The place made a good impression at first glance. The place had the delicious smell of fresh and unusual food. The bright walls of the great hall were decorated with portraits and paintings. On the walls, there were often neat vases and pots from which grew long stems of unknown plants. Flowers and greenery decorated the walls of the establishment. Three large windows let in plenty of sunlight into the hall.
Dan immediately noticed the visitors. There were tables along the walls of the hall. At most of the tables, charming girls were seated in the company of men and boys of different origins.
The owner of the place stood behind the neat bar. He did not work as a bartender. Behind the owner, there were shelves on which stood a variety of bottles with colorful drinks. But Dan immediately realized that Master Snotty Mouse didn't sell drinks.
The master smoked a pipe and enveloped his corner in a puff of greenish smoke. Purple and blue streaks shimmered in this smoke. Sometimes the smoke formed various figures of fantastic creatures and things.
Dan walked over to the counter and nodded to the old mouse.
"I don't give assignments or buy anything from humans," snorted the proprietor.
"I don't take assignments and I don't sell anything," smiled the young man. "I wish to rent a room for the night."
The mouse took his pipe out of his mouth and threatened the mousy boy.
"Snif you've brought another cheeky visitor to my establishment again. Did you pick the berries to make the White Dreams drink?"
"Yes, Master. I gathered many berries and found valuable herbs. This human Dan managed to kill the troll at the bridge. He's brave and calm," squeaked the little mouse.
"You have a good heart and clumsy paws. Go to the kitchen and start making the White Dreams drink," the gray-haired mouse looked intently at the human with his small eyes. "One gold coin. One night. I don't like strangers. You can get a key to the room when you pass the registration. Any human will show you the way to the palace of the humans."
"Or won't show you unless you pay one gold coin to another insolent Goldie," laughed the elfish woman who walked over to the bar. "I want to drink good wine in the company of my friends."
"There's new arrival of fresh Crimson Elvish. There are a couple of bottles of Thin Liquor. Seven years aged. I don't do collectible liquors," smiled the proprietor.
"I didn't make the wrong choice of establishment. A bottle of Thin Liquor and a dozen Crimson. Fruit and cheese at your discretion," the lady grinned and walked toward the company of charming elven women.
Den Raven stared silently at the group of beauties who made a particularly powerful impression within the walls of the hall. The young man felt like an unsightly wimp and a gray mediocrity.
"Human Dan let's go. I'll show you the direction toward the palace," Snif squeaked.
"Yes. Let's go Snif. I have to go through registration," muttered the young man.
On the street, the mousy pointed in one direction and told him that he should always walk straight down the street. At the third crossroads, Dan will see the palace building. The guard at the gate will tell him how to find the registration house. Dan did not have time to thank the good little mouse. Some man stopped next to them.
"Hey, dude, don't listen to that dirty mouse. Give me one gold coin. I'll tell you how to make a cool account in this hole," the unknown player offered.
"I'm not dirty! I take a hot water bath every morning. I'm a Culinary Apprentice to Master Snotty Mouse. I always wash my paws before work," Snif finished his excuses with a quiet squeak.
"Dude, I know you got gold. One coin and you'll get it right. Come on, I'll walk you to the right place. People have to help each other in this lousy town," the player looked at Dan with a smile.
"Hey, Goldie. You can go wherever you want and help whoever you want. But first, you apologize to little Snif," said a short Mouse with a basket in her hand. "Snif is a weak snot. But I always remember that he is the grandson of the venerable Quick Claw. You have insulted the citizen Grossroads. Apologize before I call the guards."
The man muttered a few curses very quietly. Then his face took on a detached expression. After a second, the player looked at Den Raven with hatred.
"My reputation with the city has dropped 1 point! Asshole! It's all because of you! You're going to pay for this," the stranger walked quickly away from the stunned young man.
"Snif you're an impossible fool. Don't mess with stupid Goldie," Mouse looked at the young man suspiciously and went on about his business.
"Thanks for your help Snif. I don't know that man, but I'm not as aggressive and rude as he is. See you soon," Dan smiled.
"I'll make you a White Dreams drink. I make a lot of good drinks. Few berries go to waste. Human Dan, I like you. Come back for sure," the mousy waved his paw and ran off into the establishment.
Dan Raven walked down the street. He looked at the passers-by and the houses with new interest. The city was very clean. It did not smell of bad smells. Many of the windows of the low houses were open and the young man could see how the different citizens were engaged in various activities. He saw craftsmen and housewives at work. Citizens lived their usual life and did not pay attention to the wanderer who was dressed in armor.
Dan noticed that few citizens wore armor, but almost all were armed with swords and daggers. Some citizens had bows and shields on their shoulders. But most of the citizens of Grossroads were dressed in plain clothes. Dan was not well versed in matters of ancient fashion, but he liked the local fashions. He especially liked the necklines on women's dresses.
The young man could not take his eyes off the half-n***d breasts of the beauties. Dan was worried and tried to walk quickly past the girls and women. Almost all the city women had a perfect figure. This place knew a lot about healthy living.
Some of the citizens looked at the young man with curiosity and even a smile. They were very respectable and handsome citizens. They preferred dark colors in their clothing and most of the men walked with canes in their hands. The women covered their heads with charming hats with a wide brim. Women's hats were adorned with chains and jewels.
Dan was embarrassed when attention was drawn to him. The strange citizens didn't look like elves, but they looked a lot like people.
Suddenly Dan remembered Snif's words and stopped. They were vampires! He looked in the direction of the charming woman and instead of paying attention to her face began to consider her half-n***d breasts.
Dan Raven shook his head to banish thoughts of fangs and breasts and vampires. He walked quickly toward the gatekeeper who guarded the entrance to the palace grounds.
The gate was made of metal bars. They were part of a fence made of a tight row of metal bars. Dan could see that there were many bushes and small buildings on the palace grounds. A white stone building towered in the distance.
All the roads in the city led to the center. It was not easy to walk on these roads. The slope was rather steep. The city emerged on the surface of a huge mountain range. Den Raven was a little tired along the way. He enjoyed resting and contemplating the park on the palace grounds.
"Greetings. I wish to proceed to registration," the young man addressed the guard.
"Greetings wanderer. You may enter the grounds. Master Ronald does the registration. You must go to that green-roofed house over there," the guard pointed to the required building.
The young man thanked the warrior and made his way to the palace grounds. He reached the place and went through the door. The room seemed familiar to him. It was a strange feeling. As if he had been in this place before. But that was impossible!
Dan Raven had never visited a place with such inhabitants. In the corner nearest the door stood a guard in a medieval metal cuirass and a sword on his belt. Opposite the door by the wall was a table with a candlestick and an inkwell with a writing pen sticking out of it. By the table stood an old man in strange brown clothes. Dan remembered that monks wore such clothes, but he could not remember the name of these clothes.
The old man was almost bald. His gray hair slightly covered his ears. The old man had a kind smile on his face. He appeared to have a soft but solid voice.
"Greetings wanderer. I am Master Ronald and I am ready to perform your registration. What is your real name?" Master Ronald held out his hand and took a quill from the inkwell.
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