The chick wouldn't stop rambling on in my ear as I stormed down the hall. s**t , I'd tell her to shut up , if I could just remember her name. I was already in a fowl f*****g mood. For one , Derek , my mum's boyfriend, won't stop riding my ass about college applications. And for two just seeing her , well it made my blood boil. Now she was chatting on and on about some new diner that was opening in town and that we should go for dinner there together tonight. I didn't want to eat with her. I didn't want to think about college and I certainly didn't want to see her.
Maya , the sooner this school year was over and she disappeared the better. " So what do you think flex , everyone's going. They're giving away free burgers and shakes for the opening day", she continues at my side. Despite the fact, I have yet to answer her once. It was nearly time to cut this chick loose. Set her aside and find a new one , one that hopefully won't get on my nerves. Turning the corner heading for class , I saw Mr Turner, standing outside arguing with my English teacher, Mrs Flint. " If you publish this grade of his, then he'll get kicked off of the team. We have the biggest year in school history. We need him on the team". I already knew who they were talking about. Me. Mr Turner was my coach.
Mrs Flint goes to argue back , but as she opens her mouth she sees me walking down the hall. Her expression turns to frustration. " Mr Turner , I can not lie about his grades. The only way I won't publish this grade , is if he actually hands in all his assignments by the end of next week. I've already had this argument with him. The assignments make up seventy percent of his grade. Without them there is nothing I could do but to fail him. So why don't you tell him to get his work done " she pointed at me, and the coach turned and saw me standing there. My group of friends all around me are listening in on their conversation.
Coach sighs , his scowl turns to me and Mr Turner was a scary dude when pissed off. " Flex follow me " he snapped and walked off in the direction of the gym. It was either stay and listen to this chick chew my ear off some more , or go get my ass chewed by the coach. I mean none of them was what I wanted to do. But I chose to follow the coach. Football was probably one of the only things that got me excited. I knew I was failing English , but I didn't think my grades would get me kicked off the team.
When we got to his office , he threw off the cap he was wearing onto the desk and sits in his chair. He pointed to the other chair. " Sit ", he ordered. I hated getting told off , or told I was lacking. I'd had plenty of that to last me a f*****g lifetime. " Flex , I told all of you guys at the beginning. Football is a privilege. You skip some classes in order to practise and, because of that, you have to keep the grades in the core subjects. Math , English. It's not hard Flex, just two subjects you have to keep up with. Then this morning, I got my star players report landing on my desk saying he's smashing math , but in English he's failing. What is happening kid ?" He looks at me with concern. Coach was cool , one of the only adults besides her mum I felt I could open up to and talk to.
" Maths comes easy for me, coach. Numbers just make sense . I struggle with English. These assignments are not like I didn't try to do them. I did. But they were s**t , sorry crap coach and I threw them out". I corrected my swearing when he gave me a stern look. The coach could hack swearing on the field but not anywhere else. " Wouldn't just handing them in have been better than handing nothing in at all ?" He says, raising a brow. When I don't answer, he sighs and sits forward , putting his arms on the desk. " Look Flex , I know your still adamant you don't want to go to college. But if you mess up football now, this is the most crucial season we've had. Thanks to you and this team we have now , we've hit the big league. This is the year scouts will come from colleges. If your not on the pitch, how will they see you play? To maybe change your mind and go pro ball , while taking an academic subject on the side for when ball is done. Son , you're off the pitch all week and on the mat, no wrestling either , you will get those assignments done. I don't want to hear it flex. If I don't see at least one of those assignments done in two days , I'll call your mom. Meanwhile, I'll work on an extension. It won't be a long one flex, maybe a week , so get your ass in gear "
He got up and ordered me to go to the library for the day to get s**t done, after I called past Mrs Flints class and picked up all the assignment sheets I needed. Four f*****g assignments, in a week or no ball. How the f**k was I going to do that? Walking down the hall , my mood was worse than it was this morning. Ball and wrestling were all I f*****g liked about school, the only reason I came.
