Ayanda hardly encountered any troubles as he rushed to Neon Bridge, choosing to avoid the crowded paths and taking risky shortcuts, he soon found himself nearing Neon Bridges after six hours of constant running, only stopping to rest for two hours to train and practice his Hell Scroll Sacred Art. Now with the temple going through its first drastic and unexpected change, Ayanda feels that he may actually need to spend the night, not willing to rush back until he's rested properly to ensure he doesn't have stamina issues later. Mr. Han's training also requires Ayanda to monitor his own body very seriously, avoiding any potions or pills that will make him numb to the signs of fatigue. Resting is as important as preparation when you have to fight for your life.
When Ayanda had finally arrived in the afternoon, he found Neon Bridge to be more remarkable than he imagined. There is a constant aurora sky, which illuminates the entire mountain town, giving the area an eerie glow which resembles neon lights. There are numerous inns and restaurants for tourists to enjoy, with local delicacies being sold at expensive prices.
"Hey there young man! How about trying my state famous Feral Dragon Chick feet!"
"Come all! Taste the wonders of Principal Lesedi's rare Blood Mushroom soup!"
Here, here young man, come enjoy some rare wine and alcohol from the north. You will feel like you're in heaven!"
There were countless people selling their goods and ingredients, along with different meals for Ayanda to enjoy. Ayanda wasn't to well informed about Neon Bridge, so he wanted to simply follow the instructions Mr. Han had written out for him, but soon there was commotion in the middle of the bustling streets.
"Catch that thief!" a wounded Palace Guard shouted, while clasping their side to stop their wound from bleeding through their armor. They stumbled and fell down trying to keep up with the thief who was completely wrapped in a strange bean sprout mascot costume, but was able to leap and escape any attempts of strangers or even other Palace Guards catching them. The thief was almost able to escape, but then Ayanda was interested in seeing if he could keep up with this strange thief after being able to notice his movement technique even while dressed in the mascot's costume, so he decided to quickly rush in chase without overthinking.
Ayanda was only using his Taboo Slayer Divine Art to boost his speed, so he wasn't as nimble and adept as the thief was, but as soon as the thief had thought they had lost Ayanda, he was able to appear quickly. What the thief didn't realize was that Ayanda was focusing his senses completely on them, so even if they gained distance on Ayanda, it wouldn't last long enough for them to escape.
"Dammit! Who's is this Palace Guard?" the thief couldn't help but curse under their breath as they had to start getting serious about escaping, so they slowly start to pull out a tennis ball shaped treasure, wrapped in a delicate silk handkerchief. The thief sighs to themselves before unwrapping the handkerchief to reveal a snow globe, filled with tiny gold flakes raining down on top of a rustic cottage. As they turn a corner, the thief shakes the snow globe and instantly vanishes. Ayanda who was tracking them suddenly stopped when they noticed the way the thief disappeared.
"Teleportation?" Ayanda was confused as he stopped by the corner the thief took. As soon as he gets there, a figure drops from the sky and crashes into the ground.
"I caught you now you damn thief!" a boisterous voice shouted loudly, ignoring the crumbling street corner he destroyed with his landing. In his hands, he was grabbing onto Ayanda who was simply staring back at this strange man in confusion. He was a mature looking man, with a few grey streaked dreadlocks, suited in medieval knight armor and a broadsword on his back.
"Captain Wood! That's not the thief. They must have used the Cosmic Key they stole. This young man chased after them after Vice Reed was wounded while chasing them before." a Palace Guard who was out of breath appeared to try and deescalate the situation.
Captain Wood looks at Ayanda and after a moment, he lets Ayanda go.
"It looks that way." Captain Wood muttered. As he looked over Ayanda with contempt, Captain Wood took off into the sky in flight, as if he's a superhuman being. As he flew away, Captain Wood looked at his hands that grabbed Ayanda, "That boy... He's stronger than he looks." he noted, with a a slight bruising forming on his palm, he closes his hands to fly off.
Judging from his descent before, Ayanda wasn't able to notice before how Captain Wood is actually using the power of wind to propel himself, something that Ayanda has never witnessed before. Most companion beasts have affinities' towards certain types of naturally occurring elements, but Captain Wood's ability seemed more innate, as though it was more of a natural skill. Ayanda had to find out whether he could achieve something similar with his Taboo Slayer Divine Art, which was his main focus all along. With the display from Captain Wood, now he has a clearer idea on what to focus on.
