After I gave Flex the assignment, he went back to ignoring me. But something strange was happening. His friend Andres randomly started noticing my existence. That very day, he came and asked me and all my friends to a party at one of the football guys'houses. We all bust out laughing , we didn't go to that sort of party . For one, we never got invited and for two , we wouldn't mingle with that crowd. He'd looked at us all like we were crazy and we had all declined the invite before walking off.
Then, every day since then , he has been trying to make conversation with me. Just like hello and stuff like that to start with. Now he was showing up at my locker before school , asking to walk me to class and stuff like that. It was really starting to creep me out. Andres had the same reputation as Flex , and whatever this was. Well , I was interested. Now not only was I dodging Flex , I was dodging his friend too. Sara , had started becoming like my official guard dog when it came to him. But he still seemed to find a way.
Like now I was studying in the library. This was my quiet time and I loved it. But when he came in , I spotted him as soon as he walked in and saw him looking around. Andres was a good looking man , just like Flex. It's not that I didn't like guys , of course I did. But just not that kind of guy. The ones that lough their way through girls , that had cocky chips on their shoulders. And the guys that used their good-looking faces to their own advantage. I didn't want any guy from this town. None of them took my eye at all. Maybe because at one point or another , most of them had tried imitating Flex's attitude and foulness towards me.
I also idolized the way my dad treats my mum. And how he's always been so hands-on with us as a family. Dad had set the standard for me when it came to boys , and I didn't want to settle for anything less. The way dad looked at mum , the way he surprised her with little things and how he always helped her out and complimented her.
I wanted that. I didn't care if I had to wait for all these boys to get their adolescence and immaturity out of their systems. I wanted my Prince Charming , and I'd wait as long as it took for him. My childhood dreams of my Prince Charming used to have Flex's face. Now he was just a blurry face. It certainly wasn't Andres , and his man w***e ways. He'd slept with just one of my friends in the past , so I suppose he wasn't as bad as Flex. But maybe that was what this was. It was his turn to try and break into the nerdy group.
He makes his way over to me , a big smile on his face. Looking down, I put my head in my book. I was hoping it would put him off coming over to me. But instead I hear the chair at the side of me scrape across the floor. " Hey Maya , what you doing ?" He says loudly , and chirpy. Not the right time or place for that sort of loudness. A few hushes come our way from people around us and it makes me cringe. He chuckled under his breath " People are so touchy, eh Maya ?" Still no quieter , looking up, I glanced around, giving people the most apologetic face I could muster. I didn't want this guy here as much as they did. " They're trying to study as am I " I whispered to him.
I looked his way and he was grinning at me. His hand came up and stroked his chin. He finally quietens his voice, but he also moved in closer to me. " I have the feeling you don't like me much " he says, amused. The instant reaction was to deny it , so I found myself shaking my head and whispering " I don't not like you, I don't know you". He nods and gets closer , so I move back. " You've been dodging me and getting the friend of yours to block our paths. I only want to talk to you, Maya . I'm not the bogeyman " I felt my brows draw in as I looked at him. " What is it you want to talk to me about exactly? You've never spoken to me unless it's to join in on his mockery. So forgive me if I find your sudden interest a little bizarre. Unless " I say, as a thought hits me. " Unless your trying to get me to do your homework too like him , if that's the case, don't waste your breath, I'm not doing it ".
He sits back, raising his hands up. " Hey, not what I'm here for. I have already done all of my assignments. Can't a guy just suddenly realize how beautiful a girl is ?" Yea , I wasn't buying that. And even if he was telling the truth , I wasn't about to be another victory or a notch whatever he sees girls as. " I'm not interested in that either, I know you bad boy types. I've seen the montage of girls you go through , so if your finished please go. So I can finish my work ". He doesn't get up and go like I had hoped he would. Instead, his eyes narrow , not in a nasty type of way. More like trying to figure me out.
