The wind blows coldly in the afternoon sky when Dreygur arrived at the Plaza of the North-northwest and as expected, Schatten and Sumire were patiently waiting there.
"Oh dear, have I kept you waiting too long?" Dreygur asked Sumire anxiously when they met at the Plaza. He hugged Sumire and then he noticed Schatten behind her wearing his long face.
"We didn't wait long." Sumire chuckled and hugged him back. Dreygur turns his gaze to Schatten while burying Sumire's face on his chest.
"Lord Schatten!" Dreygur happily called his name and then let go of his hug with Sumire and approached Schatten.
"I didn't expect you to be the one Sumire was waiting for." Schatten said in a serious tone, pressing one’s lips together in a firm line.
"She needed my help so I came here." Dreygur calmly looks at him. ……
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