"Levy, what level do you think that Captain Wood was at?" Ayanda sent a telepathic message to Levy in his Soul Scape while he got up from the scene where all the commotion occurred.
"He's definitely above you in terms of physique, luckily you were circulating Taboo Slayer Divine Art, or else you might have been crushed. Overall, his ability with the wind element is certainly at the mythical level! To be able to move at that speed in the air, isn't an easy skill, and considering that you can barely follow his movements, you would have to take bring your own overall physique to the mythical level in order to be his match. Even then it won't be easy for you." Levy explained, as he was also surprised by Captain Woods' movement ability.
"If I follow the training guide Mr. Han gave me, I should be able to improve my physique. My next goal should be to also strengthen my affinity with the God Blood Lightning Sacred Art." Ayanda responded, contemplating to himself while finding his way back to the street he originally was on.
"Your God Blood Lightning Sacred Art is a spiritual sacred art, don't forget. The Platinum Sorghum will help improve your digestion, in preparation for the next batch of ingredients." Levy replied in an annoyed telepathic tone, "This Mr. Han made the wise choice in starting you with the Platinum Sorghum, he really knows his stuff." Levy stated.
"Is it that great?" Ayanda asked in confusion.
"Ha! You have very little knowledge about the different plants and fruits that can enhance one's growth. With the right supply of ingredients, or even if you're lucky enough to find a wild garden, one can become more powerful than even a mythical figure. Of course, such a thing is only possible with the right diet and consumption method." Levy told Ayanda seriously.
"Would those ingredients help you get back to your original form?" Ayanda asked Levy.
"Hard to say. If there's something good, it would have to have been nurtured for at least five hundred years to even be considered worth my digestion. My evolution back to my prime form would require possibly ten thousand times more resources than even your Mr. Han could get. Don't bother yourself with even thinking about it." Levy stated this clearly.
Ayanda was lost in his thoughts as he listened to Levy, then decided to get back to focusing on finding the person Mr. Han sent him to find, and retrieve the Platinum Sorghum in order to start improving his body. He continued along his original path, with most of the hysteria from before has settled down, as shops and restaurants are re-opening to cater to their customers. Everything in Neon Bridge seems to have been quelled somehow, which struck Ayanda as strange considering the intense urgency from the Palace Guards.
According to the directions Mr. Han had left with Ayanda, he was to follow a set route through Neon Bridge that would bring him to a farmland base, which is the core of Neon Bridge's economy. Prestigious farmers and botanist's stayed there, as the aurora surrounding Neon Bridge could provide a vast amount of nutrients for rare plants, also giving researchers there an opportunity to test different species reactions during their growth. The person Ayanda is looking for wasn't named by Mr. Han, but his directions would definitely guide him to a farm where he would meet the supplier of the Platinum Sorghum. The name of the farm was Cloud Green, so that was the only name Ayanda could use to gain passage through that secure area of Neon Bridge.
As Ayanda was walking along the roads, he could pick up the murmurs of the residents who were speculating who the runaway mascot was.
"Maybe some shop owner got screwed over after not paying his workers."
"Hahaha! Did you see that green menace! Looks like he might have stolen something valuable!"
"How many mascots are there in Neon Bridge? Probably some new restaurant opening gimmick."
Ayanda was simply eavesdropping as he walked along, not learning much from what he could overhear, but he didn't learn anything worthwhile. Mostly rumors and gossip about how there is a rise in the debts being accumulated by certain bigwig residents of Neon Bridge. The mayor seems to be happy to allow the debts to rise, as they are rumored to be involved with underworld gamblers who run a gambling den within the city limits. As far as the residents were aware, the owner of the gambling den is a retired principal who used his vast fortune to buy favor with the mayor, enticing the other bigwigs to become addicted to gambling, thus controlling the mayors decisions and influencing certain trades. Even though these changes only occurred over the last decade, there's still been an incredible development in Neon Bridge, which has brought in various researchers from foreign states who contribute to the reputation of the work done in Neon Bridge.
