My eyes became wide open as my tongue lost words to say. Mr. Carter swallowed hard before standing up and flashing mum a bitter smile.
The most scary part was the knife mum was holding, as if she would s***h us if we dared lie to her.
"What did you mean by your question? Isn't it a normal thing to do? Especially when she just came back from the hospital and I heard from her conversation that she's going to tutor a colleague? Don't you think it necessary to bathe?" He played it cool.
Mum's gaze took a second before softening, and she nodded twice.
"True, you should take your bath," she gestured toward my room and walked back to the kitchen.
I held my heart, which was bumping out. I'd seen many people lie, but Mr. Carter seemed different. He seemed to know how to lie naturally, all words com……
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