As I rounded the corner to go to the library , I saw her back as she walked and turned into the library. I knew it was her , I'd recognize her anywhere. Great she was going to the library too. Then a genius f*****g idea hit me. She was smart as s**t. Like top student f*****g smart.
If I could get her to do these f*****g things for me , I could spend my week. I don't know, finding another girl to hang with in the sheds. If the coach was kicking me out of all classes to get this s**t done. Well, I could have a relaxing week. A decision was made that she was going to do these things for me. I felt my mood lighten a little. Just had to go tell her that's what was happening. Going into the library, I looked for her at the tables where students go to do their work. She wasn't there , but I saw her bag sitting on top of one of them. Wandering down to the book isles , I found her right down at the bottom, there was no one else down there , perfectly timed.
Stalking down, she didn't see me , she already had a book pulled out and her head was down reading it. The sweet smell she had always had since a kid wafted up my nose and took over my senses for a second. Until I shook my head and ignored the f*****g thing. I got right in front of her and she still didn't know I was there. " Maya " I said lowly to her. She glanced up and when she saw it was me standing there she stumbled back and fell onto the shelves behind her. The book in her hand fell to the floor. She put one hand upon her chest. " Flex you dickhead " she panted.
" Dont swear " I snapped , f**k knows why. It just came out. Like I was her f*****g parent or something. Swearing didn't suit her though , she was a goody goody. She looked at me gone out , a scowl on her face. " What do you want ?" she asked. Bending down, she picked the book back up, then plastered herself back against the shelf. Like she needed to be as far away from me as possible. " I need you to do these for me ", I told her, and thrust the sheets of paper at her. She didn't reach for them or take them off of me. She was looking at them like they were laced with poison or something. " What are they ?" She asked instead.
" My English assignments for last year , I have a week, maybe two, to hand them all in. You can do them for me" I know I sounded like an asshole. Truth was , I had turned into one. I know I had. I had a part to play, a reputation to keep , and I had gotten used to people just doing s**t for me now. So when she scoffed out a laugh and shook her head , then went to leave. Well, it threw me for a second. Until I realised she was leaving , so I moved quickly and stood in her way. " I'm being serious , I need you to do this so I won't fail English", I told her.
" Why the f**k is that my problem, Flex ? You should have done your assignments just like the rest of us. " She spat up at me. I found myself walking into her , which made her walk backwards to get away from me. Until her back hit one of those shelves again. I don't even know why I was doing it. When her back hit the shelf, I bent down , so my face was smack bang in front of hers. " Stop f*****g cursing " I said quietly. She takes in a deep breath and I can tell she's about to chew me out. " Ssshhh were in the library Maya, you wouldn't want to be caught down in the quiet area with me , I mean you know the conclusion people will come to, don't you. Given who I am", I smirked at her.
Her eyes widen and she looks up at the isle in fear. Making sure someone wasn't already there. " Do them yourself. I'm not doing them " she whisper shouted at me. Getting closer to her , I moved my head so my lips went near her ear. This close to her, that sweet f*****g smell overpowered all of my senses. " Yea you will " I said against her ear. Then I pulled back and turned and stomped off. Away from her and the sweetness. Maya was the thorn in my side. The one thing I didn't let myself want. The one person I would keep the f**k away from no matter how much her muddy brown eyes called to me.
She had no idea how much I had loved her as a f*****g kid. She was my best friend and she was the girl I had immaturely dreamed of spending my life with. Not anymore , not after everything that had happened. What she had said , and the things she didn't even know about. Over time, my love for her had turned to something else. Loathing , annoyance and one thing I wouldn't admit. Not ever. Maybe I should find someone else to just do the f*****g assignments for me. Why I even thought about involving her back in my life I don't know. I had plenty of other people in this school that would do this s**t for me. I got three other people to do three of the assignments by the end of the day. But I kept hold of one.
I argued with myself all day about the thought that stuck in my brain. That she needed to do at least one of them. Maybe it was because she refused me in the first place. Like I said, I was used to getting what I wanted now. That's the reason I told myself and I was sticking with it anyway. So later that night, when I saw her bedroom light on. I did something stupid.
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