So, tomorrow is the day that Dax and I start our quest to find the Snow Elf Princess, we must take Zoe to my uncle’s realm first he is the west of us it is a day’s journey to him and then we will start our journey to the magically caves where it is told that the princess is supposed to be hidden there. We will be taking the mountain path since we are taking my sister to my uncles, we have mapped out the path we have to take, it will be a 3- day journey through the mountains to reach the valley where we have to travel 2 more days through the forest that the caves are hidden by when we get to the caves we have to find which one holds the Hydra that is guarding the princess, it is going to take at least 6 days to reach the caves, as long as we don’t have any delays or anything that comes between us and the caves.
My parents throw me a huge banquet to send me and Dax off on our quest they invited all the other kingdoms in the realm to celebrate the beginning of a new era and hopefully ending 2 centuries worth of curses. Dax was spending much needed time with Harper she was scared and sad that Dax was leaving her I promised her that I would bring him back in one piece and that he will come back unharmed. Dax was the best warrior we have in our kingdom he has been training since he was 5 years old along side of me.
When he did the exam for him to become a knight for the kingdom, he beat the top warriors that my father has, and when he fought my father, he just about beat him as well so he is good, I am glad that he is my personal knight and my defender, I would not have anyone else by my side. The night was ending we had a great sent off and a wonderful time with everyone that attended from all over the realm. They had the elder elves from all the clans bless our quest and in hope that we will be able to save the snow princess and bring back the rightful heir to the Arctic Kingdom. We said our finally goodbye and we went to our room and turned in for the night we were leaving before dawn to head to the Black Forest Kingdom. We woke up at 4:00 am the stable guy had the horse and the carriage ready for Zoe.
We were going to take the two horses with the carriage and when we got to my uncles, we were leaving the carriage there. Zoe was on a mission to find a prince that was going to be crowned King she did not want to settle for less even though she would keep the princess title even if she did not marry royal. We had packed our saddles and we went to the front of the castle we were waiting for Zoe to come down, it did take but a few minutes her and her lady in waiting we down and we were loading their luggage when we got everything ready, we waved to our families as we were heading out to the Black Forest Kingdom in the Eureka Realm. As the if started to become light outside we could tell that it was going to be a beautiful day for our trip to my uncles. We stopped around nine to eat breakfast and let the horses rest a little while we were doing good on time, so we were about halfway there we had roughly about 4 or 5 more hours to go till we made to his kingdom.
After resting for an hour, we cleaned up our mess from breakfast we continued our way. We knew when we made it to the Eureka Realm because of the change of scenery, The trees and the flowers blossomed differently in this realm, when we hit the boarder of the Realm, we knew that we were at the edge of the Black Forest Kingdom, and we did not have much longer until we reached my uncles castle his castle was deep within his Kingdom. When we reached the outskirts of the village where his castle was, we were greeted and escorted the rest of the way by guards of the king.
When we got to the castle we were greeted by my uncle, his wife and my cousins we unloaded everything, we were going to let our horse rest for the night and we would start our journey fresh in the morning, My uncle showed us around the village and the castle I haven’t been here since I was in my early teen years it was beautiful and the villagers were amazing, we watched my uncles warriors during one of their training sessions they trained like we did and they were brutal. The warriors were bloody and bruised but they kept on fighting. My cousin wanted to me to spar him so I decided that I would, so I was given a pair of workout clothes and we started to spar each other, I attacked first he went for my right side and I dodged him moving to the left and then back to right, he went for my face I ducked and I got him in the stomach then I high kicked him in the face then punched him in the nose and the left eye.
I side swipe kicked him making him fall backwards he caught himself before hitting the floor and the I roundhouse him and then side kicked him the stomach making him have to catch his breath then I kicked him in the stomach again making him fall backwards I got on top of him and started to punch him the face over and over again he finally submitted to me, I helped him up he looked at me and asked me where I learned how to fight like that he hasn’t seen anyone put his father use the technique that I was using I told him that my father is the one who taught me how to fight like that. He laughed and said he might get his father to teach him how to fight like that. When we they finished training, we all walked to the showers that they had, and we showered when we were done, we went back to the castle. When we got back to the castle my uncle had a huge banquet prepared for me and Dax, he invited all the other kingdoms in his realm to celebrate with us as well, he wanted to wish us the best of luck on our quest and the hope that we will be able to defeat the dragon and any other obstacle that was laid in our way. We spent the evening feasting and dancing and drinking with everyone, we ended up retiring later then we wanted to, but it was fine we only needed a couple of hours of sleep before we headed off to start our quest.
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