The two hobbits gazed admiringly into the young man's eyes. One hobbit's eyes were bright green. The other hobbit had brown eyes. These creatures looked at Dan with a sly and smart look.
Suddenly one of the hobbits bowed to the player.
"I am the best! I think the master could use the trophies of the enemy," the hobbit turned and ran toward the corpse of the man.
"I'm the best too, I have nimble fingers, you can't hide a coin from me," the second hobbit threw himself into a new contest.
The two marauders with quick and deft movements began to remove the armor from the corpse. The hobbits were short but not small. The hobbit was as tall as a boy's shoulder. Dan noted at once that the fellows had broad shoulders and large, shaggy heads.
"I need new armor and new weapons," Tom said.
"Of course we need to buy you new equipment," whispered Dan.
His head began to hurt. There were too many unexpected events. The young man couldn't watch the hobbits help each other turn the corpse of a man to remove the cuirass. The clone watched the helpers in surprise, too.
"Brave marauders. Look how deftly they undress this guy. I wonder if they can get into his inventory?" Tom waited for Dan to buy him a new weapon. "Friend, stop thinking silly things. Calm down. Look in the store and buy me equipment."
Dan shook his head and grimaced. He opened the store and looked for a set of samurai armor for level 7. Then he bought a new katana and tanto.
Tom put on the armor and armed himself. At this time the two brave marauders finished their work. On the stones of the cave, a corpse of a man in underpants was left lying. The hobbits approached their partners and each carried a large bundle of things.
"I gathered more," one hobbit said proudly.
"But I have more valuable things," objected the second helper.
At that moment, Dan thought that the ancient wizard had not created a ring with the skill of Sacrifice for nothing!
The player wanted to hit these unceremonious assholes. But why hit them? You could sacrifice the insolent creeps to the unknown gods of the Game and get mana!
"Ugh! I don't need this stuff," Dan said.
"That's right! You don't need these things, you'll sell them at the store. And buy our helpers an apple each. Hobbits you like apples?" Tom looked at the sly faces of the shaggy-haired warriors with a smile.
"Eat your own apples. I want beer!"
"And meat!"
"And fish! And a Big Jug of beer!"
"Buy me a beer, too. Two jugs of beer! I'm the best one that killed the evil enemy!"
"Quiet! Now I'll buy you your beer and meat and fish," shouted Dan Raven. The two hobbits began to annoy him with their behavior. They were too noisy and loud and abnormal allies.
Suddenly Dan saw that all the trophies had disappeared from the hobbits' hands. He didn't understand anything, but he was glad the unpleasant things were no longer a problem.
Dan opened the store and saw that his inventory was filled with armor and even the clothes of the man he had killed! Up to this point, the player's inventory had been almost empty. Two stacks of daggers and a stack of underground spider venom. One cell was occupied by a Deva stone and another cell was occupied by an epic ring. But now almost the entire player's vault was stuffed with the murdered man's things. Dan wrinkled his nose and immediately started selling unnecessary items. He didn't even look at the prices, he didn't care how much experience he would get. Dan sold all the stuff and bought two jugs of beer and two pieces of meat. The hobbits snatched the prey from their master's hands and immediately began to drink the beer and take bites of meat from the big hams.
"Don't forget that these brats can be sacrificed," Tom said quietly. He laughed and clapped his friend on the shoulder. "Dan, there's no need to worry. This man came up with a bad plan. He wanted to take the ring away. He found out about our secret. We were in great danger."
"Why were we? Tom, we're still in danger.
That military man has a team. They're around here somewhere. He was on guard duty, guarding the exit of their dungeon. They'll be looking for him!" Dan immediately began to worry about the consequences.
"That's a serious and correct line of thinking," Tom agreed. "We need to hide the corpse. I wonder if these brats are cannibals? They gobble up meat like hungry little fellows who haven't been fed for a long time."
"They haven't been fed. I don't think they're waiting in a magical place somewhere for the ring owner to call and drink beer. And don't give me any of that creepy cannibalism stuff. You're scaring me. I have no such thoughts in my head!" Dan shook his head. "I want to rest. I'm tired. Now I'm ready to go to sleep for a week."
"All right. Let's get out of this place. Let's leave the corpse behind and hope for your luck," the clone smiled at his partner. But then his face turned serious and he asked quietly. "Are you sure you don't want to try one way? Test your abilities. Can you hide a corpse in your inventory?"
"You're crazy! I'm not putting a man's corpse in my inventory!"
"You don't want to and you don't have to. I just offered," the clone put on his helmet. He was now ready to serve and protect.
"Don't you dare hide a corpse in your inventory!" Dan immediately understood the insolent partner's intent.
The samurai looked at the player with his scary mask.
"That's funny. I distinctly remember that the ring doesn't give you the skill to read thoughts. But you were able to guess my wish. I wanted to check. It might come in handy in the future," said the clone.
"We won't kill players in the future! We won't be hiding corpses in our inventory! Stop thinking about it. It's not normal. I'm not a murderer and I don't want to cross the line. Let's get out of this place. Hobbits! No! I'm not buying you any more beer. Don't look at me with those eyes. We're in a dangerous place and you're drinking beer. I don't like drunks," Dan said sternly to the hobbits.
The two brave drunks had already emptied their jugs and were now waiting for more.
"Better collect your ammunition. Do you have an endless supply of rocks in your magic bags?" Tom looked at the helpers with interest.
The shout of the reborn Spider Queen elicited an immediate reaction.
Without thinking, Dan rushed out of the cave toward the exit. Tom turned toward the fearsome creature and prepared to fight.
Both hobbits threw pieces of ham at the Queen's face.
"Eat that big ugly thing!"
"Choke on it! Now I'm going to hit you in the throat with a rock, you beast!"
The hobbits quickly snatched the stones from their bags and began to spin their slings. Tom laughed. These guys turned out great. They are brave little hobbits!
Phantom rushed into the fight and could not dodge the blows of the four paws. The Samurai managed to land a few blows and died. Then the Queen leaped up to the first hobbit and pierced the unfortunate little one's body with a powerful claw strike. The hobbit screamed in pain and died. The last defender did not give up and did not chicken out. The little brave one drew his dagger and pounced on the monster. He died quickly.
The Spider Queen hissed in anger. The corpses of her enemies vanished into thin air. The clone's armor fell to the stones of the floor. All of the hobbits' belongings disappeared after the brave fellows died. The queen spotted the corpse of the dead man and sprang toward him. She pierced the body with two claws. The monster brought the corpse to its mouth and bit off a piece of the human body. Blood ran down the monster's paws and muzzle. The queen devoured the human flesh and made unpleasant noises.
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