Outside Second Seed Library, "Dr. Khanyile" was calmly walking away without any concern, and Ayanda was trailing her carefully to make sure that he isn't spotted by her, as he has already summoned Levy back into his Soul Scape. He wanted to make sure that his deductions about this mysterious researcher was correct before he confronted her again. As she made her way past many different shops and stores, she was meeting with lots of people who were strangely friendly as well as very familiar with her, even giving her free produce from their supplies. It seemed as though she is actually a known resident of Neon Bridge.
Eventually, Ayanda follows her all the way to Lily Garden, and she revealed her identity card at the security gate which gave her immediate entry, with the Palace Guards present being very respectful to her. From what Ayanda can gather from a careful scan, many of the Palace Guards only permit entry to researchers who have the same identity cards. As Ayanda is contemplating how he can possibly get inside Lily Garden without arousing suspicion, Captain Wood makes his way out of the building, escorting a distinguished elderly man who has an arrogant aura about him. Although his wrinkled skin seems harsh like dark sand in a desert, his grey dreadlocks are neatly twisted and go beyond his waist, exuding a strange glow. Captain Wood and this elderly man conclude their discussion which Ayanda can't pick up due to how far away he is, since he has already decided to put some distance between himself and Captain Wood who may recognize him if he's not careful.
Ayanda ponders for a moment how he can possibly get some intel on Lily Garden and the rest of the researchers, so he takes a risk in communicating with Sango, in hopes that he can use his spirit form to investigate for him. Ayanda connects his mind with Sango inside the ring.
"Sango, do you think anybody will be able to detect your presence if you leave the ring for a while?" Ayanda asks Sango directly.
Sango has been in a deep slumber, but awakens instantly after Ayanda reaches out to him.
"It depends. Right now, it wouldn't be safe for me since I have no way to protect my spirit. The furthest I'm willing to go is about 10 meters; as long as you're that close, I should be able to move about undetected without being exposed." Sango answered honestly, as he didn't want to risk his own safety by going off on his own.
"That's not far enough." Ayanda complained, but could understand Sango's hesitance to roam on his own. Without his God Blood Lightning Sacred Art, he's practically an easy target for anybody who can sense him. There'll be nothing to gain if he let's Sango go out and gets captured by anyone. For now, Ayanda decides to come up with a plan to follow Dr. Khanyile as she leaves Lily Garden later, "I'll just stick around near one of the shops nearby so I can at least keep my senses on her." he thought to himself, even though it would be unpredictable as to how thing's will end up, he took the risk in order to find out more concerning Cloud Garden.
Inside Lily Garden's secret underground lab area, Dr. Khanyile is analyzing a series of sliced samples from several different specimens, which appear to be plant forms that have some type of consciousness. She's surrounded by strange machines that are connected to robotic arms which are carefully scanning into all of the cells of the plants, as well as dissecting microscopic samples of the biological structure, converting them into streams of data that are being displayed through a completely separate machine. The lab is isolated and allows her to work alone, but there are numerous security camera's monitoring her every move, along with a metallic gecko companion beast, that follows her around as she works, which remains latched onto the walls.
Suddenly, the thick metal security doors unlock and swiftly slide open to reveal an elegant elderly woman, who has a suppressive yet sinister aura about her, even though her face is completely masked by a purple burqa. In her arms is a much larger metallic gecko compared to the one that's been monitoring Dr. Khanyile, that has intricate marks covering it's scales which emit a faint yellow glow.
"Any progress?" the sinister woman questions Dr. Khanyile in a melodic voice which carries a hypnotic trace.
"It's still the same as before. Unless I get my hands on the Thousand Year Jowar, I can't say for sure what the overall effects will be once consumed." Dr. Khanyile replies without giving the sinister woman any attention, doing her best to avoid her gaze.
"That's impossible! As I said before, your results are important to Neon Bridge, and the Thousand Year Jowar is only a treasure that the mayor controls." the sinister woman answers with a colder tone now, "You don't have the right to view it, all we need to know is whether it will have any side effects if consumed incorrectly." and as she finished saying that, she passes over an ancient scroll that has been torn up over the ages by controlling it with a strange kind of telekinesis which creates a hazy pink aura around her.
