Back in 2021 at the hospital
Good morning Mr. and Mrs. Remington, says the nurse that is working at the nurse’s station when we walk in to see how our son River is doing he has been in coma for 2 months now and we come and check on him every day, I usually spend most of my day with him not wanting to leave his side just in case he wakes up, but today we are headed to our grandson’s birthday party so I won’t be staying long. I say good morning to the nurse and ask her how Atlas’ evening went, she looks at me and say, “Let me check his chart and I will be right in there and I will also let the doctor know you are here.” I tell her thanks as we walk into his room; I walk over to him, and I kiss his forehead and tell him that I am here, and I sit down next to him and hold his hands. You can see how his eyes are moving back and forth through his eye lids, I just want my son to wake up.
After a few minutes the nurse and the doctor both walk in “Good morning Mr. and Mrs. Remington, I am Doctor April Summers I am Atlas’s doctor, we did run a few more tests on him over night and it looks like his body is healing well from the broken bones he had and we did a brain scan and his brain function are outstanding I am not sure what is keeping him in the coma, but he will eventually wake up I just cannot say how long that will be.” I look at her and then I look at my husband and I asked her if there was anything they could do to help him start waking up. She said “No, there isn’t anything we can do on the medical stand part because it’s his mind and body that is forcing his to stay that way. It will come he will wake up. When he does then we will be able to see how much damage was really done to him.
So, I suggest that you just keep doing what you do, visit with him talk to him and let him know that you are here.” I nodded and she asks if there is anything else I need I told her no we were good, and she left the nurse looks at Atlas’ vital and administers his medicine and then she places his food through the tube, so he can eat. She told me that if we needed anything to let her know I told her that we weren’t staying long we had to see our daughter and grandchild. We stay for about another hour before my husband said that if was time to go so, we wouldn’t be late to the birthday party I gave Atlas a kiss and told him I would be back tomorrow, and we left.
Back in the magically Realm
Freya’s POV
I can’t believe that they have beaten every obstacle that I have put in there way I know that they will probably well hopefully give up looking for her after they step foot in the caves and they keep getting turned around if they make it passed the Hydra, I have made sure that the Hydra will be aware of any presents that comes near those caves and that they will attack and kill anyone who tries to enter them. I have it place close to the center of all the caves and about ten caves away from where I placed Avery’s body, it still would take a person a good while to find her.
But now I placed the Hydra closer to the entrance of the caves and now they will have to fight it earlier than expected, I hope that they will not be able to defeat it as easily as they have defeated everything else. If they do manage to save her, I will have to produce another plan to stop them from breaking the curse. I might have to gather my army of monsters that have been itching for a battle for a long time. We will just have to see how things keep going from her on out.
Grayson’s POV
Raise and shine I yell to Atlas and Dax the two of them are still sound asleep in their tents I go to wake them up and Atlas is stirring and telling me he needs a few more minutes I keep kicking him until he wakes up and throws an apple at me and asks me why am I waking him so early I tell him that it is early it is around 9 in the morning he looks at me and says oh s**t I am up, the next thing he jumps up and puts on his new clothes and then he goes to wake Dax up and he was worse than Atlas, but when they both are up and dress we take down our camp and we eat some breakfast before packing up everything and getting it settled with are horse and saddle them and start our way across the river since the water seems to be calmer and lower today.
We make it across the lake when suddenly I hear signing, I look around a I see Fairies, I jump back because one bumps into me and I look over at Atlas with look of worry I am not sure what the fairies will do I have meet a few that are really nice but a I have found a few that are mean. Since they are the ones closest to the caves, they might also be helping the fairy queen guard the princess. I just wanted to be careful, so we don’t cause any issues with them knowing we were on the way to save the princess.
We slowly made our way through the place making sure not to upset any of the fairies that we see when we were almost to a clearing, a fairy yells at us to stop, we were hesitant to being with but then we stopped and turned around and when we did, we were staring at a male fairy.
Atlas asks him “who are you and what do you want from us we were just passing though.” The fairy looks at Atlas and says, “well good sir we see that, and we were wondering where you gentleman was headed.” Atlas now with this look of anger finally answers” well if you must know we are on way to the magically cave to recuse the last Snow Princess.” The fairy looks at him with a look of glee on his face and then says “Well, so it is true that the prince of the prophecy has been born and will set every magically being in this realm free from the curse.”
When he says that the three of us look at each other and then Dax asks the fairy what he is talking about the curse was only given to the elven kingdoms of the realm. The fairy answers him and tell him that every magically creature was affected by the curse and that not one magically being has had a male ruler in over two hundred years I looked and said NO f*****g WAY! I deadpanned, the fairy told us to walk a little further and told us to sit he would tell us the true story of what happened.
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