After work, I go to the club that Sam has asked me to join with him and the interns. He had texted me the time and place earlier at work. I left while Mark was still in his office. He was still busy with work. I am still sad and I think that the drinks will be a good thing to take my mind off of things. My father is away for business. He left this morning, so that means I also have the house to myself.
I step into the club, there are a lot of people outside trying to get inside but Sam is standing by the door waiting for me. I was able to skip a long line. The music is blaring and the strobe lights with different colors are shining on us. Sam takes my hand in his and he leads the way towards the VIP Section.
"VIP section huh?" I call out to Sam over the loud music. He looks over at me.
"Yes" he winks at me. We reach our table and the other interns are already seated with their drinks.
"Hey" I say. They are all greet me, I take a seat next to Sam and Amber.
"So how is it being an assistant to MR Stern?" Amber asks me with her drink in her hand.
"Its pretty much stressful" I say, because it kind of is with my crush on him.
"I can imagine, working for someone as hot as him" She shakes her head as if imagining it.
"Would you like a drink?" Sam asks me.
"Yes, Margarita please" I say. A huge part of me is still feeling sad. Maybe I won't even be much of company with them. Sam calls a waiter over that works in the club to serve drinks in the VIP section and he places our orders.
" I'm happy that you could join us" Sam says, "With Mr Stern always showing up spoils the fun of getting to know my friend more". He smiles.
"I totally agree" I say "He annoys me when he does that, I think we should hang out more often outside of working hours" I shrug.
"I won't say no to that" Amber says. Then she turns her attention back to Jonathan, one of the other interns. He seems to be more on the quiet side, with his black framed glasses. He is handsome though. Our drinks arrive and I take a sip of mine.
"I cannot wait for this week to end. Web designing has become more demanding now at Sternpoint. Today MR Stern was in a very bad mood, he usually returns my greetings when we would walk past each other, but this is a side to him that I never thought he had in him", Amber says.
"When I was at work before he arrived, I heard that he was in a heated argument, so I'm not sure what it was about because I couldn't really hear. When he entered his office, he looked frustrated and after that his mood was different", I say.
"I wonder if there isn't trouble in paradise" Amber says in thought.
"What do you mean?" I ask her, curious to know.
"I'm just thinking, either trouble in paradise or someone screwed up work wise" she says. Well, I know that Mark doesn't have a girlfriend or wife, because they would've mentioned it to me by now but both Mark and my father haven't.
"Well, I know he works hard, so that could be it" I say.
"Let me know not to be in his sight when he is in such a mood, it's better to steer away" Amber says.
After a while, we order more drinks and I feel like I'm tipsy already. We laugh and enjoy each other's conversations. I was enjoying myself. " Isn't that MR Stern?" Sam asks, pointing in the direction where he sees Mark. I look in the direction and there Mark is, walking past our VIP section talking to another man, but he doesn't see us. All of my happiness just disappeared because I'm reminded of how he treated me today.
As tipsy as I am, I get up from my seat. Our VIP sections are up stairs, so the bar is downstairs. I am going to get myself another drink. "I am getting another drink and I need the walk", I say to Sam. He just nods but still looks at me with concern.
I walk purposefully past Mark's VIP Section because I can see them sitting there. I keep my gaze ahead of me as I walk past. Before I get to the bar, I feel a hand grip my arm. Immediately I look around and I look up into Mark's infuriating gaze.
"What are you doing here?" he grits through his teeth. "Have you been drinking?" he asks.
"I am here with friends and, yes I have been drinking" I say.
"You should go home" he says, still gripping my arm.
"I am not a child anymore, and you cannot tell me what I cannot do", I yank my arm free from his grip.
"Your father is out of town so, I will keep an eye on you" he says.
"Wow, after all these years" I scoff. He looks hurt, but I don't care at that moment.
"I am here now, am I not?" he says.
"Too late for that now" I say. I start to fall over my feet, but Mark holds me in place.
"I think I should get you home" he says.
"No, I want to stay, my friends will worry about me" I say.
"I will take care of it."
"Everything okay?" Sam is now by our side.
"Gray-Lynn has had too much to drink so I am going to take her home. I will take her car", Mark says.
All I know is that I am being thrown over Mark's shoulder, my ass in the air. I just enjoy this moment because Mark is carrying me and he will be taking me home. We will be alone.
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