"What are you going to do here?"
"Why are you here?"
"What do you need?"
The guard at the Giant gate of the East Exile asked Grayson and Seven one after another the moment they entered the City's gate. One of the most difficult places to infiltrate in Exile is the East Exile. It is one of the major cities and the city has its own rules even though the people are very friendly, lively and easy to get along with.
The East Exile is home to wind users. Residents from this place have wings ability, the ability that everyone has. They hold greater mana than the fire, water, and earth users. They are the third most abundant mana in Exile, leading the Rare Sorcerer, followed by the healers and they placed third.
The walls of the East Exile are made of thousands of huge whirlwinds sticking together and ……
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