The Legend Of The Alpha Twins

The Legend Of The Alpha Twins


SassAss Romance

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Its all been leading up to this...
All the drama, all the chaos, it has all led to this. The legend of the Alpha Twins.
If you have not already, I highly recommend reading through books 1-4 to get the full picture and not get lost or have any spoilers! Happy reading!
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Dark. Nothing but darkness. I feel...uneasy. Afraid, worried. My feet are carrying themselves as I trudge through the thick forest, trying to go unseen and unheard. I am with people, I can hear their footsteps and whispers, though I cannot make out what is being said, or why we are in this goddess-forsaken wasteland. My heart is heavy. I am with a woman. She is...different. She looks as terrifying as the forest, which I had not feared until that day. Some words are exchanged, though I can't hear them. I can't make out the faces surrounding me. And then...
Pain. Endless, torturous pain. Physical, emotional, every kind of pain you can imagine. I hear screaming in the background, I can feel the adrenaline running through my veins, my lungs burning from running. There had to be a way out, somehow, someway. She was gaining on me. I had to keep moving. But where? This was her world, not mine.
"Sierra?" Edward called to me, pulling me from my vision.
I sat up and gasped for air, my heart racing a mile a minute. Edward had sympathetic eyes, pulling me close to him as I calmed my jumpy nerves.
"Another vision? Or a nightmare?" He asked.
"Vision." I gulped. "Definitely vision."
"They are coming more frequently." He mulled over.
"Our pups are getting older. If the legend is really true..." I said, a tremor in my voice.
And as they got older, my visions came more frequently, though a bit blurry. My coven sisters seem to think it is an emotional response, one my subconscious self made to protect myself from seeing things I really don't want to. Things that could very well affect my pups and leave me broken inside. My gift was both a blessing and a curse.
"Who was it this time?" Edward asked, tucking my disheaved hair behind my ear.
"I-I don't know, it was too blurry this time."
"Tell me about it." He pressed.
"Tomorrow, I need to check on them." I said, scooting out of bed and slipping on a bathrobe and slippers before heading down the hall to our pups rooms.
Edward didn't dare stop me, he knew better than that. After everything that has happened in our lives, after having our pups taken from us, our family taken from us, he knew better. I went from room to room checking that they were all here and safe.
Lorraine, my youngest and biggest surprise, check. I couldn't believe she was seven already. Probably the most cryptic of all my pups too. She had been gifted with the ability to speak to spirits. Nothing creepier than walking in on her having conversations with no one else in the room. No one in the flesh anyway. I guess that's what we get though, when you mix a lycan king with a hybrid such as myself. Werewolf, witch, and vampire, a beautiful and chaotic mix of genetics.
Abby, my second to last, check. Born while I was in captivity, and named after her aunt who sacrificed herself for me. I missed the first year of her life, but have tried to do everything I can to make it up to her, though she wont ever remember that dark year. She was gifted with incredible healing abilities, much to our amusement. Almost as if the moon goddess was trying to redeem Edward's sister Abby by giving our pup the ability to heal.
Hunter, third from the bottom, still awake and playing video games, check. He was gifted with strong spell casting abilities, able to give even the most able witches a run for their money. He was also a total computer geek, and I loved him for it.
"Get to bed soon." I whispered.
He slowly turned his head, his eyes glued to the computer screen for a moment longer before he looked at me and yanked off his headset. "I will, goodnight mom." He smiled. He was always such a good kid. Always ready to lend a hand or just listen.
Stella, my second pregnancy, but third from the top, check. Stella was the most strong willed and feisty of the group, never taking no for an answer. She was gifted with divination. With a simple touch, she could see into someone's past, present or future. She could read people, and know if they were good or bad. Like a walking lie detector.
Levi, my first born, twin A, check. The most responsible of the group, unsurprisingly. He was almost a man now, and carried himself like one too. He was gifted with the ability to control the elements. He could cause a hurricane if he wanted, but had enough self control not to. He was going to make a great king one day.
And finally....Xander. I peered into his room and did not find him in bed. It was past three in the morning. It was past curfew. Where was he?


Tags: another world
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Bonus Chapter 2


"Why the long face? You didn't enjoy yourself?" Seraphina snipped as I began to dress.

I didn't bother to answer her. I never answer her, in fact, unless my life depends on it. I hate the woman with every fiber of my being.

"Or perhaps you prefer the company of a male? I c……


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