Top. Top. Top. Top.
The prankster Tom was silent as the fellows walked cautiously through the tunnel of the dungeon. The clone showed responsibility as he guarded the man's sleep. He never left Dan's side. Now the friends habitually expected an attack at any moment. But no one disturbed them as they moved toward the dungeon exit.
They stopped at a shimmering violet light on the stone wall of the end of the tunnel.
[Warning: Exit from the Lair location has been found. Type of location: Dungeon.
Do you wish to leave the Lair location? Yes/No.
Warning. You can leave the location until you have killed all monsters!]
"There were no spiders. No new military guard appeared," sighed the clone.
Dan was glad to leave the enclosed space and was not distracted by the sad tone of his partner's words. The player stepped toward the wall. He was unaccustomed to walking through a strange magical barrier.
The moment of being transported to a new part of the world did not confuse the young man. He was glad to see the clear blue sky with the rays of the sun falling from it. Dan found himself in a large meadow. On his right side, he saw the bank of a wide river. In front of him and on the left side the clearing was bordered by a forest.
The forest was beautiful in its strangeness. The trees were distinguished by the thickness of their trunks at a moderate height. The abnormal trees immediately caught the young man's attention. Each tree with its trunk obscured the view into the depths of the forest. The short, thick branches were studded with colorful leaves and unknown fruits. The height of the tree was small. The player could climb this tree without fear.
Fear was instilled by new enemies.
Caw. Caw. Caw. Caw.
The inhabitants of this forest turned out to be monsters that looked like big ravens. Dan immediately read the available information.
[ Blood Raven (Animal).
Level 6.
The clever and noble birds of this forest have fallen under the curse of Evil. Now the b****y raven serves as protector of the territory which has been overrun by numerous evil animals. The raven can fly and can therefore attack from the sky. Such an enemy is difficult to fight. Beware of multiple ravens attacking!]
"Friend you'd better see this," Tom called out. The clone stood at the stone wall. The rock rose as the fourth limit of the place. The rock was almost vertical and went high into the sky. On the surface of the stone flickered the familiar entrance to the dungeon. But this entrance let the player know that he was trapped!
[Warning: The location of the Lair has been discovered. Type of location: Dungeon.
Warning. The entrance to the location is available to players 3-5 levels]
"This is payback for our precious," Dan muttered. He didn't feel well. Now he can't go back to the city! This fact caused weakness in the player. He found himself unprepared to abruptly turn into a homeless adventurer in a world full of evil monsters.
"Don't worry. We'll find a place where we'll be safe and comfortable. The world is huge. There's sure to be a place for us in this world," Tom reassured his friend softly.
At that time two men came out into the meadow. They appeared from the side of the meadow where the trees came up to the bank of the river. The strangers quickly ran up to the boys.
"You passed through the dungeon! Well done. What are your levels?" asked one of the strangers.
"And for what purpose are you interested?" Tom answered a question with a question. He wasn't going to give out information to the first person he met.
" Well done. I guess you'll give me your game nickname instead of your name," the stranger said calmly. "You can keep your games to yourself. I want to ask a question that concerns me. Have you met the man inside the dungeon? It is my man. And my man has left his post."
"Sir, we met a military man at the exit of the dungeon. He congratulated us on our passage. But we felt strong enough to search some parts of the dungeon. The spiders proved to be weak. The two of us attacked at the same time and regained our health after the fight. Excuse me, sir, I want to tell you that when we got back to the exit we didn't see your friend. We don't know where he is now. We didn't meet him in the tunnels, sir," the clone spoke in a calm and confident tone.
"My man could not have left his post and returned to the city. I want to know. Can you enter the dungeons?"
"No, sir, we were afraid. I was very afraid of spiders. We exceeded level 5 to increase our chances of winning," Dan replied.
"Too bad you can't help me. Two specialists in our group can get back to town. But I was counting on your help," the stranger said.
Dan realized that this man was used to command and was used to having his commands obeyed. Raven did not want to obey these unpleasant people. He had accumulated too many secrets and secrets.
"As a gesture of information exchange. Sir, can you tell me more exact characteristics of the monsters in this forest," the clone asked.
The commander did not answer and walked toward the river bank. The stranger's partner and subordinate answered the clone's question.
The guys learned that crows attack from above. Uncomfortable opponents. Level 6. 55 health points. Damage is weak and rarely exceeds 10 points. Armor provides good protection against winged enemy attacks. But it is necessary to control the durability of the armor and buy new pieces of equipment in time.
Farther into the forest there is a more dangerous enemy. Level 7 Wolves. Its bite deals 16 damage. Like all wolves, this monster can apply the unpleasant curse of Bleeding. Removes 100 health points per minute. Wolves have 80 health points.
Experience from these beasts is good. Ravens give 70 experience points and wolves 80 experience points. It is possible to develop all skills well. Very many trophies. But from the boxes fall only skills for level 7.
Dan listened to the military man's story and saw that sharing information is useful to support the game. The description of the monster changed.
[Blood Raven (Animal).
Level 6.
Vitality 55.
Damage 6-22]
"You can stop at the riverbank by the cliff. Ravens never fly that far from the trees," the stranger looked around at the boys and smiled. "Our group is keeping to the riverbank. You can hunt near us."
"Thank you, sir," Tom replied thankfully. The clone sensed that the atmosphere of the meeting was far from warm. These soldiers showed the manners of strong and experienced warriors. They took off their helmets and showed they were not hiding anything from the newcomers. Dan and Tom did not show their faces.
Their faces were the same! Talking nonsense about them being twins was silly. Tom said right off the top that one should never lie! You can hide the truth, but you can't lie. The phantom did not want to reveal his face to outsiders.
The boys couldn't figure out how to apply the camouflage skill with the epic ring. In this game, they saw no markings over the heads of the other players! Only once did the Game show information about an outsider player. It was a b****y inscription with the name of a Killer who had been punished by Karma.
Dan didn't see any information about Tom. Tom said he could identify Dan just fine. The clone could even see his partner's level!
"Let's go hunting?" Tom swung his katana.
"Yeah. Let's go away from the river. With the flying crows we can use our brave friends," Dan said.
"Then we should get away from our new acquaintances and the riverbank. People do by the standard. The river is the source of clean water. Water is an amenity. I'm sorry, but you'll have to get used to the new conditions of camping hygiene," laughed the clone.
"I'm ready to wipe my a*s with a bundle of grass. Buying a bottle of water to wash my hands is no problem," Dan grinned. "I suggest we move along the cliff. We'll go deeper into the woods and then start looking for ways to move deeper into this location."
Tom didn't bother to say too much and went first. As he approached the trees near the cliff a raven swooped down upon the samurai. The bird was large and resembled a black eagle. Tom immediately struck his sword and black feathers sprinkled on the grass. The raven did not fly away. The bird tried to continue the attack but the swift katana and tanto blow inflicted deadly damage. The raven fell at the samurai's feet.
Dan watched the fight closely. Above the black bird's head, the health loss figures showed.
-14. -18. -21. -17.
"Weaklings! We can easily handle a big flock of these crows," said the clone. "I got 65 experience points. Let's just run along the rock. These strange trees form a natural maze. But the big trunks and the rock will allow us to cover our backs. We'll be able to fight off the flock."
"Fine! In case of danger, I'll call the hobbits for help," laughed Dan. "I suggest we just run and rely on our armor. I don't like being anywhere near the company of military professionals."
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