Mr. Han nonchalantly asked while tending to he tea making.
"It's a rare reptile type, I think it's an aquatic beast." Ayanda summoned Levy to appear on his shoulder while he continued to also focus on his cooking.
Levy wasn't really against being summoned at that time, but he felt as though Ayanda should learn to be more respectful towards bringing him out, and was about to send Ayanda a telepathic message to reprimand him when he sensed an intense, perverse glare directed at him that actually sent shivers down his spine. Levy felt that he was a terrifying creature, but for a split second, he felt like something was looking at him as prey, and his focus eventually notices Mr. Han, who's staring at Levy with an odd gaze, as if Levy is being sized up by him.
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