Soon enough, Ayanda finally reaches a giant signboard that has a map of Neon Bridge along with a corresponding legend that describes the various areas as well as the surroundings. Ayanda looks for Cloud Garden on the map, but can't seem to locate it, even in the outskirts.
"Are you lost?" the loud voice of Captain Wood startled Ayanda who was focused on the map.
"Uh... Sort of. I was looking for Cloud Garden." Ayanda replied awkwardly.
"Cloud... Garden..." Captain Wood was shocked by Ayanda's response, "Why do you want to go there?"
"I have to pick up an order from there. I was sent by the person who made the purchase." Ayanda explained as simply as possible, without giving any details away.
Captain Wood had a complicated look on his face as he contemplating something serious.
"Listen, it's better for you to look for whatever you need from another garden." Captain Wood told Ayanda in a solemn tone that made Ayanda anxious.
"Why do I have to go to another garden?" Ayanda asked.
"Cloud Garden doesn't exist anymore. So it's better if you look elsewhere." Captain Wood kept his response short and concise.
"Doesn't exist? But the order I have to pick up was made recently." Ayanda was at a loss since he didn't have a clear idea of how much this Platinum Sorghum would be, so he couldn't give up so easily.
"If you don't want any trouble, I suggest you find another garden. Also, don't let anyone know that you purchased something from Cloud Garden recently." Captain Wood briskly walked away from Ayanda. Before Ayanda could call out to him, he was gone.
"What's going on?" Ayanda instinctively summoned Levy who was waiting for Captain Wood to be out of site to say something.
"Looks like this Cloud Garden is something dangerous. He even took the time out to warn you about it." Levy stated while he took a closer look at the map to study it for himself. He was familiarizing himself with the layout of Neon Bridge while noting down the different buildings around them.
Ayanda also turned back to look at the map and started to rub his chin as he was searching for any clues.
"Since I can't find Cloud Garden with this map, there should be a library or office that would have details about the changes in Neon Bridge." Ayanda scanned the map, until he located a marker for a library.
"Here! The Second Seed Library..." Ayanda took note of the location, then figured out his position to where the library is.
Summoning Levy back to his Soul Scape, Ayanda began to move in a rush to the library which was located deeper in the center of Neon Bridge's living districts. This part of Neon Bridge felt similar to Dark Dragon Academy as there were younger people who were dressed in lab coats walking around, carrying bags and boxes of their files of their research. Across the bustling bodies of people around Ayanda, he continued on his way until he reached a large building with pillars, which seemed much more ancient than the surrounding buildings. Ayanda walks straight towards the building's entrance, and since it's a public library, they don't have any strict entry requirement's.
Inside, is a huge hall which connects to many other halls that have a large amount of researchers combing through different books and scrolls. The feeling is similar to Professor Nhlanhla's library, but his is more of a collection of rare artifacts, while here there are strictly books to read through. Ayanda sticks out like a sore thumb mainly because he isn't dressed in the similar attire as the researchers in their lab coats, but also how he's in awe of how many halls he sees.
"Welcome to The Second Seed Library! We have a vast collection of text's which encompass the history of Neon Bridge, stretching far back even into the legendary age before the Four States. Is there anything specific you're looking for?" a warm smile radiates from a young woman who approaches Ayanda as he walks in.
"I'm searching for the history on the gardens that have been set up in Neon Bridge, or any that have changed over the years." Ayanda states clearly, since he doesn't have the exact details on where Cloud Garden was, he may as well look through all of them.
"The history of the garden's are archived in the "Public Research" section, very few can be listed as private unless they're being overseen by the mayor. Allow me to direct you." the young woman leads Ayanda towards a gigantic hall filled with towering bookshelves, but it has much fewer people inside.
Ayanda is guided to a "Historical Records" section under "Public Research", and there the young woman leaves him to start looking for the books he needs. Once she is further away from Ayanda, he summons Levy out, since there were other people who had their respective companion beasts with them.
"I guess we have to start combing through all of these records and look for anything relating to Cloud Garden." Ayanda was looking up as he spoke to Levy, assessing the many titles and listed books. Slowly but surely Ayanda eventually comes across the records for the past gardens that have been in existence in Neon Bridge over the ages, along with any that have been moved or have had their names changed.