" Or maybe , I am the wrong type of bad guy for you. Maybe I need a lip ring and my name should be Flex. " I'm gobsmacked by the accusation. I mean was this guy for real ? I'm about to tear into him when he holds his hand up to stop me. " All I'm saying is , I remember when you guys were so tight. Everyone does , heck Flex once threatened to beat my ass because I called you cute in kindergarten. You two were like an inseparable duo. Flex wouldn't play with us unless you were involved in playing with trucks and s**t. Then one day, poof, all of that disappeared and you two became like arch enemies. Now, back then, we were all too young to really give a dam , but now I think about it. What would separate such an inseparable pair ? "
I felt like I was being integrated. " Was it one of you that didn't love the other back ? You know the puppy kind of love. Or did he hurt your feelings in some way or you his ? I mean, could all this hatred between you now just be love in hidden form or is it just one-sided now and you still love him hmmm ?" I felt my heart beating a little faster. But I played it off and scoffed. Picking up my pen, I nervously started tapping it on the table. Much to people around us finding me an annoyance, the dirty looks we were getting now were tenfold. " Don't be stupid , we fell out. He became a jerk, no hidden feelings or anything involved. I am not into Flex. Why would I be ? He's a jerk and he's awful to me. He's a bigger male w***e than you. I just want a guy that isn't an asshole and isn't penning off every girl's name in his little black book like there's a prize at the end of it. Guess what, it will probably be an STD well done ".
I know libraries are meant to be quiet. But there was literally no sound of pens scribbling, keys tapping, nothing. Looking around, everyone was staring at us. With like ohh what will he say back sort of looks , a few girls had amused smiles on there faces. I seriously wanted the ground to swallow me up. Sometimes my mouth ran away from me. He burst out laughing and slapped his hand down on the desk, making me jump. " Oh, I like you. You're fun. Well, now that's cleared up. I guess I'll just have to prove to you that I'm not talking to you just for my black book. Sometimes people change Maya , all I have got to do is prove to you. That is what I have done. So , see you around beautiful ".
He hops up off of the chair and walks out of the library. Meanwhile, I had everyone staring at me. I buried my head in my arms on the table and groaned. What the hell is happening in my life right now? I didn't want him proving anything to me. I just wanted him to leave me alone.
Later that day there were hearts stuck on my locker , all saying Maya is beautiful from A with a kiss. Everyone was walking past pointing and gossiping about it. I quickly ripped them off and when I turned to walk off down to the hall and away from my locker. I came to a dead stop. Flex was standing a few lockers down staring at me. And the ripped off hearts in my hand that I was planning to dump in the bin. His face was blank , but his eyes bore into me. He pushes off of the locker with his shoulder and walks past me.
Then at lunch, when I was sitting with all of my friends, Andres walked past and placed a muffin in front of me and winked. Before, he walked off to his own table with all the guys sitting at it. And pretty much all the school watched him do it. These guys always had eyes on them , so, of course, people would see it. And then they all bent their heads gossiping. Not Flex though , he had that same blank expression as he stared right at me. It made me uncomfortable so I looked down. " What is he playing at ? I heard about the library this morning. Also, I'd like to add I'm proud of you. People are saying you called him a man w***e , him an Flex and said they've got an STD ", Sara laughed. I sigh at how twisted gossip made things. " I didn't quite say it like that ", I tell her. But she waves her hand and rolls her eyes. " Semantics , I'm just happy your telling him to buzz off. Something smells fishy with the all of a sudden attention he has towards you. Not that your not beautiful May , but why now ? "
I wasn't mad or offended. Because I was thinking the exact same thing. While I was trying to eat my lunch , I had that feeling. You know the one where you feel someone is watching you. While the girls threw around ideas of what it could be , ideas from a bet to him being bored. All sorts of things , I glanced up and saw the feeling was coming from Flex. He was still watching me . His eyes glanced down at the muffin that was still sitting in front of me , then back at me. I don't know why I did it , but I pushed it away from me and put it in front of Sara. When I looked back up , he smirked at me like he was pleased and then he finally looked away. I felt like I could breathe again. Flex, was intense. I don't know what was happening , but I wanted it to stop. I like being invisible. And all of this, with Andres , was making it hard for me to be that. A few days of me ignoring anything else he might do, he should do it. These guys had short attention spans when it came to girls. I just had to wait him out, then I could go back to being invisible and all of this would just be a blip.
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