"This..." Dr. Khanyile is startled after receiving the tattered scroll, and is rendered speechless after a short glance.
"I trust that this will assist you in terms of what the Thousand Year Jowar is most likely composed of. This scroll is the last remaining record from Nimbus Garden. The mayor made an immeasurable sacrifice in obtaining it. You have three days to conclude your analysis and give him the final results." the sinister woman turns away and exits the lab without giving Dr. Khanyile any regard.
With the metallic gecko observing her, Dr. Khanyile remains in shock, while staring at the tattered scroll intently, as if she's trying to figure out a puzzle in her mind. One of the machine displays is indicating that it's completed the analysis process for the specimens in the lab, but she is so engrossed in the scroll that she can't even be bothered to look at it, and instead rushes out of the lab suddenly.
Dr. Khanyile makes her way to another lab which appears to be an archive for all of their work so far, and she pulls up one of the files in a rush, flipping through most of the pages until she finds an old map of Neon Bridge which indicates Cloud Garden. For some strange reason, dr. Khanyile superimposes the scroll over the map, and suddenly her eyes light up as she notices that some of the letters on the scroll are much clearer than the rest around the map's border edges, and when read in order, they spell a single name; AYANDA.
Whilst keeping look out for Dr. Khanyile, Ayanda has found a quiet tea restaurant, with a courtyard where he's been slowly enjoying some local blends in privacy. Within his Soul Scape, Levy has been exploring the new stone grey pyramid temple, which has enough room for him to stroll around and familiarize himself with all of the weapons shown. Levy was once an ancient ruler, who would terrorize any enemy with his powerful claws and tough scales, but before the weapons which are all filled with intent even he feels some type of threat from them. Ayanda slowly pulls himself into the temple within his Soul Scape in order to also get a better understanding of the Hell Scroll Sacred Art he's been trying to advance.
"Do you think I have to become familiar with all of these different weapons in order to use them?" Ayanda asked Levy.
"This is something I can't answer. As a primordial beast, I have natural abilities which I inherited. For you humans, training with weapons are your biggest strength's, and since you can barely use the dagger you have, you most likely would have to train to an incredible level to use all of these weapons as well as the techniques within." Levy was as honest as he could be with Ayanda.
"There's at least twenty different weapons here! I have to understand all of them?" Ayanda was startled by Levy's response.
"Well, it's not like you can absorb them. These weapons are simply the intent and mind you'd have to reach in order to unleash all the power of the Hell Scroll Sacred Art." Levy stated, and then he makes his way to another area of the pyramid that's sealed off, "Look's like you won't be able to access the whole pyramid without mastering the weapon intent's first." he muttered to Ayanda calmly.
Ayanda is initially confused, but soon he casts aside any doubts in order to focus on his goal to finding improvement with his Hell Scroll Sacred Art. He was worried about how far he could take it, but now he realizes that it may allow him to become a weapon master who won't have any flaws in his attacking capabilities. He already has the God Blood Lightning Sacred Art for maneuverability, his Immortal Phoenix Sacred Art for defense, along with his Taboo Slayer Divine Art for exceeding his limits, now with a sacred art to allow him to have proficiency with any kind of weapon may be his real trump-card. He just needs more time to train with the weapon intents and his battle tactics in order to improve himself.
While Ayanda is keeping his senses on Lily Garden, Captain Wood and the elderly man he was following have arrived at the main luxurious estate of the mayor of Neon Bridge. They're slowly walking in the courtyard of a lavish mansion with countless golden features, along with servants posted everywhere. The servants that they pass bow respectfully towards the elderly man who ignores everyone one of them, only Captain Wood nods slightly now and again. They reach a giant hall, which is guarded by golden statue-like robots, which are not moving an inch but are continuously scanning both of them as they get closer to the hall's entrance. Captain Wood has trailed behind the elderly man and remains outside the hall as the elderly man walks in.
Inside the hall, there are gorgeous woman serving a young man dressed in rich, exquisite robes and covered in golden jewelry, seated alone at a large silver table, which the elderly man makes his way to in order to sit across from him. The young man waves his hand and all of the women leave his side, without having a chance to serve anymore, but they leave with haste. Once they're gone, the elderly man slowly clears his throat while the young man pushes away the food he was enjoying.