"Nothing on Cloud Garden is listed here. It's not even in any of the past gardens or research area's." Ayanda muttered under his breath while Levy was reading through some old scrolls.
"Oi, come take a look at this." Levy says out of nowhere, pointing to a scroll that has a roughly drawn map across it with descriptions below the diagram.
"Nimbus Garden?.. What does that have to do with Cloud Garden?" Ayanda asked Levy with a puzzled glare.
Levy points to the following description and Ayanda follows, "One of the first few established gardens, which is nicknamed "Cloud Garden" by it's descendants... Wait, is this the Cloud Garden we're looking for?" Ayanda was surprised by this news.
"How am I supposed to know. But if there really was a "Nimbus Garden" then perhaps it's the Cloud Garden you were sent to." Levy responded calmly, and continued to browse another book, which appeared to delve more into the past of Neon Bridge's gardens. Ayanda went back to the records and flipped through them quickly until he found the details for Nimbus Gardens.
"It's really here!" Ayanda thought to himself, as he read all the information about it, from it's origins up until the present, but there were some parts from the last decade that have been redacted for some unknown reason. As Ayanda continued his search through the rest of the books and scrolls, he found that most of the information for Nimbus Garden is outdated, with most of the latest records being listed as either classified or unknown.
"This is strange. Why would Mr. Han send me to a weird garden that doesn't exist?" Ayanda asked himself as he put down a book he was reading.
As he was starting to feel like he's at a dead end, Levy flips a book over to him that's stays on the current page he's reading. Then Levy crawls onto Ayanda's shoulders to take a nap quietly, with Ayanda turning to focus on the page.
"The legendary Nimbus Garden is a mystical garden that can draw in a cosmic vitality from the aurora, which allows varying plant species to experience certain evolutions that can trigger extraordinary growth as well as development. This cosmic vitality can lead vegetation to revert to a more ancient form, or evolve into an advanced stage which can yield astonishing results when consumed." Ayanda read this part out loud to himself as he was in awe of what he is reading. Cosmic vitality! Something like that shouldn't be possible, but apparently only Nimbus Garden is able to allow plants to absorb the energy that flows within the aurora in order to produce a new type of plant. Such a legendary garden would obviously yield countless unknown treasures if it could grow such amazing vegetation and crops.
Ayanda had lots of thoughts running through his mind, but in the next second, he realizes that there's a researcher who has sat down across from him, and is staring at him intently, while giving Levy a curious glance as he's sleeping. The researcher is a young woman with Oakwood brown skin, but instead of a white lab coat, hers olive green with yellow details which seems odd compared to her all black military style attire and combat boots. After her awkward stare, she looks down at the book that Ayanda has been reading.
"Nimbus Garden huh... You know this garden is classified right?" the researcher comments casually and slowly looks back at Ayanda to judge his reaction.
"I've been away from Neon Bridge since I was a kid. I wanted to see if it was still around since I haven't been back in over a decade. I was trying to find out why it disappeared." Ayanda replied with a smile, giving no indication that he's lying, feigning complete ignorance of what he's recently learnt.
"Oh, really. Well, for your own sake, don't look into it. Nimbus Garden is just a legend anyways, so there's nothing left to find there." the researcher spoke with a bit of regret as she got up to leave.
"Thank you for the help... Sorry, I didn't get your name?" Ayanda stood up very quickly and grabbed the researcher's hand gently, shaking it slowly.
The researcher was taken aback at how she couldn't pull her hand away in time before responding, "It's Dr. Khanyile. I'm a junior researcher at Lily Garden." and she turned away to leave briskly.
Ayanda was watching her walk away, and Levy slowly opened his eyes to peer at her as she left.
"Did you notice her too?" Ayanda asked Levy as his expression became somewhat solemn.
"It wasn't obvious at first, but when you got closer, I got a good sense of her scent and demeanor. There's no doubting it. It's her." Levy spoke softly with one of his eyes still open.
"She was the one we were chasing earlier, the one in the mascot costume. There's no mistaking it. But why does she care about Nimbus Garden?" Ayanda was puzzled as why this woman turned out to be the stranger who he was trying to catch before. It's likely that she recognized him, but she still confronted him directly.
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