


Esona Mazwana others

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I'm a 15 year old coloured girl,I grew up in the Eastern Cape with my mother.My father was never present in my life and whenever I ask my mother about him she would yell at me,saying that she's doing everything in her power to give me the greatest life and with or without my father's presence, we can live.I always wondered why she never wanted to speak about him but I never got the answer.[It's early in the morning, getting ready for school]Candice:Ivy you going to be late,just come out already.Ivy: Mom, I'm coming,here I am, let's go.Candice:Next time i'm leaving you,you going to see how you'll get to school.We drove off to school and when we got there I saw my friends and went out to the them.Mom left.After school,she came to fetch me and on the way home I asked her about dad.Ivy:Mom,can I ask you something?Candice:Yes baby?Ivy:Uh,how was dad?like what kind of a person was he?Am I like him?Candice:Ivy I thought I told you not to ever ask me about that person,what now?mmh?Ivy:Mom,I just wanna know more about him,and besides the only thing you always tell me is that he left a long time ago for work and that's it.Candice:Yes that's it Ivy,what else do you want from me!Ivy:I want my dad,mom!(Crying)We got home and I went straight to my bedroom and cried.Mom had had enough of me asking her about dad.Following day, I went to school by myself and Miss Hackman caught me crying in the class.She asked and I told her what happened.Miss Hackman: Your father was a really great person Ivy.Ivy:What do you mean "was"?Miss Hackman:Ohh no, I don't mean he died or something dear,what I mean is, he had long gone for the army many years ago with my husband,but they never came back Ivy,we got no reports of safety or anything,so ever since then,no one knows what happened.Ivy: What?so that's why mom doesn't wanna talk about dad?Miss Hackman:Yes dear,and besides your mom never wanted him to go but he insisted because he wanted to save people and bring peace to this place,now stop crying and go to your class,okay.Ivy: Thanks Miss Hackman.When I got home I asked mom about what Miss Hackman told me about,and she became very furious and shut me up.Candice:Ivy if you going to listen people out there,you better go live with them cause I won't stand hearing about the same person who chose the world over his own family!Ivy:But mom,he was only try'na help.Candice:Ivy just shut the hell up,you know nothing okay?Ivy:But momCandice:Ivy!(crying).Mom was completely tired of hearing about this and tired of Limeville and it's people,she wanted to start a new life in a place where nobody knows us,a peaceful place unlike Limeville,so we had to move to Joburg.Mom's friend,Aunt Dannie lived in Joburg so mom said we gonna live with her.[Mom and Aunt Dannie speaking over the phone]Aunt Dannie: Candice,are you sure about this?Candice: Yes Dannie,and besides there's nothing I can do r.n, I'm tired of Limeville and hearing about Louis.Aunt Dannie:But Candice you really gotta think twice about moving out, I mean you can't be moving to another place whenever there's a problem.Candice:No Dannie,I've thought about it and it's final, I'm really drained now.Aunt Dannie:Okay then, friend you can come.So we moved to Joburg with Aunt Dannie and I went to this new school,made new friends and my mother was finally free from Limeville's dramas and she thought moving out of Limeville was the best option but little did she know she's finally letting me know my dad.At school,I was actually one of the top students,well the top achiever of the class.Mr Graighall,out Math teacher liked me a lot cause of how fast I was at learning and he would tell me to teach the other students when he's absent.Well there was just something very weird about our bond, and we really looked alike,he had the same eyes as mine,teeth alike and people used to say my mind is as fast as his,but why?[In the classroom]Mr Graighall:Morning class.Class: Morning sir.Mr Graighall:Today we're doing Statistics,well this gotta be the easiest topic we have here in Maths so let's get to it.Being with Mr Graighall made me feelbetter, complete actually.One day Mr Graighall asked me some weird questions.Mr Graighall:Ivy, come here,you good?Ivy: I'm fine sir, how are you?Mr Graighall: I'm alright.Um,mind if I ask?Ivy:No,you may ask sir.Mr Graighall: Who's your mother?where you from actually?Ivy: She's Candice sir,we from the Eastern Cape, why?Mr Graighall: What? Candice Zynep Haggins?(Shocked)Ivy:Yes sir,but how do you know her?(Shocked)Mr Graighall:Ohh no,um no dear,it was just a coincidence that I just knew her,nothing much.Ivy:No sir, there's no way you even know her second name yet it's just a coincidence?Mr Graighall:Um,ah,I gotta go,I got a class Ivy,thanks for your time okay.Ivy:Sir?Mr Graighall:Go to class Ivy.Mr Graighall started realising that Ivy is his aughter but didn't know how to tell her cause he had been absent in her life and she would have questions.
Dennis told him to fix things at home.


Tags: adventuresecond chancesingle motherheir/heiressdramano-coupledetectivecampuscityapocalypsecivilian
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In a small village of ELuthulini at KZN, there lived a 15 year old Tingo  who lives with her parents who are King and Queen of the village.The princess wishes to be a model one day, that's her biggest wish but her father doesn't agree with that.

[In the royal house,Tingo is speaking to her mother]


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