"Mayor, from what the Palace Guards have informed me about, they don't seem to know who it was that tried to break into your estate." the elderly man spoke softly with a respectful tone.
"That's not good enough Rome! Do you think I can be at ease with that?! What if they come back?" the mayor was very agitated even as he tried to remain as composed as he could.
"I understand, but even the captain of the Palace Guards couldn't track them down after they were able to evade your Gold Warriors. The only thing we know is that they had a Cosmic Key with them." the elderly man, Rome, replied.
"Cosmic Key?!? Rome, if they had a Cosmic Key, wouldn't that make it easier to find them?" the mayor was now startled and concerned.
"If we chase them, they could use it to escape. They've already used it once, which likely means they've teleported far away. There's no way to track them once we've sold them to the Grey Bazaar. Even if we can't rule out anybody, there are over five million residents in Neon Bridge, not counting any of the researchers, most of who have questionable backgrounds. There's too many variables to take into account." Rome answered calmly.
"Rome, you were placed here by the Palace Lord, and you've never had any issues for the last decade. How is it possible that you can't find this one thief?" the mayor asked in an annoyed voice.
Rome sighed softly, "Because this thief is clever. They were completely unsuspecting for weeks, slowly becoming part of the background surrounding your estate. When investigating the residents in the area, they simply thought it was a random mascot, nothing to worry about. I can search more openly, but then that will let the thief know about my movements. For now, it's best to wait for them to strike again." he spoke in an increasingly calm tone.
"That's too risky. I haven't secured the Thousand Year Jowar yet. If I disappoint the Palace Lord again, he won't let me off as you're letting this thief go." the mayor was now agitated by how he's been given very little choice with Rome's plan. "The thief broke in while I was away, which means they probably have a way to spy on my movements. You have to plead with the Palace Lord on my behalf to provide more of his men to protect my estate." the mayor felt he had no other choice but to beg now.
"The Palace Lord may be able to assist, but you'll have to provide more Cosmic Key's if you want to get more support right now. Without the Thousand Year Jowar, even I don't think I can give you any face, but it may buy you more time to fulfill your promise." Rome replied without promising anything.
The mayor ground his teeth slightly, then spoke as calmly as possible, "I've already given the Palace Lord half of my personal supply. If I hand over more, I won't be able to have any standing with the Grey Bazaar in a few months, and that damn Cobra will become their main supplier. I'm only willing to part with them if the Palace Lord can help me keep that vulture in check." he says.
"Cobra isn't somebody we can deal with at the moment. But if I can get the Palace Lord to agree, he could put pressure on his "businesses", forcing Cobra to either pay more taxes or go into hiding. That could be a good thing so long as you can get your hands on the Thousand Year Jowar." Rome responded calmly.
"Fine then. See what the Palace Lord thinks about that, and I'll wait in my estate for his response." the mayor sighed as he leaned back into his seat, contemplating further.
Rome got up from his side of the table, and quickly made his way out of the hall to face Captain Wood again.
"I'll be returning to my residence. Don't disturb me unless it's important." he ordered Captain Wood calmly before vanishing into this air. Captain Wood then simply turned around to leave the mayors estate quietly.
Deep within the mountain's of Neon Bridge was a cavern that had been carefully dug out and shaped over the years. Inside the cavern, there were stone furnishings as well as a blood red mirror with phoenix wings decorated across the frame. Rome appeared inside the cavern and instantly bowed down subserviently in front of the mirror, which suddenly became ablaze with black flames.
"Palace Lord." Rome humbly spoke in a much clearer voice than before.
"Rome. Were you able to get more Cosmic Keys?" a figure shrouded in black flames spoke with a strangled voice, but held pure authority.
"Yes Palace Lord. I got the mayor to finally agree, but he wants you to give him more time to find the Thousand Year Jowar." Rome replied.
"Hmm... Fine then. The Thousand Year Jowar isn't that important right now, as long as he can get it quietly, that will be enough." Palace Lord answered calmly.
