Standing near the shore of a deserted beach, under the moonlight, is a beautiful, dark skinned curly haired woman, who is looking to the vast array of stars, humming a simple melody to herself. Her soft satin dress floats in the wind, like silky feathers reaching to the sky. She starts to frown as dark clouds begin to rumble overhead, but she keeps on humming.
"Eternal River, do you still stand against the Gods and side with humans?" a deep voice asks with a sneer.
Eternal River slowly stops humming, staring into the dark clouds. She turns away from the clouds to walk away, and from her shadow, a golden lion with a human face pounces out, snarling towards the hovering clouds.
"Brother, please don't force me to have to stand against you." Eternal River says in a low but commanding voice, with her voice echoing into space. The dark clouds recede slightly, but then return with an arrogant gusto.
"We are the true Gods! How dare you threaten us! You and your cursed abominations were all failures... Especially those ungrateful dragons, they onl-" before the voice in the clouds could finish their sentence, Eternal River had already begun to mutter a chant in an ancient language, with her words filled with volcanic flames which are dying to erupt.
"You- You dare to use true dragon blood against your own brother?" the dark voice now has become solemn, far more serious than before. Eternal River continues to chant away, with her golden lion slipping back into her shadow.
"Brother, this will be my final warning. If you dare to interfere with the humans and their world again, I will use Mother's blood to kill all of the Gods. Then there will be no more celestial powers left to corrupt them." Eternal River vows before the clouds quickly disappear, allowing the cool, starry night to return once more. The golden lion comes back out as Eternal River pets it gently. As she looks up to the sky, tears of blood slowly stream out of her eyes.
"I don't have much time. Promise me, that if I can't keep them out forever, that you'll find a way to make sure they can't interfere." her gentle voice begging her companion beast, who roars with a loyal gesture.
… Almost three billion years later...
Eternal River is standing on the same shore, but now the entire sky is covered by a dense shadow, which has stolen away all the light, leaving only the earth and air for her to live on. The shadow is growing constantly, becoming a larger mass slowly, drawing in more celestial power.
"The Leviathan has been sealed away forever now. You no longer have any control over the dragon blood. Do you still choose to side with the humans?" a deep voice rumbles into the atmosphere from the shadow, shattering a star a few galaxies away through it's echo.
Eternal River looks up to the shadow, with cloudy tears rolling down her face, "It's a shame, that you forced me to do this brother." She closes her eyes, and a well of heaven shattering celestial power bursts from within her being. Her power shreds away at the shadow, casting it away, driving it into a subspace that begins to erode the shore she is standing on, sucking away at the ocean water and light. More and more of the land Eternal River was standing on before gets sucked in, almost a quarter of a very large land mass vanishes in an instant.
Once the light dissipates, the ocean levels have dropped now, as they have filled in the missing parts of the land, and now, beyond the furthest reaches of the ocean, there is a legendary passage that will take you to Corner Stone.
This ancient legend becomes lost through the ages, century after century, until countless millennia pass. Until one day, a young man named Ayanda has to challenge his fate, and face the scorn of a true God.
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