AXEL This wasn't the first time he was realising that he was falling for Ezra because it felt inevitable to him. No matter whatever she did, he always found himself going back to her whether she was near him or not. Axel never acknowledged the kisses they shared on Christmas day because he saw it as a way of revenge. But he couldn't forget how tight she held onto him and how happy she seemed. Even her confession didn't bother or shock Axel because he.. didn't trust her. Ezra had deceived him far too many times for him to just believe the words she said. But none of that worked. None of the hatred he stored throughout all those years kept him from feeling just hatred for her. The longer he stared at her nervous eyes lingering on him, the more he realised that he didn't just want to sta……
AXEL This wasn't the first time he was realising that he was falling for Ezra because it felt inevitable to him. No matter whatever she did, he always found himself going back to her whether she was near him or not. Axel never acknowledged the kisses they shared on Christmas day because he saw it as a way of revenge. But he couldn't forget how tight she held onto him and how happy she seemed. Even her confession didn't bother or shock Axel because he.. didn't trust her. Ezra had deceived him far too many times for him to just believe the words she said. But none of that worked. None of the hatred he stored throughout all those years kept him from feeling just hatred for her. The longer he stared at her nervous eyes lingering on him, the more he realised that he didn't just want to sta……
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