"Yes Palace Lord. I'll ensure the Cosmic Key's are sent to you soon." Rome said.
"Good. Have Cobra handle the shipping as usual." Palace Lord ordered Rome.
"Yes Palace Lord!" Rome remained bowed down until the Palace Lord's image faded away, making the mirror return to normal again.
Later into the evening, Ayanda is still keeping a watch on Lily Garden in hopes to follow Dr. Khanyile back to wherever she resides, but so far she hasn't left the garden yet, and now he fears that the teahouse may have to close without him getting any further.
"Maybe I should give up on this." Ayanda was mulling it over as he was hesitating to sneak around Neon Bridge and Lily Garden, considering how the Palace Guards are on the look out for the mysterious thief from the previous day. Even if he can track Dr. Khanyile, he wouldn't have a good reason to explain himself if he gets mistaken for a stalker or even her partner in crime.
Ayanda gets up in order to find a place to spend the night nearby, but before he can leave the tea house courtyard, the tea house owner who was serving him earlier brings another pot of tea and two cups for him.
"Ah. No thank you. I was planning on leaving now." Ayanda was trying to explain, but soon he realizes that Dr. Khanyile is already seated by his table, pouring herself some of the tea that's been placed down.
"Sit. This is a really good blend." she calmly suggested as she took a slow sip. Her eye's were very mischievous yet it felt like she's far more mysterious than anybody could even possibly fathom.
Ayanda sat down but didn't pour himself any tea, "I've already had a few cups earlier. Maybe I'll enjoy some later." he replied while staring at her.
"I can imagine. You've been waiting for me all afternoon, so I figured I'd spare you the trouble." she spoke calmly as she continued to sip away.
"Who are you? Really." Ayanda suddenly asked her. He felt puzzled by this mysterious woman's actions, and more so by the fact that she's been able to always pop up whenever she wants, similar to some kind of teleportation sacred art.
Her mouth curled with a cheeky smile and she chuckled softly, "You're straight to the point now! Good. I'll tell you who I "really" am if you'll tell me exactly who you are, and why you're looking for Cloud Garden." she replied.
"I told you, I'm supposed to find the Platinum Sorghum which I ordered." Ayanda said calmly.
"That's not possible. Platinum Sorghum is a high class product, and Cloud Garden ran out of them nearly a hundred years ago. If you really ordered it, you would've known that Cloud Garden doesn't exist." she eyed Ayanda carefully to judge his reaction. Since she was aware that he knew what happened to Cloud Garden, she was trying to find out what his true intentions are.
Ayanda let out a deep sigh, "You're right, but I really didn't know about that. I was sent here by my guardian, and he was the one who said that I needed the Platinum Sorghum to improve my physique before my final exam's at my academy." he admitted that as carefully as he could.
"Dark Dragon Academy, correct? Your name is Ayanda, right?" she quizzed Ayanda cautiously now.
"Ye... Yeah. Since you already know that much, I suppose you wanted to confirm something else?" Ayanda said.
There was a moment of silence before a glass like bubble suddenly formed around the table they're seated at, blocking all the sound from leaking out, but maintaining their presence there visually. Ayanda was startled as this happened instantly.
"My name is Qiniso. I really am a researcher, but I used to... I know about Cloud Garden, even that it was once Nimbus Garden before." she suddenly sounded more serious than she did before, with her laid back attitude completely gone. "If you want the Platinum Sorghum, you'll have to help me find someone." she said in a resolute tone.
"Find someone? Who?" Ayanda was astonished by this sudden reveal from her part, but was also relieved in finding a way to get his hands on the Platinum Sorghum he needs.
"His name is Quake, the owner of Cloud Garden. He disappeared a few years ago, along with Cloud Garden. He's being kept somewhere that's well guarded and also dangerous. I can't reach him on my own." Qiniso requested his help as earnestly as she could.
"Is that why you were being chased yesterday?" Ayanda asked.
Qiniso was slightly startled, but smiled, "No wonder you've been following me. You knew who I was since you stopped me before." she smiled and stared at Ayanda who was carefully considering his options.
Helping her means that he can get the Platinum Sorghum, but now he'll have to become become a wanted criminal.
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