THE PAST 3 (final)
After that, they were inseparable.
The next few weeks that followed, they lived to the fullest together. The second date turned to a fifth date and they lost count after that. But they were taking it slow because it was so much better that way.
Axel had agreed. There was no way he wanted to ruin anything by rushing ahead and going out of his way. They'd do it the way they wanted to, slow and steadily. He would make it work.
In those days, Axel opened his heart up to her like never before. His highs and his lows, even his most embarrassing secrets was ready to be let out by him in a heartbeat. Because he realised, with Ezra, he didn't really care. She didn't judge him, she didn't care about the minor details and she always found a way to make him happy.
What else could he have……
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