After we sat down and talk to fairies and they told us that it wasn’t just the Elven kingdoms in the realm but all magically creatures, have not had a male born ruler in over two hundred years and that Freya has been banished from the world and if she is caught, she is to be exiled on a world alone for the rest of eternity. They told us that the caves are spelled, and they do not know exactly where the princess is laying at, they said that they cave are over one hundred miles long and very deep to be careful and only thing that you must do is concentrate on what you desire, and it will happen.
We said our farewells and told them that we would come by when we found the princess and we left we got a lot of information and I hope that it will be able to help us if need to defeat the Fae Queen. We made our way through the path that we had to go through to the caves, it took us a few hours to get to where we found the entrance to the caves. When we walked to the caves the first thing that we see was something laying there and we tied up our horses out of the way, we walked quietly over to see what we were looking at 3 heads laying on the ground and that creature looked like it was asleep and suddenly Dax said in a whisper that must be the hydra that we have to fight. I stopped dead in my tracks, I was shocked because that f*****g dragon was bigger than I excepted. We backed up and we talked over what we were going to take down this beast. The three of us huddled and lowly discussed a plan of attack, we thought since the beast was asleep that we might have an advantage against it.
So, we drew our swords and slowly and quietly went towards the hydra each of us decided to take a head since it would be easier when we got close to the beast, we placed our swords at the neck and chopped the heads off. That was too easy we thought to ourselves we moved the dismembered head away from body of the hydra and then we waited a few minutes before we started to search the caves for the body of the princess.
We decided to split up in the caves to see if it would help us with the search as we are searching for the caves, I realize that something is off in the one I am in I start yelling for Grayson and Dax. “Grayson, Dax can you guys hear me!” I keep yelling while walking around in this cave that looks like it is keeping changing the way it looks and the paths that I was taking. “Grayson, Dax can you hear me” Screaming through the cave and it was echoing but no one answered. I kept moving hoping I would find my way out when I finally came to an opening that I haven’t seen before and when I went through it brought me to a different location within the cave I believed. When I got out of the whole that I climb through everything looked different, there was water and ice in the place I wasn’t sure what was going on in here so I decided to look around, I still didn’t know where Greyson and Dax were, I just hope that they were okay, I was cold in this part of the cave I was freezing, I don’t know what if I was going to be able to make it long in here with how cold it was in here. I must find something to get some heat going in here, so I don’t freeze to death.
I then suddenly heard Dax calling my name “Atlas, where are you can you hear me?”
“Dax, Where are you, I can here you, I am in a section of the cave that is frozen solid it is cold as hell in here.” I was yelling hoping that Dax could hear me.
“Atlas, I am in a part of the cave that has sand lots of it and is hot as can be.”
When Dax said that I was lost because we were able to talk and hear each other but we were both in two different spots with two different climates.
“Dax, try and see if you can find me and get me something to keep me warm.”
“How am I supposed to do that if I can’t find you.”
“Just keep looking for a way to, I am cold I am afraid I might freeze to death.”
He got quite and we both started looking for something or a way to get out of this artic weather cave. As I was looking around, I found a froze lake and as I looked closer it looked like that there was something inside the lake I called out for Dax and Greyson again.
“Dax, Greyson I think I found something in a the bottom of this froze lake, I can’t really tell what it is. I need to find something to break this ice with where are you guys at.”
“Atlas, I am still in the Desert cave I haven’t found any way out.”
“I will find a way to get you and find out what is at the bottom of this lake.”
I kept looking around to see if I could find something to break this ice when suddenly I seen Greyson.
“Greyson, where have you been?”
“I have been stuck in a jungle cave and I was looking behind a rock and found a hatch that lead me here. What are you doing?”
“I am looking for something to break this ice with I think that there is something at the bottom of the froze lake.”
“Well, I have this axe do you think that this will work?” as he hands me the axe that he has in his hands. I take it and start breaking the ice, I then tell Dax.
“Dax, look for a hatch Greyson has found one and is here with me we are using a axe to break the ice.”
“I am looking.”
We continue to break the ice and when I finally got a hole deep enough to where I could see what was at the bottom of the lake. When I was getting ready to go look, I see Dax walking up.
"Dax, I am glad that you finally made it. I am getting ready to dive down to see what is at the bottom of this lake.”
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